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Tải ảnh: 0.062s Scan: 0.031sLooking at the base filled with fire and the giants raging in it, the Marleyans who had been pampered for decades once again recalled the time when they were threatened by the giants day and night, and fear burst out in their eyes.

"Why are the giants here?!!"

This is the most concerned question for all the Marleyan soldiers in the base at this moment.

Ronan naturally would not answer it. After blowing up the military equipment and actively exposing Ymir's giant power, he did not stay in the base for long. He looked at the two boxes of equipment and left the base directly.

After defeating several waves of Marleyan patrols, Ymir directly stopped the giant state and met Ronan outside the wall.

This action was just to prove their existence and to remind the Marleyans that their long peaceful days were over. For a long time afterwards, they would start to worry.

Ignoring the chaotic Marleyan base, Ronan and Ymir followed the original plan and route, moved away from the base, and met up with Kenny and others who were ambushing not far away.

"As expected of Ronan, he accomplished this goal so easily~" Kenny said with a smile.

Waving his hand, Ronan looked normal, as if the raging fire in the distance was not caused by him. He put the two wooden boxes on his shoulders on the ground, kicked them away, pointed at the guns inside, and said,"These equipments should be enough, right?"

""That's enough. We are not launching an uprising. It's just a small operation. We are just throwing away some things after use." Kenny looked calm.

The members of the organization behind him all looked strange. Although they have been in Marley and have been seeking to overthrow Marley's rule, they rarely get so many weapons and equipment at one time.

Seeing Ronan bring it out so easily, everyone looked at him with different eyes.

When their eyes swept over Ymir, they were a little complicated.

They didn't know before, but after this action, they all knew that Ymir was the holder of the power of the Jaw Titan. Reality, with a hint of strangeness and fear in her eyes.

They have always been in awe of the power of the giants.

Even in Marley's slave education, the power of the giants is called the power of the devil, and they are the descendants of the devil. Many of the Eldians in Marley even have rejection of this power.

It can only be said that the subtle education on the Marley side played an extremely important role in this.

Ignoring the strange looks of the members of the organization, Ymir crossed her arms in front of her chest, her eyes calm, just staring at Ronan, completely ignoring the thoughts of others.

This made Ronan stop the idea of comforting him. This family didn't need him to say comforting words, and his own psychological quality was very outstanding.

Then he looked at Kenny:"Calculate the time, are the support troops coming soon?"

"It should be coming soon.

While speaking, Kenny gave a look to the people behind him. They understood what he meant and walked forward, one person with a gun and dozens of bullets. They were fully equipped and ready to fight at any time.

Kenny didn't need this kind of equipment. He got two pistols from somewhere and played with two guns again.

As for Ronan and Ymir, they each had a gun.

Hiding in the bushes on the side of the road, the people didn't communicate anything, just waiting for the arrival of Marley's support troops.

This was also part of their plan. Just blowing up the armaments in the Marley base was not enough to cause a shock. After all, even if Ronan and Ymir were more careful, they could not avoid being discovered when escaping.

Just two people, even if one of them had the power of a giant, still couldn't make Marley too concerned. After all, this power could not have a devastating impact on its rule.

But if a team of armed soldiers were added, the severity of the matter would be completely different.

In this way, Ronan, Kenny and others were preparing to ambush on the side of the road and annihilate Marley's support troops.

Without waiting too long, a team of nearly fifty people appeared on the road and soon passed the ambush site. Kenny stood up first and fired bullets frequently with his two guns. Each shot could almost take out a Marley soldier.

Even though it was very dark, his shooting skills were still not discounted. It can only be said that the talent of the Ackerman family is really too strong.

Seeing this, all the members of the organization around him were full of admiration.

But soon, when they realized that Ronan's shooting skills were also superb and not inferior to Kenny, everyone once again refreshed their understanding of Ronan.

Their faces showed strangeness.

I thought they were just friends of Kenny, or members of the family. In short, they joined the organization through the backdoor. Now it seems that Ronan and Ymir are very unusual.

One is a holder of the power of the giant, and the other is a pervert with a combat power that is not less than, or even exceeds, Kenny.

Such people, they can't help but be unconvinced.

The Marleyan soldiers were caught off guard when they were suddenly attacked. By the time they reacted, nearly half of them had been killed or knocked down.

The battle soon became one-sided.

At the cost of three deaths and two injuries, Ronan and his men wiped out the Marleyan support force.

However, the killing tonight had just begun.

After seizing the weapons and equipment of this force and finishing off the soldiers who were not dead, Ronan and Kenny took the remaining members of the organization and left directly to another support point.

Over the course of one night, more than fifty members of the organization were killed.

���Thirty-two people were killed, but the results were encouraging.

They wiped out hundreds of Marleyan soldiers, seized many weapons and equipment, blew up the armaments, caused chaos in the Marleyan base in the internment camp, and also spread the reputation of the organization.

It is foreseeable that the Marleyan government will conduct a detailed investigation on them, and those reactionary organizations hidden in Marley will begin to contact them, and the scale of the organization will further expand.......

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