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Tải ảnh: 0.154s Scan: 0.022sThe sky is blue, the breeze is blowing, with a hint of saltiness, the endless sea is all around, the warship is sailing steadily against the wind and waves

"Captain Ronan, it's still not too late to go back now~"

Irena's voice came from behind him. Ronan turned around and shook his head slightly:"I can't go back. Since the moment I left Paradis Island, I have no intention of going back unless I complete the assigned mission!"

"It's difficult. Marley has very strict control over the Eldians. It's very difficult for you to use them to cause trouble~" Irena was not very optimistic about Ronan's trip to Marley this time.

Staring at the sea in the distance, Ronan's smile faded, and his eyes flashed with sharpness:"I know, but we have no choice. With the current combat power of Paradis Island, it is definitely unable to resist the army of Marley, so this time I can only win, not lose!"

Since he has embarked on the road of revival of Paradis Island, which is different from the plot, Ronan has no way out. This trip���It is extremely critical and related to whether the harbor area can develop smoothly. He is not at ease no matter who he leaves it to. He has to do it himself.

Feeling the determination in Ronan's words, Irena sighed:"I will try my best to help you create favorable conditions. As for whether it can succeed, it mainly depends on your own performance......."

"That's enough~" Ronan nodded.

Ymir, who had been standing beside him without saying a word, took a deep breath, relieved the complicated thoughts in her heart, came back to her senses, looked at Ronan's calm face, and unconsciously felt a sense of relief.......

"If it were you, you should be able to succeed."Thinking like this in my heart.

Days at sea are always so peaceful and boring. The only companions who can accompany you are your companions and the sea breeze, but Ronan enjoys this quietness and peace very much, because it is very precious.

In such an atmosphere, he can always clearly analyze his current situation.

This time, Irena brought hundreds of various support personnel, almost moving all the hidden forces of the Volunteer Organization in Marley. With the Paradis Island Port about to be established and the northern region soon to be fully included in the notification and control, the addition of so many technicians will definitely cause a shock.

It can be predicted that in the next few years, Paradis Island will take off.

During this period of development, peace is an external condition that must be guaranteed. At least Marley cannot send too many troops to come, and it cannot exceed the endurance limit of Paradis Island. After all, compared with Marley, their number of troops is really too small.

Now all we can rely on is the power of the giants!

"It must succeed, otherwise everything that happened before would be like making wedding clothes for Marley."

Ronan gritted his teeth and became more determined.

Just as Ronan was taking a warship to Marley, Paradis Island was undergoing a dramatic change.......

"Have you heard that the north has opened up a safe passage to the northernmost point, which is the coastline!"

"How could I not know? The newspapers are full of reports about this. It seems that the government is encouraging us to move out of the city walls and move to the northern region."

"Yes, the farmland opened up in the northern region will directly belong to the pioneers, and the government will not collect any taxes within three years. This is still very exciting, but I don’t know if it is true and whether the safety can be guaranteed."

"Since the government has done this, there shouldn't be any problems. I heard that the gates of the northern city walls are now open 24 hours a day, and I haven't heard of any problems."

"Now it seems that the northern area is really free to travel."

"What? Are you moved?"

"Aren’t you tempted? The land developed in the designated area will directly belong to the pioneers personally. This policy is too tempting. I think a large number of people inside the wall cannot refuse this condition and have begun to get excited!"

"I think so too. Anyway, I must go out for a walk. Staying in the city walls all my life is not my style. The world is so big, I want to go out for a walk."

"I am also planning to go to the north to have a look!"

"And me!"


With the deliberate spread of the government, coupled with the self-fermentation of the people and the proof of facts, more and more people are bringing their families and a lot of supplies to the northern city, ready to go out of the city for a better future.

These are people who are unwilling to be lonely, have independent thoughts, and have good abilities.

As they gain a foothold in the northern region, I believe that more and more people will be ready to leave the city!

The trend of going out of the city wall will gradually unfold, and the originally desolate northern region will be greatly developed.

Of course, this development is within the control range, and the locations of those minerals will be directly included in the government's control.

Facing the northward movement that has taken shape, Zachary is very busy every day in the new government. His gray hair has become much thinner. Elvin also returned from the Gulf region and joined in the stability maintenance.

After all, it was not the soldiers who went out of the wall this time, but the spontaneously organized people. The maintenance of order is very important.

The scientific research team that Hanji belonged to, which had been staying inside the wall, also followed this trend and quietly walked out of the wall and entered the bay area. They reorganized and cooperated with the scientific researchers brought by Irena and began to conduct targeted research.

Only when Hanji was truly exposed to the world's most cutting-edge scientific and technological achievements did he clearly feel the backwardness of Paradis Island, and his sense of urgency became stronger. Paradis Island did not have time for them to continue to stand still, and they had to speed up their pace.

In this busy atmosphere, Alan and Armin, who had been secretly protected by Ronan's dispatched personnel, and Uncle Harry's family, also made a surprising decision.......They decided to go directly north and settle in the Gulf region.

Armin and Uncle Harry were going to look for new job opportunities in the Gulf region, while Aunt Karal hoped to find Grisha there and start a new life.

Living here and waiting to die was really hard.

Of course, Ronan must have secretly promoted and guided them.......

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