Two days later, thirty kilometers north of the Xiganshina District, a team of one hundred people rushed south quickly, all of them looking exhausted.

"Finally we're here!"

Looking at the smoke-filled city wall in the distance, Ronan couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief. The smoke was still there, and there were no remnants of defeated soldiers fleeing along the way, which meant that the stronghold had not been captured. Of course, it was also possible that Levi and his men had all died in battle.

But Ronan was more inclined to the former because he believed in Levi's ability.

The captain chopped the monkey, and he hit it right away!

What's more, Kenny Ackerman should still be there now. With this guy and the powerful fighting power of his men, even the Beast Titan should be able to be dealt with if they are prepared!

Thinking of this, Ronan felt a little relieved.

Turning his head, he glanced at Ymir, who looked tired and shaky, but gritted his teeth and persisted. Ronan opened his mouth, but didn't say anything. At this time, it was better not to interrupt his state.

At this moment, a horse galloped over. After noticing the figures of Ronan and others, he turned his horse's head and rushed over quickly.

""It's Gunda!" Ymir shouted, a gleam of light flashing in her tired eyes.

""Stop!" Ronan shouted, and the hundreds of riders behind him, including the carriages that were left behind, all stopped in their tracks.

The only sound in the area was the approaching horse Bu Sheng and the heavy breathing of the horses.

""Captain, you're finally here, hurry over, Deputy Captain Levi is injured!" Gunda shouted loudly.

His body was covered with wounds and bleeding. After shouting, he fell off the horse and fainted.

"Ymir, you take the medical staff behind you and stay there, and the others follow me!"

He kicked the horse's belly hard with his heel. Feeling the pain, the horse rushed quickly to the south. With his right hand raised high, Ronan suddenly opened his palm.

The cavalrymen who received the instructions moved aside one after another, forming a V-shaped formation, keeping a distance of at least ten meters between each other, and Ronan was the only one standing at the front!

""Don't die! Levi!" Ronan screamed in his heart and rushed towards the direction of the base.

In the back, after Ymir organized medical personnel to lift Gunda up and treat him, he glanced at Grisha and Dina who were almost falling apart in the carriage, gritted his teeth, and said,"I leave this to you, I'll go help Ronan!"

She immediately mounted her horse and chased after him. A barb suddenly sprouted from the edge of the ring on her right middle finger. At this critical moment, she couldn't care less. As long as Ronan was in mortal danger, she would immediately transform into a giant and join the battle!

Back to Ronan.

As the distance shortened, with Ronan's hearing and eyesight, he could clearly hear the shouts and cries in the distance. His expression tightened, and his heart became more urgent. It seemed that he could sense his mood, and the speed of the horse under his crotch increased a bit. This directly led to Ronan starting to stand out, standing at the forefront, and gradually widening the distance from the members of the legion behind him.

This made the soldiers behind him very anxious, and they all waved their whips like crazy, trying to catch up.

There was a feeling that the world could do without him, but it could not do without Ronan.

Just as Ronan led his team to the battlefield, the battle became more and more intense in the garrison close to the Maria Wall in the north of the Shiganshina District.

"Kill it! Kill it!"

"Artillery team, aim and fire!"

"Sniper team, aim at its eyes and shoot!"

"Quick! Quick! Doctor! Where is the doctor? The deputy leader is dying!"


Compared to the plot, the equipment of the corps in this period is undoubtedly much more luxurious, and they have been prepared for a long time. Even if the Car Titan, the Beast Titan and the Armored Titan launched an attack together, they could not completely capture the garrison for a while.


He threw the stone in his hand again, causing smoke and screams to fill the distance. Zeke was extremely upset. His right eye was blinded by bullets and artillery fire, and it was still recovering. There was no way to recover in a short time. His left hand and right foot were also recovering. He felt a pain in his liver when he heard the desperate attack from the short guy. It was too horrible!

Human power could reach such a level. If it weren't for Pique's help to block many artillery and sniper attacks, he would probably have lost his ability to fight now.

"Reiner, that bastard! This is totally different from what he said in the intelligence!!"Zeke cursed inwardly.

He realized that the members of the Survey Corps had surrounded him, but he didn't have much of a solution. He looked at Pieck beside him, whose limbs were all cut off and whose body was covered with traces of artillery bombardment. He gritted his teeth, raised his hand to the back of the neck of the Car Titan, and grabbed Pieck out.

Then he turned around and prepared to evacuate, but he heard bursts of snorting behind him, and his mood became more and more irritable.

"Damn it~ All of you go to hell!"

He put Pieck into his mouth, grabbed the stones beside him with his right hand and threw them. The powerful force turned the stones into cannonballs, which, with a terrifying sound of breaking through the air, bombarded the soldiers of the Survey Corps who were surrounding him.

The blood mist was everywhere, and screams were endless, but no one retreated, not even one of them stopped!

Feeling the determination to never return, Zeke was afraid, he was really afraid!

"Madman, you are all crazy!" Zeke thought to himself, not planning to stay here any longer. He had no time to care about Reiner who was trapped not far away, and he was ready to escape immediately. However, before he could jump off the wall, he felt a flash of knife light in front of his eyes, and his only remaining eye was directly chopped off. He suddenly felt the surroundings dark, and he could no longer see anything around him.

"not good~!"Zeke's heart tightened. He regretted it very much. He shouldn't have been so arrogant. He shouldn't have rushed into the wall from this side. He could have found an uninhabited wall somewhere in Wall Maria and climbed inside. Why did he have to fight so hard?......

However, now everything is over.

Sanmao, who had just succeeded in the attack, had no intention of paying attention to these thoughts of Zeke. He had just sacrificed so many soldiers just to achieve his attack.


He was delighted, but he did not dare to relax. He glanced at Elder and Oro in the air. They understood and moved away from the Beast Titan. The movable artillery ambushed not far away aimed directly at the back of the Beast Titan's neck.


The leader of this group shouted angrily.


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