Compared to Ronan's calmness, Uncle Harry was completely confused, especially after he figured out the relationship between Dina and Grisha, he was even more confused, with a hint of envy in his eyes, but was suppressed by Aunt Martha at the first time. I probably won't be able to sleep in the bed tonight.

How miserable!

After dinner, Ronan did not stay for long, but said goodbye and left directly, ready to go out for some exercise. These days, he was busy with the integration of the corps and the implementation details of a series of plans, and he didn't practice much. He felt that his body was rusty.

"I hope both uncles can have a good sleep tonight~"

While thinking, Ronan quickly returned to the base because the distance was not far and met Petra and the other two who were having dinner.

"Have you had dinner?" Petra asked with concern.

"I've eaten at home. You've all worked hard during this period~"

Looking at the depressed Christa, Ronan understood and said,"Have you met your father?"

"Well, my father asked me to beg you to spare his life." Herista didn't dare to look Ronan in the eye.

During this time, Petra had described the situation on Rhodes' side to Herista. After all, he would know it sooner or later, so it would be better to inform him in advance. If Herista could accept it, he would continue to stay here. If not, Ronan would not force him.

But he would definitely not put a time bomb around him.

Especially since this person was an orphan of the royal family inside the wall and had royal blood.

Fortunately, although Herista had been looking forward to Rhodes' recognition since he was a child, he did not show any extreme behavior after knowing what he had done. It's just that his interest has not been very high during this period.

Especially after meeting Rhodes today, it can be clearly seen that he is not particularly happy.

""Sorry, I can't guarantee that~" Ronan whispered.

The previous agreement with Zachary was to hand over Rhodes to him. Since he had already agreed and the other party had perfectly fulfilled the previous promise, Ronan would naturally not break his promise.

Hearing this, Herista's eyes darkened, but he didn't say anything.

Seeing this, Petra couldn't bear it and opened her mouth to say something, but was stopped by Ymir.

"You guys continue eating, I'll change my clothes and go to the training ground for a while. If you have any questions, just come find me there~"

Without waiting for a response, Ronan went upstairs, changed into clothes more suitable for sports, and went out.

Looking at Ronan's quickly departing back, Petra couldn't help but wonder:"Ymir, why didn't you let me speak just now?"

"Do you want to make things difficult for Ronan?" Ymir's expression was indifferent.

Although she sympathized with Christa very much and had a very harmonious relationship with him, this was not the time to show favoritism. If it weren't for Zachary, who had been the president for more than ten years, helping to maintain the current situation, the inside of the wall would have been in chaos long ago.

Even though Ronan and his men now controlled the three major combat corps here, the training corps led by the former head of the Survey Corps was actually on their side, plus the anti-human forces led by Kenny Ackerman, the violent energy of everyone in the wall was already under their control.

But there were still forces such as merchant groups, folk religious organizations, militias, and volunteers that were enough to cause unrest, and there needed to be someone with enough prestige to stand on their side. Being in the open and leading all of this is enough to convince people.

In this regard, Darris Zachary is undoubtedly the most suitable candidate. The key is that he is willing to cooperate actively, which is very gratifying.

It can be said that during this period of time, various factions and forces within the wall were able to complete the transfer of power in a relatively stable environment and begin reforms and innovations, and Zachary has made an indelible contribution. At such a critical moment, it is undoubtedly a very stupid thing for Ronan to break the agreement and become enemies with Zachary.

Hearing this, Petra was silent, and just looked at Christa apologetically.

Seeing this, Christa said weakly:"Thank you, but don't make it difficult for Brother Ronan. This may all be fate."

At the same time, in the training ground, Ronan ran in circles, not caring much about Rhodes's affairs, but thinking about the subsequent precautions:

"Calculating the time, Marley should be sending people over soon, it's been so long. As for the direction, from the direction Reiner and his team came from before, combined with the plot speculation, the Marley Empire should be south of Paradis Island. I feel that I have to prepare in advance and not be too passive."

Thinking of this, Ronan couldn't help but feel troubled.

Now outside the Shiganshina District, Sanmao is acting as a leader, leading the team to guard against related attacks. Hanji has returned to the base, but relying on Sanmao alone as a top-level combat force is definitely not enough to deal with the next situation.

"I'll go by myself.....No, we can't leave now. It seems that Levi can only go. I just don't know how the integration of the troops is going on with Captain Erwin......."

Not only the Military Police, but also the Garrison Corps is under the control and reorganization of Erwin, which is equivalent to starting from scratch. The work is undoubtedly huge, but when he thinks of the actions that Marley may launch at any time, Ronan feels that he must be prepared in advance.

Not only that, a new conscription meeting will also be put on the agenda. According to Captain Keith, the recruits of the previous session are already qualified for use, and the new conscription meeting could have been put on the agenda long ago.

The Survey Corps naturally does not need to be purged, but there are many unqualified and bad soldiers in the Military Police and the Garrison Corps, and they will definitely not be able to continue to be recruited. The addition of new recruits will not only increase the strength, but also give the three major combat corps fresh blood........

Thinking about this, Ronan ran faster and faster, and his speed did not decrease with the passage of time. In terms of physical fitness, after more than a year of accumulation and improvement, Ronan felt that he could no longer be considered a normal person.

Of course, not only endurance, but also personal strength, flexibility, coordination, speed and other aspects of quality are all dozens of times that of ordinary people. Facing a three or four meter giant, Ronan felt that he probably didn't even need weapons, and could defeat it with physical skills alone. It has taken a big step towards the goal of tearing the giant apart with bare hands!

But in this world where a technological revolution is underway, no matter how strong a person's martial arts is, it is impossible to resist bullets. Ronan knows that he will definitely need to exercise for a long time in the future, but he must also begin to focus on the development of technology on Paradis Island.

"It would be difficult to increase the speed just by relying on oneself. External support is needed......."Ronan muttered to himself.

Many figures appeared in his mind.......

Paradis Island needs these people!

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