"As you all said, the main task after this is reconstruction. We in the Survey Corps will naturally have no objection to this. We obey the instructions of the government and put the overall situation first."

When talking about the four words of the overall situation, Ronan deliberately emphasized his tone.

Hearing this, the conservative leaders headed by Neil Dek nodded in satisfaction, and there was a hint of inexplicable meaning in their eyes when they looked at Ronan.

There was ridicule, disdain, and appreciation.......

A man who knows the times is a hero~

Obviously, in the minds of these people, Ronan is a man who knows the times, and a fool who does not understand politics and power struggles.

Little did they know that Ronan had already memorized all these guys in his mind, waiting to settle the score later.

Erwin was very surprised by Ronan's speech, but soon, looking at Ronan's calm demeanor, he immediately came to his senses, and he was indeed immature just now, and almost made a big mistake.

"Bringing Ronan here is indeed a wise decision~" Erwin thought. He followed the trend without saying a word and tacitly agreed with Ronan's statement, which made the conservatives even more proud.

It is useless to fight well in a war. The key is to be able to fight for power and to gain the full trust of the king!

It was at this time that Darris Zachary, who had not spoken a word from beginning to end, said:"Since Captain Ronan has made a decision on behalf of the Survey Corps, and Captain Erwin has no objection, then it is decided. The focus of future work will shift to reconstruction."

After a pause, seeing that no one raised any objections, Zachary continued:"As for the reconstruction work, it will be organized by the Military Police and the Garrison Corps according to the functional assignment, and strive to restore everything to its previous state within two years. I wonder if the king has any objection to this?"

Not only Zachary, but everyone in the council hall focused their eyes on the king. Although some of them knew that the king was just a puppet, a fake, this did not prevent them from showing respect.

After all, what they respected was not the man in front of them, but the king of the city wall, the highest point of power, the symbol of the highest power.

Sensing the gazes of the crowd, the king seemed very calm, still with that indifferent attitude, without saying a word, just nodded lightly to show his agreement.

At this point, the proposal was officially passed.

The atmosphere in the council hall suddenly lost its tension and seemed relaxed.

The general direction has been formulated, and the rest are just some insignificant details.

Knowing this, Zachary looked at Erwin and Ronan at the right time:

"As the leaders of their respective fronts, both of you have made great contributions in this operation. The king has not ignored your contributions. He hereby awards Captain Erwin the First Class Military Medal. The Survey Corps will have the right to recruit soldiers independently, and the upper limit of the number of vacancies will be increased to 1,500. As for Captain Ronan,......"

Looking at Ronan meaningfully, Zachary continued,"In addition to the second-class military medal, I am hereby promoted to deputy commander of the corps, with an independent team of 300 people, and I am directly responsible to the king!"

"Independent organization!"Neil Dekker was shocked.

Looking at the face of Ronan who was too young, he admitted that he was jealous. Even the military police, who always thought they were around the king and were the most valued and relied on by the king, did not have the status of being directly responsible to the king. To a certain extent, they were restricted by Zachary.

"Could this be another Kenny Ackerman?!"

Not only Neil Dek, but everyone else in the council hall had this thought as well, and they all looked at Ronan differently.

Especially those ministers who knew Rhodes' identity, their eyes became much more eager.

They knew that Ronan had definitely become Rhodes' confidant and was closer to the center of power than they were.

Compared to the surprise, jealousy and envy of others, Erwin seemed relatively calm and didn't care about it at all. After all, from the moment Ronan was allowed to recruit and form a team of 100 people on his own, he already knew that all this would be made public sooner or later.

Now that it was laid out on the table, he naturally wouldn't be too surprised.

Instead, he felt relieved. In just over a year, Ronan had grown to where he is now. In his lifetime, he might really see the day when mankind is liberated.

Soon, everyone, no matter No matter what their emotions were, looking at Zachary's expression, they knew that this had already been a foregone conclusion, so they didn't say much, and acquiesced to this result.

But at this moment, everyone was clear about one thing, that is, Ronan was already a member of the powerful senior faction, and he was no longer just an insignificant figure following behind Erwin.

The most important thing is that Ronan is too young and his ability is so strong, and his future is limitless.

In the following time, everyone discussed and divided some specific resource allocation matters.

Ronan was not interested in these. He was just thinking about how to fill the establishment of 300 people and start implementing his own plan.

This royal government, which has been rotten to the root, is undoubtedly a major obstacle on the road ahead, and it must be"cured" as soon as possible~

Of course, the primary goal before that is to bring back the innocent giant that Dana Fritz has become.

"It seems like I haven't seen Hanji for a long time. After this meeting, I will go to the base to visit this old friend~" Ronan thought.

He still admired Hanji very much. As a combatant, her ability might not be particularly sufficient, but as a researcher, she is definitely an excellent existence.

As for the rewards and promotions he received after the expedition, he was naturally very satisfied. He was also somewhat surprised at Rhode's decisiveness. Who would have thought that the other party would directly give him the position of deputy leader.

Is he really not afraid that he will rebel?!

Or is he too confident?

Or is he trusting Kenny Ackerman and thinking that he can contain himself, or let Ronan contain Kenny Ackerman?

Ronan couldn't figure out Rhode's specific ideas yet, but from the current situation, everything was developing in a direction that was beneficial to him. When the gendarmerie and the garrison corps went to Wall Maria for reconstruction, the defense in the capital would definitely be relaxed.

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