In the following days, the Stohais district gradually became stable, and the people returned. Although they were still frightened by the previous battle between the Survey Corps and the Titans, they did not want to leave their homes, and they were unable to settle down in other areas. They could only choose to accept it and comfort themselves in their hearts. The big hole that was hit by the Armored Titan was also repaired overnight.

Of course, it will still need to be reinforced and renovated later. Now it is just roughly filled in to prevent the entry of the Pure Titans outside the wall.

So far, the Survey Corps' mission in the Stohais district has come to an end.

There were some changes in the operation, but overall, it was still within the acceptable range. After all, this time, they successfully captured the female Titan, and there were not many casualties among the people in the city, and their own casualties did not exceed 40%.......

Compared with previous operations, the losses this time were undoubtedly much smaller, which was an acceptable result.

However, without reporting, most of the forces of the Corps were mobilized, and the Titans were brazenly fighting in the city. All this was done without the knowledge of the royal government. Erwin will definitely face certain accountability.

But now, apart from Erwin, there is no one else in the Survey Corps who is qualified to be the leader. If someone from other corps is transferred in, the members of the Corps will not be convinced. In addition, the Survey Corps has recently changed its leader.......

Therefore, the position of Captain Erwin will not be passive, but necessary punishment or questioning is inevitable.

Ronan could not avoid this.

For several days, after the Corps dealt with the follow-up matters, they set out on their way home.

Ronan was still assigned to the middle position of the convoy, leading the members of the team and responsible for the safety of the carriage where Ymir was.

In this sensitive period, Ymir must not have any problems.

Right in front of them was the carriage that escorted Annie, and its importance was beyond doubt.

In front of this carriage, Captain Levi led the team to protect it. In the carriage, Sanmao, as a direct escort member, stayed with Annie, who was tied up and completely unable to move.

The three strongest combat forces of the Survey Corps gathered around, which shows how much the Corps values Annie!

Although they have fought with the intelligent giants, only a few people participated in the action of Annie being dug out from the back of the neck of the female giant, so most of the Corps members did not know that the three-headed giant was transformed from a human.

There are so many members in the Corps, and they are all talkative. Such confidential information must not be spread out immediately, otherwise it will easily cause panic.

At least now is not the best time to announce it!

Therefore, Oluo and his companions did not know this, and were very curious about the carriage in front of them.

"Who is imprisoned in there? They have to be guarded by the three strongest men in the army!" Oruo watched the carriage moving steadily in front of him with curiosity in his eyes.

Gunda, who was guarding beside him on horseback, was also puzzled:"From the impression I have, it seems that no one has been caught?"

"Indeed, I don't know when he was captured, and who he is?" Oruo echoed.

Hearing the conversation between the two, Ronan hesitated for a moment, but finally did not speak.

Some things, knowing them will become pressure or confuse people.

Without noticing the abnormal state of Ronan, Oruo continued to chat with Gunda.

Under the attention of a large number of people on both sides of the street, the convoy slowly drove to the entrance of Wall Rose.

Witnessing the terrifying combat power of the Survey Corps in the battle with the Titans, the eyes cast by the people were full of awe and excitement.

However, before the Corps left the Stohais District, as soon as they arrived at the entrance, they were stopped at the city gate by a team of personnel whose equipment was obviously different from that of the four major corps.

"That is......?"Oluo frowned, as if recalling something.

Gunda beside him immediately remembered and said with disgust:"Central Military Police Corps vs. Human Forces!"

"Why are these guys here~"

Elder, who noticed the situation ahead, rushed over from the back of the carriage and asked:"Captain, these guys are very bad. If you are negligent or say bad things later, please try to restrain yourself~"

Central Military Police Corps vs Human Forces!

As the name suggests, its main responsibility is to deal with the humans inside the wall, specifically those unstable factors that are not conducive to social stability.

As a special force directly under the king, its equipment is extremely sophisticated, much better than the four major corps, and even the Survey Corps on the front line of the battle with the giants. The elite level of its personnel is far from comparable to that of the Military Police Corps.

Although it is called the Military Police Corps on the surface, it is not the same as the Military Police Corps. The relationship between superiors and subordinates is that they are directly responsible to the king and do not need to consult the head of the gendarmerie when taking action! This team has a very bad reputation among the four major legions, because they act without scruples and use all possible means. As long as they can complete the task, they will not have any scruples.

Every time they appear, it basically represents killing and civilian casualties. It is a force with a strong bloody color.

Hearing Elder's words, Ronan nodded lightly:"I know~"

His expression was calm, his eyes were fixed on the man in front who was negotiating with Erwin, thinking:"Kenny Ackerman, the last descendant of the Ackerman family, has combat effectiveness that is not inferior to that of the captain. I didn't expect to see him so soon."

Looking at Levi at the right time, Ronan found that he did not show any unusual emotions. He narrowed his eyes and said nothing, just looking at him with interest.

Soon, it seemed that they had reached a consensus. Kenny led his men, led by Erwin, and approached the carriage where Annie was.

He glanced at the roofs around him. Although he could not see any figures, Ronan knew that there must be someone ambushing around.

"They are so cautious. It seems that the Reis family has made the threat very clear. I just wonder how they will deal with Ani?"Ronan thought.

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