"Ymir's matter will not be reported. I have already explained this to Levi and the others. Because it is a serious matter, only a few of us know about it for the time being. You should know what to do specifically. The main problem now is how to lure out those people who have infiltrated the wall from Marley......."Erwin's eyes were sharp.

Hearing this, Ronan nodded and said,"We can't be sure whether they have sneaked into the city. Even though we know their appearance and personnel configuration through Ymir's description, we are still too passive. But as long as we can simulate the appearance of a few people, all problems will be solved."


Hearing this, Erwin fell silent. It was not because Ronan was wrong, but because he was too right. He almost said everything he wanted to say. He was very sad and had no choice but to climb down the pole and said seriously:

"I thought so too, so I'll have to trouble you a bit. Please draw the appearance of those Marleyan warriors as soon as possible based on Ymir's verbal description. They don't need to be exactly the same, as long as they are 50% or 60% similar."

"The leader means......"Ronan seems to have realized something

"Just as I thought, I will issue a nationwide wanted notice for these people!" Erwin said in a deep voice

"Lure the snake out of its hole?......!"

Ronan murmured,"I'll do it right away."~"

"Well, thank you for your hard work.~"

"This is what I should do."

He turned around and walked out of the office. Ronan agreed with Erwin's plan. Although he already knew the situation of the Marley team and had turned from passive to active to a certain extent, if the other party did not show up for a day, it would be a huge hidden danger for the regime inside the wall, which was still in a turbulent period.

He must take the initiative to lure them out, otherwise many subsequent tasks would not be able to be fully carried out.

As for Ymir, the fewer people who knew her identity, the better, so it was impossible to ask a painter, and Ronan could only rely on himself.

Thinking of Erwin's words of comfort just now, Ronan wanted to laugh. As long as he wanted, five or six points of similarity would not matter. He could even draw the appearance of Reiner and the other two completely, it just took some time.

This was the fact. In the next few days, he focused on painting. Ronan's painting skills have risen sharply, and the extent of his progress has shocked Ymir and Petra so much that they are speechless.

In just five days, Ronan worked tirelessly to study and forgot to eat and sleep, and he painted the portraits of Reiner, Hoover, and Ani. With his current level, he should pay attention to restore the similarity to more than 90%, but he did not do so and only drew 60% to 70% of the similarities.

You can't act too evil, and you have to keep a low profile in everything.

Little did they know that even this level of skill shocked everyone. After another three days of preparation and contacting relevant newspapers and printing companies, these three wanted notices appeared in all the streets and alleys except the inland areas under the propaganda and agitation of the Corps.

Even some small villages have been affected, and the scope is not small.

The fist has been thrown, and the next step is It depends on whether the opponent accepts it.

In order to prepare for the next possible battle, the Survey Corps has been on high alert.

With a total of nearly 1,000 troops, except for some personnel who were borrowed to maintain social stability and the personnel left behind in various garrisons, all gathered in the Elumiha District, ready to deal with the major events that are about to break out.

The atmosphere is very tense!

Although most of the members don’t know the reason, it does not prevent them from perceiving the surrounding atmosphere.

For several days in a row, there was peace and stability.

Everything seemed to be ineffective, but Ronan knew that once Reiner and the other two had sneaked into the wall and saw these wanted notices, after some thought, they would immediately think of Ymir. They couldn’t just sit there and do nothing!

Now the portraits are only 60 to 70% similar, and then... After a period of time, the similarity may be 80%, or even 90%, and then they really can no longer carry out activities in the wall as humans.

They are unwilling to blindly attack the city wall after seeing the combat power of the Survey Corps. At least with the combat power of the three of them, the consequences of doing so are very serious and the risk is too great, unless Marley can provide some assistance.

But the emperor is far away, and the news cannot be passed on. In a short period of time, they will definitely not get help from Marley, and they can only rely on themselves.

Everything depends on a thought!

At this time, in the northern city of Rose Wall ~ Stohais District, three boys and girls with their faces hidden in hoods lined up at the front to receive relief food. After receiving the bread, they turned and walked towards the alley not far away. When their eyes touched the portraits pasted on the wall, their eyes shrank. The heartbeat speed increased.

There were many discussions in my ears.......

"The Survey Corps is really generous this time. As long as they can catch these three wanted criminals, they will not only be given the right to live in the mainland, but also receive a large reward. To be honest, I'm tempted!"

"Action is worse than thought. Go find it.~"

"Forget it. This kind of thing depends on fate. If I encounter it, I will definitely take action. I have had enough of this damn place."

"That's right. Who knows if our city wall will be breached one day? That would be a disaster. It's better to stay in the mainland. Being by the king's side, safety is guaranteed."

"Alas, it’s a pity that I can’t find them. God knows where these three guys ran off to."

"Just be careful, it depends on luck."

"Also correct......"

Hearing these words, the three of them couldn't help but quicken their pace, causing the people around them to look at them, but they didn't pay too much attention, and they talked about their desire for bounties and the right to survive in the mainland again.

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