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Tải ảnh: 0.106s Scan: 0.063sAnd when Kenny Ackerman, with the help of Irena, began to contact the anti-government forces in the Marley Empire, Ronan embarked on the road back alone, leaving Dina Fritz, a woman who had already established her prestige in the convoy, in the bay to lead the soldiers and workers to build the station.

This is Ronan's test for Dina! It is also the responsibility that Dina must bear now!

Because only she, the owner of the power of the ancestor giant, is in charge here to ensure that the construction work will not be interrupted.

As for Ronan, there are other things to deal with.

The first thing to do is to determine the route from the coastal station back to Wall Maria and record it.

Acting alone, without having to care too much about other people, Ronan's personal safety has been greatly improved.

Even though he encountered obstacles from more than a dozen giants along the way, he still moved forward and returned to the outside of Wall Maria.

The people on the wall have been observing with telescopes���The soldiers of the garrison regiment who were outside the wall immediately notified the innocent giants at the city gate outside the wall to lead them to another place.

The city gate slowly opened, attracting the attention of the people inside the wall.

"Is it Captain Ronan who is leading the team back?!"People thought to themselves.

Their eyes turned to the city gate. The expected convoy did not appear. Only Ronan rushed into the city wall.

The heavy city gate slowly closed, blocking the people's sight.

"How come only Captain Ronan came back? Where are the rest of the team? Aren’t they all gone?!!"

"No, Captain Ronan has never failed in all his missions outside the wall, and this time will definitely be no exception!"

"I also believe Captain Ronan. Looking at his current expression and the attire he wears, he doesn't look like someone who has fled after being attacked by a giant. It is likely that Captain Ronan has returned on his own, while the others have set up a base outside the wall."

"I think this possibility is very high~"


With Ronan's hearing ability, he naturally heard the discussions around him. He suddenly pulled the reins, and the horse under his crotch stopped and stood in the middle of the street. Ronan looked around at the people leaning on both sides of the street who were looking at him, and said loudly:

"Ladies and Gentlemen, this time we have reached Paradis Island, which is the northernmost tip of the land beneath our feet. The endless ocean really exists in this world, and in the ocean, there are other lands......."

After a pause, Ronan looked at the people around him who were already stunned and digesting his words, and continued loudly:"Besides us, there are other humans in this world. Next time we go out of the wall, everyone is welcome to join us. The world outside the wall is very exciting and big. I hope everyone will have the opportunity to go out and see it in the future."

After leaving these words, Ronan urged his horse to leave the city area and headed straight for Wall Maria. After attracting the attention of the people, he also told the above words.

In the next three days, every time he passed an area, Ronan told today's words again.

The sea really exists!

There are other humans, other countries, and other land outside the wall!

The world outside is very big, too!......

No one doubted the truth of Ronan's words, because Ronan was the head of the Survey Corps, one of the most powerful senior officials in the wall, the patron saint of Paradis Island, and the object of people's faith and worship. If

Ronan dared to say this two years ago, he would definitely be labeled as a heretic and despised and rejected by all the people.

But now, with so many titles, his status and power are extremely prominent. Even those who have doubts in their hearts have to admit that they have to believe Ronan's seemingly fantastic words.

So, when Ronan said the same words in the inland area, he returned to the Survey Corps' base and prepared to organize the next batch of manpower and soldiers to go to the bay area.

This time, as mentioned before, he wanted to go with the people who were willing to go together, and to open up a safe passage to the bay area, and set up relay stations, watchtowers, barracks and other facilities and buildings at fixed locations to maintain the safety of the passage.

For only a very long period of time, this passage will become the most important way for Paradis Island to exchange and communicate with the outside world, so Ronan has no choice but to treat it seriously.

Of course, the departure time must wait until the technicians dispatched by Irena arrive. By that time, the construction of the base in the bay area should have been basically completed. After the technicians arrive, they can immediately start to build the seaport. Now that we have the seaport, how far will the warships be? An external passage will also be formed, and Paradis Island will no longer be an isolated island, unknown and unreachable.

As soon as he returned to the office, Ronan saw Petra and Ymir who were busy. The two women also noticed Ronan's footsteps and looked up at the first time. When their eyes met, the atmosphere immediately became a little strange.

The guards who felt all this looked at each other, nodded to each other, and closed the door of the office.

"You're back~" Petra said gently.

She walked up to him, as if she was welcoming his wife back from the war. She looked him up and down, and after making sure Ronan was not injured, she breathed a sigh of relief:

"I'm glad you're okay. You know how worried we are.~"

"Don't drag me into this, I'm just a tool, I won't worry about our great captain~" Ymir said stubbornly.

But eyes can't lie, as soon as Ronan entered the office, her eyes were always on Ronan.

Ronan naturally knew all this, and immediately smiled at the two women:"You two have worked hard during this period, next time we set off, you can come with us too"

"Really?!" Ymir’s face was full of surprise. Petra

, on the other hand, looked a little hesitant:"Ronan, we have a lot of things to deal with in our headquarters. Are you really okay just leaving like this?"

"It's okay, the headquarters will also move to the seaside~" Ronan said calmly.

It was as if he was talking about a trivial matter, but it surprised the two women, and they all looked at him with incredible expressions.

In response, Ronan just smiled slightly, and did not say anything specific, but looked around the office and asked in confusion:"Where is Christa?"

Hearing this, Petra and Ymir both froze.

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