After spending his first birthday in this world with his two families, Ronan was already fourteen years old.

The time for the conscription meeting was getting closer.

But Ronan did not feel any urgency, because he had already been included in the shortlist. He fully realized what it meant to"have someone in the court to make things easier."

As for how Hannes helped him get this qualification with the identity of an ordinary garrison soldier, it was not something Ronan needed to pay attention to now. He was now focusing more on practicing the"double-sword style."

With the gradual increase in arm strength, wrist strength and grip strength, coupled with his superhuman physique, every swing of the bamboo pole brought a sound of breaking through the air, which shocked passers-by.

Many of them had noticed Ronan's"playing" here from the beginning. Who knew that this behavior, which was regarded as an idle fool, would now show such power, and they felt slapped in the face.

Even his footsteps���It was much faster.

There was no other way. The sound was too scary. Even if it was just a bamboo pole, it would probably knock someone unconscious.

Fortunately, Ronan did not continue such high-intensity training.

After nearly half an hour, he stopped.

"This level is definitely enough for now. If we continue, the efficiency will be too low and the gains will not outweigh the losses."

Ronan, who understood this, looked at the sky, threw the bamboo pole under a big tree, and rushed to the area where the blacksmith shop was located. He ran very fast and kept running until he reached the door of the blacksmith shop at full speed.

He could hear the sound of iron hammering.

"Are you starting work so soon?"

I stepped into the shop, and a wave of heat immediately hit me. I saw Uncle Harry with his upper body exposed, hammering the red-hot iron block with concentration. Every time he hammered, sparks flew and waves of sound surged.

Compared with my own violent hammering, Harry's movements and amplitude were undoubtedly more powerful.

This had nothing to do with the size of the force, but mainly because of the visual relationship.

A well-proportioned 14-year-old boy and a muscular man forging iron together, the latter must have a more visual impact.


As the last hammer fell, Harry put the iron block, which had become hard again, back into the furnace, heaved a sigh of relief, and also discovered Ronan's figure, and laughed and scolded:

"The brat didn't even bother to tell me when he came. The scissors at home are broken. Your Aunt Martha has been complaining about it for a long time. I thought I would just make her a new pair. The preliminary work has been completed, and I will give it to you later."

With that, regardless of whether Ronan agreed or not, he strode out of the blacksmith shop, leaving Ronan speechless.

However, he soon entered the working state. Looking at the red iron blank that had been freed of impurities and could be forged into shape, Ronan sighed:

"Old ginger is still shrewd. Although my strength is much greater than Uncle Harry, I still can't do this step."

Then thinking of the task that he had put aside for a long time and almost forgotten, Ronan felt a little moved in his heart:"I don't know if the system will recognize the forging after the preliminary work is completed. Forget it, let's give it a try. If it doesn't succeed, just give up this task."

It's not that Ronan doesn't have perseverance, but he has tried dozens of times during this period of time. Every time he has tried his best to forge, the completion of the work is very good, but it has not met the requirements of the system.

Technical work still requires experience accumulation. It is obviously impossible to improve it to a very high level in a short period of time by talent alone.

And because the conscription meeting is about to start, if everything goes well, Ronan will enter the training corps, but he has no time to focus on matters such as blacksmithing, so he gradually forgot about this task.

Now that he is addicted to it again, Ronan decided to give it a try!

The forging process of scissors is still very simple, but it is relatively time-consuming, because everything has to be done by manpower, and it has not yet been completed. With tools like grinders, one can only hammer the softened iron into the shape one needs, and then grind it.

Having had dozens of experiences, Ronan is very familiar with this process, and it goes very smoothly.

The two scissors blades were quickly formed. After comparing the size, thickness, and the appropriateness of the drilling holes, Ronan suddenly had a feeling that he should be able to succeed this time. The subsequent grinding work was very boring, and pure manpower was extremely physically demanding.

Fortunately, Ronan's best strength and physical fitness are now, so this process went very smoothly.

Looking at the black blade in his hand, with a little cold light flashing on the edge......Scissors, Ronan nodded with satisfaction:"Is this the most outstanding work I have completed in recent times?"

As if in response to his words, the system prompt sounded in his ears at the right time:

"Ding, congratulations to the host for completing the achievement task [Enter the House], strength +3, coordination +3, weapon mastery +3!"

A series of comfortable feelings followed, and the physical and mental fatigue faded at a speed visible to the naked eye. I have become stronger again!

And I am not bald!

Touching his still lush hair, Ronan felt very relieved.

However, Ronan did not know that at this time, in the house opposite the blacksmith shop, Uncle Harry and Aunt Martha were discussing about him.......

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