"city...Why is there a giant in the city!!!"

"Run! The giant is coming to town!"

"Giant! The giant is coming!!!"



With a deafening crash, the gate that was sealed by the solid stone was directly knocked out with a hole nearly five meters wide and more than ten meters high.

A giant covered with armor suddenly appeared in the city. On the right, the female giant moved quickly and rushed over.

Together with the pure giants that were led from outside the wall by the armored giant, the entire Stohais District was in chaos.

Faced with this sudden attack, the Survey Corps quickly adjusted their mentality after the initial panic and began to attack the giants entering the city according to the previous arrangements and plans.

As for the garrison corps and the peripheral members of the military police, they were stunned.

Especially the latter, facing the living giants, they froze in place, their faces full of horror, and even those who were even more unbearable were scared to pee their pants. It is really hard to imagine that such a thing would be the top ten when the training corps graduated! There is no need to say how many talents the military police destroyed.

Standing on the wall, seeing all this, Erwin looked grim. He knew that this plan was very unfair to the civilians in the Stohais area, but there was no other way. If they wanted to avoid being discovered, these civilians had to keep their hands off. For the sake of long-term peace and stability within the wall, necessary sacrifices were inevitable........Erwin said he was unlucky!

He immediately commanded the members of the corps to launch a fierce attack on the giants.

In this case, Ronan led his team members down from the carriage and stood on the wall, watching Levi still fighting with the female giant, and did not immediately join the battle.

Seeing this, Oruo, Elder and Gunda were very puzzled.

"Ronan, isn't it time for us to join the battle?"

"Yes, just standing here and watching is not our team’s style!"

""Rookie, you're not scared, are you~"

Ronan didn't respond immediately.

He looked calm, his eyes constantly scanning the battlefield.

The Armored Titan had already appeared, and the Female Titan had also joined the battle.

Now the only thing missing was the Colossal Titan.

When and where would the other party appear? He quickly simulated the battlefield in his mind and put himself into Hoover's thoughts.

Ronan felt that the other party would most likely launch an attack directly on where Ymir was after his teammates attracted their attention.

""The huge size, coupled with the boiling jet, is not easy~" Ronan thought.

Thinking of the ability of the Colossal Titan, Ronan suddenly felt it was difficult, but at this time, the arrow was on the string and had to be shot!

However, now the enemy is in the dark and he is in the light, the situation is very passive.

Forcibly suppressing the tension in his heart, Ronan turned his head and looked at the three Elders who were looking at him solemnly beside him:

"Don't worry, our battle will come soon.~"

""It's our battle?" The three were very confused.

But they found that although Petra and Ymir looked nervous, they didn't have any doubts at all, which made them even more confused.

Especially Ymir, who was obviously just a survivor rescued outside the wall, but she was able to live in the garrison of the corps, and seemed to have had contact with the commander and other high-level officials, and was highly valued~ What was even more puzzling was that Ymir also came with this operation, and stayed in the only luxurious carriage in the convoy.

No matter how you think about it, it is extremely incredible.

They didn't care much before, but now thinking about it, Oruo and the other two suddenly reacted........

This Ymir......There is a problem!!!

However, reality did not give them a chance to think more. With the female titan not interested in fighting and with her own crystallization ability, the captain alone would definitely not be able to stop her! If the captain could not stop her, the others would have no chance at all. The members of the Survey Corps along the way were directly disrupted by the rampaging female titan and could not organize an effective offensive.

""The reserve team, go up and stop her!" Erwin sent the last fifty people up.

Seeing the members being trampled to death by the giants, or being thrown to death on the city wall by the giants, he felt very distressed. These were the elite members accumulated over the years. If one died, it would be one less.~~~

The difficulty of retraining is undoubtedly extremely great, at least several times the number of lives will be sacrificed!

There is no way, the Survey Corps is like this, the casualty rate has always been high!

"Ronan, we~?!"Elder asked again.

The reserve team's combat power was definitely not as good as the main team. Even though there were fifty people, they were still unable to stop the female giant, and the casualties were extremely heavy!

"Keep waiting~!"Ronan said in a deep voice.

He didn't want to see so many people sacrificed, but they rushed over directly, which might just be what the other party wanted.

Once Ymir was taken away or killed directly, the whole plan would fail!

Looking at Ronan's stern face at this time, Elder chose to obey and also grabbed Gunda and Oro in time.

At this time, he chose to believe Ronan!

"Don't worry, it'll be fine!" Petra comforted Ymir, who was stiff all over.

This made the latter feel better immediately, but she was still a little unable to support herself.

This was the first time she had seen such a bloody scene, and it reminded her of some unbearable experiences. She had no strength at all.

Seeing this scene, Ronan did not speak, and his eyes shifted to the battle situation again in a timely manner.

Although the reserve team's fearless style could not completely stop the pace of the female giant's advance, it also slowed down her pace, allowing Levi to catch up and display his strong personal ability.

While the female giant was not paying attention, he cut off her ankle directly to prevent her from moving forward.

On the city wall, the launchers hidden in the supply vehicles immediately aimed at the position of the female giant.

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