Mainland Region~

"The buildings are very gorgeous, and it can be seen that the previous rulers here knew how to enjoy life."

Looking around at the prosperous landscape buildings in the mainland, Irena couldn't help but sigh.

She had already made up her mind to cooperate with Ronan, so naturally she would not bring people back immediately. Necessary investigations were definitely needed. Only after the investigations could we understand the actual development status of Paradis Island, organize relevant technical personnel, and implement practical assistance to the island, rather than blindly carry out technological migration.

All the way north from the Shiganshina District, Irena saw the strength of the people on Paradis Island, the simplicity of the people, and the hardworking qualities they showed in the reconstruction.

Of course, the backwardness of Paradis Island was also deeply introduced into the minds of Irena and the people she brought with her. Such a backward country could survive on the island and had never been invaded even when it was so close to the mainland of Marley.......

It can be said that the deterrent power of the giant's power played an extremely important role.

At this time, hearing Irena's words, Ronan couldn't help but laugh:"Why don't I know how to enjoy it?"

"You are not that kind of person~" Irena was very sure.

This surprised Ronan a little, but he did not dwell on this topic any more. He turned around and said,"After all this time, you should have a better understanding of us. Now I will take you to see something more interesting.~"

"What is it?" Irena expressed interest.

"You will know when you get there~" Ronan gave Erwin a look.

Erwin understood and did not come with him, but went to the meeting room to communicate with Zachary. In the future, they will definitely discuss and divide the specific details of the cooperation with Irena.

For its own interests, the Paradis Island regime cannot allow the volunteers to whom Irena belongs to develop their power on the island. The situation of being too powerful to be eliminated must not occur, and necessary precautions are indispensable.

In terms of Yinren, Ronan and Erwin are not opponents of Zachary, an artist, so they still need to seek his opinions in this regard.

Ronan led Irena and others to the scientific research department in charge of Hanji. If Irena and others had the impression that Paradis Island was synonymous with backwardness before, after entering the scientific research area, what came into view was a scene of soaring.

Here, they saw many equipment that they had not seen on the soldiers before, and saw Paradis Island's exploration and desire for science and technology.

"It's really shocking. I thought the island was very backward and not worth mentioning in terms of technology, but now I have to apologize to you, Captain Ronan. My previous thoughts were really rude~"

The steam locomotives running on the square, the testers coming and going, the movable large-caliber artillery, and some weapons and equipment being tested, all broke Irena and others' views on the technological level of Paradis Island.

Paradis Island is not a technological desert!

"After all, the power of the giant cannot always maintain its deterrent effect. With the development of technology, a large number of weapons and equipment that can restrain or defeat the power of the giant will come out. So after I took full control, the first thing I did was to organize a scientific research department and start integrating and updating the scientific research results on the island."

Looking around at everything, Ronan continued with pride:"In just half a year, we have made extremely obvious progress in the research of steam engines. It won't take too long for the lifestyle on the island to undergo a qualitative change. Of course, compared with Marley, we are already behind."

He didn't finish his words. It was not just about improving the equipment. Ronan also began to innovatively explore the thoughts of the people inside the wall through the newspapers and periodicals that were already under his control. Only when their thoughts and horizons were broadened, more useful people would appear to contribute to the development of Paradis Island.

As the chief designer, Ronan knew the importance of this, so he has been committed to expanding and developing the worldview and values of the people on the island.

But such matters cannot be rushed. Living habits that have lasted for dozens or nearly a hundred years cannot be changed all at once. This requires a process.

Ronan just gave people a push from behind to speed up the process.

Irena agreed with Ronan's words and highly recognized them. This At this moment, Ronan's weight in her mind is undoubtedly much higher.

These principles are not difficult to understand for those who have received a good and advanced education outside the island, but Ronan, who has been on the island all the time, thought of these things without any contact or understanding with the outside world. It is undoubtedly extremely admirable.

The key is that Ronan is still so young and still has the appearance of a great man!

Thinking of this, Irena and others are undoubtedly more confident about this cooperation with Ronan and Paradis Island.

It was at this moment that Hanji came here in a hurry:"Ronan, you are finally willing to show up. Take a look at my recent research results. The framework of the steam engine has been reduced to a level that can be actually used. We are going to change the world!"

"You're so old, but you're still so crazy~"

Ronan was helpless about Hanji's crazy and neurotic personality once she got involved in scientific research, but he didn't force her to change it. After all, Hanji was just that kind of person. If she didn't do that, she wouldn't be Hanji.

Hearing Ronan's words, Hanji pursed her lips, obviously not listening. She also noticed Irena and the others, and remembered Ronan's words when he left, and her eyes suddenly lit up:"Are these the support personnel outside the island?!"

"Yes, you can discuss the specific results with them. The technological level of their country is much higher than ours." Ronan said with a smile.

Hanji, who was convinced by the affirmation, immediately looked at Irena and others with shining eyes, causing them to step back unconsciously, not daring to touch her edge, always feeling that something sad would happen after their eyes met.

Unfortunately, few people who were targeted by Hanji could escape.

Soon, the people behind Irena were directly requisitioned and began to passively discuss scientific research with Hanji.

Seeing this, Ronan apologized:"Hanji doesn't have a subject to conduct research with here, so she is a little excited. Don't mind it."

"No, she is......Yeah, very cute~"

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