The strange creature in front of him was about four meters tall, not particularly tall, with an uncle's face, and was quite agile. The key was that there was no pattern to follow, which made it difficult for Ronan to judge its next move and respond accordingly.

At this time, the strange creature was running over on all fours like a wolfhound.

The distance between the two sides was rapidly shortening, and it seemed that there was only a gap of more than ten meters.

Facing the giant at close range!

I thought I would feel nervous and helpless, or even scared, but at this moment, holding the two knives, Ronan was extremely calm, with a high degree of concentration, staring at the strange creature giant, and the two knives in his hands gave him enough sense of stability.

Since he could only fight, what he could do was to chop the giant in front of him!

No matter what kind of strange creature you are!

No matter how strong you are!

No matter how fast you are!

No matter how untraceable you are!

Ronan held the single soldier tightly, at this moment, he just wanted to chop the guy in front of him!


Pulling the trigger on the handle, accompanied by a sound of wind wheel, two fixers ejected and nailed directly on the shoulders of the strange species.

With the help of the force brought by the jet and the directional effect of the fixer, Ronan flew directly from the horse's back and rushed towards the strange species.

The strange species giant, who had already noticed Ronan, stared at Ronan with its two big copper bell-like eyes, revealing naked desire in its eyes, and saliva was secreted from the corners of its mouth.

It wanted to eat Ronan!

No consciousness, no thoughts, no ideas, just instinctively wanting to eat people!

Looking at Ronan rushing straight at him, the hands that were originally used as forelimbs to run on the ground suddenly raised up, ready to control Ronan.

Responding immediately, Ronan pulled the belts on his waist and feet, and the whole person performed a difficult gymnastic rotation in the air, almost brushing the skin of the strange species' fingers, and passed over it.

Pulling the trigger on the handle of the knife again, the fixer originally fixed on the shoulder of the strange species was directly released.

Two cold rays suddenly shot out from the three-dimensional machine and shot directly into the eyes of the strange creature!


A head-numbing piercing sound rang in the ears, and blood splattered like fireworks, making Ronan's face, which was obviously childish, look a little cold and scary.

There were no screams, no painful expressions, as if it was a machine without the sense of pain. The strange creature didn't mind being blinded at all.

Unable to see things with his eyes, the strange creature began to swing his hands around, still not giving up the instinct to capture Ronan and eat him.

Without a trace of mercy, and without stopping, Ronan stepped on the strange creature's shoulder, and in a few steps, he reached the top of his head, jumped high, and the fixator shot out and landed on the back of his neck.

""Go to hell!" With a series of puffs of air, Ronan's eyes were like torches, his hands tightly grasped the two knives, and he quickly approached the back of the strange creature's neck.



The neck was almost cut off, but Ronan did not stop, and kept slashing with the two swords in his hands until the neck of the strange creature and its head were directly chopped off, then he stopped his actions.

"Ding, the host killed the first strange giant, breaking through himself, willpower +1, 3D machine operation +1, coordination +1!"

Ignoring the system sound ringing in his ears, Ronan was covered in blood at this moment, looking like a bloody man, standing on the lifeless body of the strange giant, with a stern expression, and his eyes were very bright and determined.

He won!

The previous worries now seemed to be unnecessary. In the face of absolute strength, the innocent giants without consciousness and special abilities were not a big threat to him unless the number was extremely astonishing. After all,

Ronan's ability to operate the 3D machine is absolutely excellent, his personal physical fitness is even more outstanding, his nerve reaction is first-class, and with his own His excellent body coordination was enough to make the best response at the moment when the Pure Titan launched an attack.

And for some reason, looking at the corpses of the giants under his feet, even though he knew that these giants were transformed by the Eldians and were all miserable people, Ronan felt a sense of pleasure in his heart. The depression that had accumulated over the past six months was released and vented at this moment, and he felt an indescribable sense of pleasure.

He liked the feeling of swinging a knife and slashing!

There is a demon in everyone's heart, and Ronan feels that there may be a demon representing violence deep in his heart.

"Hiss! Hiss! Hiss!~~~"

At this moment, the lifeless giant gradually became thinner and fell to the ground like a deflated inflatable doll. Ronan landed on the ground, put his finger to his mouth, and blew a whistle.

Hearing this sound, the horses that had been standing a hundred meters away did not hesitate and ran over.

When they looked at the giant again, they found that his body, which was originally more than four meters long, was in a state of constant breathing. A heat wave filled the air, making people squint their eyes.

"It won’t be long before it’s completely vaporized, which is quite environmentally friendly~" Ronan said with a smile.

In the distance, a series of horse steps could be heard.......

PS: Fourth update!

Thanks【**】Thanks for the 100 VIP points reward and ten urging tickets.

Thanks for the 100 VIP points reward from [wengshijie] who has always supported this book. Thanks.

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