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TảTime: 0.131s Scan: 0.034sInside the head's office~

"Ronan, you've made quite a fuss this time~"

Raising his hand to push up his glasses, Zachary's eyes revealed a gleam of brilliance, and he said seriously:"Are you ready to confront the people?!"

"Isn't it a bit too early~" Erwin was worried.

Waving his hand, Ronan looked serious:"The outside environment can't give us too much time to develop, so we must speed up the progress. This time I will lead some people who are willing to go out of the wall to move to the northern bay area, reclaim and build it, and open up a safe road to the bay."

After a pause, seeing that Zachary and Erwin did not interrupt him, but listened carefully, Ronan continued:"Not only that, I also plan to move the headquarters of the Survey Corps to the bay area, because it can be predicted that Marley will definitely focus on attacking that area in the future."

This is the fact. Among the nine giant powers, only the power of the Warhammer Titan is still under the control of Marley.���The power of the Beast Titan, the latter is also the internal response of Paradis Island.

In addition, the large forces on the Marley side were pinned down by the Middle East coalition forces, and the battle situation has been extremely fierce. No one dared to withdraw a large number of soldiers at this moment, which made Marley only send a small group of soldiers to harass. The power of the Titan has long been unable to form an organization.

The walled survival area located in the center of the island should not have war for a long time. The seaport on the northern coast will definitely become a bridgehead for fighting against Marley in the future, as well as an important military stronghold.

Therefore, its development and construction can be said to be the top priority of Paradis Island at present.

At this time, hearing Ronan's words, Erwin and Zachary fell into deep thought.

Without disturbing the two, Ronan walked to the window and looked at the gradually darkening sky, looking forward to it in his heart:"It takes a while to develop slowly, and then it will be a counterattack. It's not my style to be forced to defend all the time!"

With the arrival of Irena and others before, Hanji solved many things that she had not figured out and did not understand before, which made the laboratory's research on steam engines enter a period of extremely rapid development.

It won't be long before Paradis Island will enter the steam age.

The living environment inside the wall, which was originally quite comfortable, will soon become tight again, and going outside the wall to explore will become the mainstream in the future.

In this process, as long as the new government represented by Ronan can add a little fuel to the flames, at least the northern area will soon become a human activity area. Once the pioneers get the expected benefits and advantages from it, then other people inside the wall will definitely go north to reclaim wasteland, plant crops, or organize livestock for grazing.......

As for the rich mineral resources in the northern region, all of them are under the control of the country.

After the arrival of the steam age, will electricity be far behind? At that time, anthracite will become an extremely important strategic resource.

Ronan, who knows this well, has begun to form relevant exploration teams. As long as the pure giants in the northern region are guided and captive, they will begin to explore further and organize civilians to go north.

By then, the northward movement will definitely become a hot trend in Paradis Island.

After all, the land within the wall has long been distributed, and the land outside the wall is ownerless except for some areas where mineral resources are controlled by the country. First come, first served, and those who arrive late will lose it.

""Palladian Island will be very lively at that time, right?" Ronan imagined.

Zachary's voice rang in his ears:"Ronan, your idea is very bold, but I have to admit that this is something we must face and solve now. I support your decision!"

"I agree too~" Erwin responded at the right time

"I'll trouble you with the related work. The fishing reels are particularly important. People should open their eyes to this vast world. As for matters concerning giants, some of them can also be disclosed appropriately. I think you all know how to do it specifically."Ronan said meaningfully.

Upon hearing this, Zachary's eyes flashed and he nodded:"I understand~"

Once it comes to the secret of the giants, Rhodes and the Reis family of the royal family inside the wall are inevitable points.

There is a lot of room for maneuver.

After all, from the perspective of results, the Reis family's policy of keeping the people ignorant, as well as the previous response to the giants breaking the wall, and the handling of the Maria Wall recovery plan are not so fair, and there are many stains.

As long as the new government can operate properly, the influence of the royal family inside the wall will be affected. By then, the promotion of new-school senior officials such as Ronan will be a natural and logical process, and there will be fewer obstacles.

Of course, it mainly depends on how Zachary operates.

At this point, Ronan believes that Zachary will not let him down. After all, this is an old fox, and his political ability is beyond his reach.

In this regard, Erwin naturally had no objection, and turned to talk about the cooperation with the volunteers where Irena was.

"If nothing unexpected happens, I will set off again for the southern coast in three days. Irena will send all the scientific researchers in their organization, as well as the relevant operators and technicians, to provide technical support for our scientific research, port construction, and equipment development~" Erwin said excitedly.

Compared with the outside world, the technological level of Paradis Island is undoubtedly very backward. It is difficult to achieve a breakthrough in a short period of time by relying on itself, but with the help of Irena and others, everything will be different.

With the support of the world's most advanced science and technology, coupled with the strong support of the new government with centralized power and no obstacles, Paradis Island will definitely enter a period of rapid development.

This is the scene that Erwin wants to see very much!

Hearing this, Ronan also showed expectation, but he was not lost, and seemed very calm, saying:

"External support is important, but we ourselves must also continue to improve. Education is very important. We must increase our investment in education and replace the original textbooks to cultivate the next generation of successors!"

"Agree!" Erwin and Zachary said in unison.

In their hearts, they admired Ronan very much. This boy, who was much younger than them, seemed to have come a long way from everyone else.

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