Time flies, and more than ten days have passed in the blink of an eye.

At the entrance of Wall Sina, Ronan and Levi rode on horses, one in front and one behind, leading the convoy into the city. On both sides of the street, people looked at them with curiosity and reverence. After so many giant attacks, the image of the Survey Corps in the minds of the people has long surpassed the other three major corps and has become the most popular corps. Many boys and girls are striving to join the Survey Corps.

As the leader of the Survey Corps and the chief designer of the development of Paradis Island, Ronan will naturally not set obstacles to the development of his corps.

But there is no idea of forcing new recruits to join the Survey Corps. After all, a forced melon is not sweet.

However, there are obvious changes in specific policies.

Only the top 20 of the training corps are eligible to apply to join the Survey Corps.

Of course, the voluntary approach adopted here, these recruits can also choose to join other corps.

The reason for setting this restriction is mainly because the Survey Corps does not keep waste. As a corps organization fighting on the front line, the responsibility to be shouldered is undoubtedly greater, and the requirements for soldiers will become more stringent.

Only the best in the training corps, those with outstanding talents, can adapt to the rhythm of the Survey Corps more quickly and will not drag down their teammates in battle. The harm of a bad teammate is not small, enough to affect the safety of the entire team.

Therefore, recruiting the best recruits into the Survey Corps is the most appropriate measure.

Of course, with the casualty ratio of the Survey Corps, it is definitely not enough to rely solely on the number of people recruited by the training corps every year.

So in addition to this, the Survey Corps also has the power to recruit soldiers independently and organize reserve troops. The specific number is based on the establishment quota of the Corps, and try to keep it full.

At this time, feeling the gazes of the people around him, Levi's cold eyes flashed a hint of relief, and he whispered:

"You did a good job~"

"I'm just the icing on the cake, the main credit this time still goes to you and Kenny Ackerman." Ronan responded.

Hearing the name Kenny Ackerman, Levi's expression became more and more indifferent. Obviously, he didn't have much affection for his uncle and master. There were differences in all aspects, and they really couldn't stay together.

Noticing Levi's abnormality, Ronan didn't dwell on this aspect anymore, and instead said:"What do you think about the selection of the Car Titan and the Armored Titan?"

"No, I'm just an executor. Let you and Erwin handle this kind of thing~"

Levi didn't have the slightest idea of expressing his opinion. He looked at me seriously and said,"I only have one request, that is, don't look for me. I'm not interested in becoming a creature like a giant.""

"Got it~"

Ronan nodded, looking at the welcoming staff in front of him, his expression was calm, but he was a little distressed in his heart. It seemed that he could not send these two abilities out in a short time. He was afraid that the longer he kept them in prison, the more trouble he would have.

""Who should I give these two abilities to?" Ronan thought to himself.

Soon, he met with Erwin and others who came to greet him.

Although he had learned about Ronan's situation through the messenger, Erwin couldn't wait to ask:"Are those people still there?!"

His voice was trembling!

With Erwin's IQ, how could he not know the importance of a Marleyan who was willing to cooperate with them to Paradis Island.

And from the content of the letter sent by Ronan before, it can be seen that Zeke can even bring advanced technology from the outside world to Paradis Island and contact Marley's hostile countries.

The enemy of my enemy is my friend!

Although Paradis Island has many scarce resources, not only Marley, but other countries are also extremely jealous, but facing a common enemy, the Marley Empire, these undeveloped resources are not so important.

After all, Marley's goal is to turn the whole world into his colony, which is almost the same as everything else. With other countries in opposition, under such circumstances, Paradis Island in the north of Marley and other hostile countries of the Marley Empire are in a state of mutual dependence.

Paradis Island, which is the shortest distance from the Marley Empire, is undoubtedly the best place to establish a bridgehead.

Once they can contact other countries, Ronan feels that they will definitely be able to get technical support, and the other party may even dispatch technical personnel.

This is undoubtedly of great significance to Paradis Island, which is eager to catch up.

Thinking of this, Ronan smiled and said,"They are all in the special carriage at the back. In the case that I can't fully understand his thoughts, I think it is safer to tie him up, otherwise with his ability, the threat is too great."

Even Levi couldn't defeat the Beast Titan head-on (requires team cooperation), and Ronan felt that he would most likely not be able to kill it without injury, so he couldn't release Zeke for the time being.

Even if it caused dissatisfaction from Dina Fritz!

Upon hearing this, not only Erwin, but Zachary also nodded in agreement. He glanced at the surroundings where the soldiers were protecting them and the crowd could not come forward, and came forward and whispered:"Ronan, do you really believe that the Marleyan will sincerely cooperate with us?"

From Erwin's mouth, Zachary knew everything. His original worldview was completely shattered, and it took him a long time to recover. He was wary of foreigners outside Paradis Island. There would be a subconscious barrier to these unknown outsiders.

Ronan, who knew what he meant, shook his head slightly:"Of course I can't believe it, but we don't have much time left now. He is our biggest guarantee to get in touch with the outside world. At this stage, we can only choose to believe him. Of course, necessary precautions must not be missed."

"Well, this must be~" Zachary nodded.

This is obviously not the best place to communicate these things. After the convoy arrived, Ronan followed Erwin and the others into the council hall to discuss the issue of the successor to the power of the giant. Since one person could not solve it, Ronan could only choose to discuss it with three people.

It is obviously unwise to control all the power of the giant in one's own hands. As allies, Erwin and Zachary must have some ideas in their hearts even if they don't say it, so the best way is to"share" within a controllable range.

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