In the southeastern part of Shiganshina District, inside Harry's Blacksmith Shop


In the small room, the heat waves were rising and the sound of iron hammering continued. At first glance, it seemed chaotic, but if you listened carefully, it seemed to contain some melody, one after another, continuous.

""Ronan, it's time to eat~"

A deep and loud voice came from outside the door, breaking the melody.

Ronan stopped beating, took a long breath, wiped the sweat from his forehead, felt the weakness after the body's strength was released, but a satisfied smile appeared at the corner of his mouth.

All this was because of the system sound of [Strength +1, Coordination +1] that sounded in his ears.

Blacksmithing not only requires the upper limbs to exert force, but also the lower body is constantly exerting force. The feet must also take care of stepping on the bellows. Even if it is just ordinary beating the raw iron to knock out the impurities in it, it is also a technical job.

Ronan is very satisfied with the job he chose. He has been working hard and happily these days.

His physical fitness is improving every day, and the key blacksmith is���Meals were provided, which was undoubtedly a blessing for him as his appetite grew. How could he be so happy?

However, Ronan did not know that at this moment, the blacksmith, Harry, had already come to the door and was looking at him with satisfaction.

Eyes could not deceive people. Harry was sure that the boy in front of him was a child who loved blacksmithing. He even had the idea of passing on all his skills to the child in front of him, and this idea became stronger and stronger.

"Uncle Harry, why are you looking at me like that?"

At this time, Ronan's lean upper body was exposed, his face was a little tired, but his eyes were as bright as ever. After turning around, he also noticed the other party's gaze.

Hearing this, Harry immediately put away his good expression and said unhappily:"I just came here to call you kid to eat, you have no sense of time at all, everyone is waiting for you!"

"Sorry, time passed so quickly that I didn't notice..."Ronan smiled apologetically.

Harry was speechless and asked tentatively,"Do you like blacksmithing so much?"

"I like it."Ronan did not hesitate.

For him at this stage, ironwork is undoubtedly a very perfect skill and job. It can not only improve himself, but also fill his stomach and get a salary. What else can he not be satisfied with?......

Hearing this, Harry's face flashed with joy. He slapped Ronan's shoulder with his big palm like a palm leaf fan, making him lower a lot. He laughed and said,"Let's go and eat."~"

""Oh~" Ronan's mouth twitched twice.

While rubbing his aching shoulder, he followed Harry closely, muttering:"Do you have to be so hard? I'm still a child. Don't pat me anymore, uncle!"

"Ding, the host has endured a heavy blow that he could not withstand, and his ability to withstand blows is +1!"


Ronan quickly ran to Harry, bowed and said seriously:"Uncle, please encourage me more!"

""Hahaha, don't worry, I won't be polite!" Harry laughed.

The eyes looking at him became softer.

Good seedling, this is a good seedling for blacksmithing!

It's rare to meet such a hardworking and blacksmith-loving child. Harry decided to cultivate him well in the future.

But soon, Harry regretted it.

Because Ronan is really a big eater. Although he is only thirteen years old, his appetite is bigger than his own.

"Where did all the food you ate go?"

Looking at Ronan's still flat stomach, Harry was very confused.

"He is still growing, there is nothing I can do~"

Ronan smiled awkwardly, but he did not stop eating.

This made Harry very dissatisfied. He caught up with him and continued to complain, but he did not stop him at all.

He was a typical person with a sharp tongue but a soft heart. Aunt Martha, who was sitting next to him, smiled lovingly, and her eyes were full of pity. She knew Ronan's life experience.

Because of physical reasons, she and Harry had no children. At this moment, she treated Ronan as her own son.

As a stranger in a foreign world, Ronan was lonely in this world.......

However, at this moment, a warm feeling of home filled his heart. He occasionally quarreled with Harry, and the oppression in his heart dissipated a lot. Whenever he met Aunt Martha's eyes, he always felt a little sour in his nose.

Feeling all this, thinking of the disaster that would happen next year, Ronan felt particularly depressed, and hurriedly swallowed the last bite of food and stood up:

"I went to work......"

Without waiting for a response, he ran out of the door

"This stinky boy~!"Harry cursed with a smile.

When his eyes met Martha's, he immediately became honest and whispered,"I'm doing this for his own good. Eating too much is not good for your health.""


Smiling and shaking her head, Martha looked towards the door and said in a daze:"If we had children, they would be this big now~"


Meanwhile, in the blacksmith shop~


Leaning against the blacksmith's table, recalling the feeling just now, Ronan smiled knowingly, and also felt the burden on his shoulders heavier.

People are not plants, who can be heartless.

Others treat me with sincerity, I must return it with sincerity.

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