After passing the inland area, there was no more obstruction. The convoy moved forward at full speed towards the Stohais area, traveling overnight, and stopped at 20 kilometers from its entrance to rest on the spot.

According to intelligence, the Marley trio is now mostly in the Stohais area, which means that there is a considerable threat there!

After a long period of uninterrupted travel, the corps is exhausted and can only exert 70% of its combat power at most. What they are facing now are three intelligent giants, which is extremely dangerous!

Erwin, who understood this, made a prompt decision and announced that they would rest on the spot.


Ronan's team sat around the fire, staring at the flames, feeling its warmth, all with a look of enjoyment on their faces.

The aroma of food wafting from the iron pot hanging above the fire made everyone drool. They had been in a hurry and had no time to sit down and have a good meal. Now that they had the conditions, they were looking forward to it.

Even the members of other teams around them looked over from time to time with envy.

It's great to have a woman who can cook in the team, so they don't have to eat dry food~

Auluo and the others noticed these looks and glared at the surroundings like hounds guarding their food.

The meaning was very clear, these were all from their team, and no one else was allowed to come.

In this atmosphere......


Ronan suddenly drew out his two swords, causing everyone around him to stand up subconsciously, put their hands on the hilts, and looked around. The other teams also did the same thing and immediately entered the battle state.

This is the Survey Corps, and its eliteness is unmatched by other corps.

"Sorry, I just wanted to wipe the knife~" Ronan smiled embarrassedly.

This caused Elder and Oruo, as well as the members of other teams around them, to look helpless, but they were relieved in their hearts.

They did not want a fight to happen, and it would be best if the whole process went smoothly.

"Rookie, scaring others can kill them." Oruo complained.

Before Ronan could respond, Ymir said with contempt:"It's obviously you who are timid.~"

""Little girl, what did you say?!" Oruo was like a cat whose tail was stepped on, and his fur suddenly exploded.

"I say, you guys are too timid~" Ymir was not afraid at all.

She leaned towards Petra.......

This caused Petra to be speechless for a while, but when she thought of Ymir's identity, she smiled apologetically to everyone.

"I just hide beside Petra. I really hate this kid~" Oruo said underestimatingly.

Elde and Gunda beside him looked a little helpless:

"Say less~

"Ronan is still here, you are asking for a beating...."

Looking at the malicious smiles of his two friends, Oluo froze:"Rookie, you know, I'm not talking about you~"

"I don't know~" Ronan joked.

He put down his two swords, reached out to take the hot soup handed over by Petra, drank a sip, and showed an expression of enjoyment:

"Petra, whoever marries you in the future will be blessed to eat such delicious food every day.~"

"Eat more and stop talking nonsense!"

With a red face, Petra stuffed two loaves of bread baked by the fire into Ronan's arms, causing Elder and the others to immediately shout that it was unfair.

Ymir started to talk about it with a hint of jealousy, causing Petra to blush even more.

The atmosphere suddenly became lively.

Feeling all this, Ronan showed a faint smile at the corner of his mouth. He liked this atmosphere and wanted the team to keep it this way.

At the same time, in the command center at the front of the convoy~

"There are still more than three hours until dawn. As soon as it gets light, we will go directly to the Stohais District!" Erwin said seriously.

He no longer had the confusion he had before. He had always been very dissatisfied with the corruption of the royal government, but hidden deep in his heart, everything was to protect his useful body and realize his ideals and goals.

Moreover, the top priority now is to resolve external hidden dangers, capture the Marley warriors inside the wall, or directly kill them. Only in this way can we devote ourselves to the relevant reforms inside the wall.

That's right, even though he knew from Ymir that the king he had always believed in was not so noble and great, Erwin still had certain expectations for him, and he was not completely determined to revolt, overthrow, and rebuild!

What if Ymir was deceiving himself and made up some stories to alienate the factional relations within the wall?!

Erwin also thought about this possibility, and used it as a basis. Comfort.

At this time, hearing Erwin's order, the other people in the command center nodded in understanding. Among them, Hanji hesitated for a while, and finally asked:"Captain, why didn't you let Ronan come in to attend the meeting? With his level, he is qualified to participate~"

Others were also a little curious.

In their hearts, Ronan is undoubtedly a comrade with a promising future and strong ability. His novel and unique way of thinking, which is not controlled by inertial thinking, always makes people feel bright, and he is loyal enough to the Corps.

The key is to be strong enough and be a comrade who can be trusted!

After all, the Survey Corps is different from the other three major corps. Personal combat power is extremely important. If you can't survive in the battle, then no matter how excellent you are in other aspects, it will not be of much use!

"He needs to take care of Ymir~" Erwin said bluntly. He had mixed feelings towards Ronan.

On the one hand, he admired Ronan's amazing potential, planning and associative ability, and on the other hand, he was shocked by Ronan's evildoer.

These things were not something a 14-year-old boy could think of and do.

Erwin had thought about whether there was a mastermind behind Ronan, and he investigated it, but found nothing. It was only that the doctor named Grisha seemed to have some problems with his identity, but he had lived inside the wall for such a long time without committing crimes or being too outstanding.......

Instead, he saved countless patients, which made Erwin no longer spend more energy on Grisha.

Although it was unbelievable, there was only one conclusion, that is, Ronan was so outstanding and evil.

Can he really control such a person?

Erwin asked himself from time to time, Ronan was ambitious and had many ideas of his own. When he was still in office, he could barely suppress him, but once he was no longer in this position, or Ronan was promoted to a higher position, everything would be hard to say.

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