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There were constant muffled sounds, and the two figures kept colliding and tangling with each other.

Every time they fought, the people around them would be surprised.

It was because the two were too strong, and their speed and frequency were even more amazing. Ask yourself, do you think they can even last three rounds?

"Awesome! I thought the captain was the strongest person, but now someone can last so long under the captain's hands, it's really unbelievable~"

"It wasn't just a confrontation, it seemed that the young man had the upper hand!"

"Awesome, really awesome!"

"Did you notice that from the beginning to the end, the boy was just defending and did not launch an attack?......."

"Yes, it means he is still retaining strength."

"It seems that this young man is even stronger than the captain. No wonder the captain is convinced and inferior to him."


Everyone was talking in low voices, while Ymir stood on the other side, ignoring the words, her eyes were fixed on the battle between Ronan and Kenny Ackerman. Although there was not much expression on her face, she was very shocked in her heart.

"How could he be so amazing? He has improved again. Doesn't this guy have any limit?!"Ymir thought incredulously.

Compared to before, Ronan proved with facts that he has evolved again and is no longer like a human being!


Another collision, with muffled sounds. Ronan dodged Kenny's kick with a flash, and instead of defending blindly, he rushed forward and punched Kenny in the face with one hand, making a series of sounds of breaking through the air.

""Little boy, do you dare not slap me in the face?" Kenny's eyes condensed.

He did not choose to fight hard like before, but retreated quickly and avoided Ronan's attack.

Seeing this, Ronan did not take advantage of the situation to launch a fierce attack, but stood where he was, looking at Kenny calmly:"Do you want to continue?"

"No, you are a pervert. I haven't seen you for a few months, and I am no match for you."

Kenny rubbed the part of his body that had just collided with Ronan, and looked at Ronan as if he was a pervert. With a twitch of his mouth, Ronan walked forward and said,"You are not bad either. You have established a firm foothold in Marley during this period of time, and you have even made a name for yourself......."


Kenny curled his lips and said,"No matter where you are, people are greedy. I don't know why these idiots are so rigid."

As he spoke, Kenny glanced at the members of the organization, causing everyone to look embarrassed.

They also didn't react and thought about the problem.

"Let's not talk about this anymore. You actually came here by yourself. You are worthy of being my adopted man. You have great courage~" Kenny said with some praise. He restrained the smile on his face and said seriously:"I came here not only to see the development of Marley with my own eyes, but more importantly, to make them pay no attention to Para Island. In short, I want to make trouble.~"

"You came at the right time."Kenny smiled.

In essence, he was also a restless person. During this period, apart from integrating two anti-Marley organizations, he only obtained the position of sheriff of the Eldia internment zone through bribery, and had no other achievements. This time

Ronan came in person and made it clear that he wanted to make trouble, so Kenny naturally supported him with all his strength.

"How do you know?"

Looking at Kenny's excited expression, Ronan was a little curious. It must be a perfect opportunity to make this guy behave like this.

Hearing this, Kenny gave the members of the organization around him a look, and the people around him immediately dispersed, leaving only two core members standing at the door. The others dispersed to the surrounding areas to be on guard.

"Being so careful is not like your style~" Ronan said with a smile

"You can't be careless. Although Marley's internal corruption, discrimination, and class conflicts are obvious, they have always been on guard against the Eldians and Paradis Island. If I'm not careful, not only the organization, but even I may be overturned~" Kenny was very cautious.

Seeing this, Ronan nodded:"You are different from before.~"

"After seeing the scenery outside, some changes will naturally occur. In fact, I have to thank you for giving me this opportunity."

At this point, Kenny immediately changed the subject and continued with a bit of wickedness:"But don't expect me to treat you preferentially or be loyal to you because of this. As long as you give me a chance to overtake you one day, I will definitely take action.~"

"There won't be such a day~" Ronan said confidently.

With his keen observation, he clearly noticed the flash of sadness in Kenny's eyes.

Time is ruthless~

Ronan is only sixteen years old and still has a lot of room for improvement, but Kenny is already in his forties, has reached his peak, and is beginning to decline.

So, as time goes on, Ronan is getting stronger and stronger, and even if Kenny has the monster genes of the Ackerman family, he can't be baptized by the long river of time and will eventually fall into silence.

Originally, Kenny placed his hope of immortality on the power of the giant, but the facts proved that he was different from Ronan and others, and could not inherit the power of the giant, and even had no way to become an innocent giant.

Without the hope of immortality, Kenny himself was not particularly afraid of death.......

Being able to accomplish something spectacular in the limited years is Kenny's only thought now, and it is also what he is doing now.

"Okay, let's get to the point~"

After taking a deep breath, Kenny didn't continue to dwell on the issue of age, but looked directly into Ronan's eyes and said in a deep voice:

"I just got the information that Marley and the Middle East Coalition have temporarily ceased hostilities. Soon, representatives of the Middle East Coalition will come here to negotiate with Marley. I think this is a good opportunity."

"Indeed, what we lack now is an opportunity to contact other countries~"

Ronan nodded, and a hint of interest appeared in his eyes:"Then let's act. When the time comes, Ymir and I will act alone, and you will lead the members of the organization to support us.~"

"I have no problem, this little girl......"Kenny looked at Ymir with amusement.

Feeling all this, Ymir frowned and said,"You don't have to worry about me. When necessary, I will activate the power of the Titans.~"

"I forgot about this, it's really enviable~" Kenny said with emotion


Ymir has always kept a distance from Kenny, and her personal impression of him is very bad.

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