Marching in the vast grassland, time became very valuable. The morning passed quickly, and several battles were fought during this period.

Ronan once again proved his value and ability with his strong personal single-kill ability. He also established his prestige unconsciously.

This made Elder and his men no longer just regard him as a talented junior, but an equal existence. When making decisions, they would seek Ronan's opinions, and even take his opinions as the standard. This is the change brought by strength!

Especially in the dangerous world outside the wall, personal strength is undoubtedly the main factor that convinces people.

But the long march and the battles that broke out from time to time made Ronan, who was already hungry, never dare to stop moving forward. Instead, he chose to simply eat some bread on horseback, fill his stomach, and continue to move forward.

Such a high-intensity march has been under tremendous psychological pressure in the heart, and he must always maintain concentration. Even Ronan, who has extremely amazing qualities in all aspects, is a little overwhelmed at this moment, let alone a"soft girl" like Petra.

I'm so tired that I don't even want to talk, but my eyes are as firm as ever...This is a stubborn girl.

""We don't know how long we have to travel. Even if we can hold on, the horses will soon give out!" Oruo complained.

While speaking, he kept adjusting his sitting position on the horse's back. It was obvious that his thigh muscles were tormented by the saddle.

Seeing this, Ronan smiled and said,"Old bird, why do I feel that you will fall down before the horse?......"

"Pah! Pah! Pah!~~~Don't curse me, kid!"Oluo looked unhappy.

Before he could say anything else, Elder's voice suddenly came:"Look, there......That should be our destination this time, right?"

Hearing this, Ronan and Oruo stopped bickering and looked into the distance. What they saw was a towering forest.

Even though they were far away, Ronan could clearly feel its height.

""These trees seem to be taller than the city walls!" Oruo exclaimed in surprise.

Ronan nodded:"It seems that they are taller than the city walls. If we can really set up a base at the edge of this forest and arrange for relevant personnel to garrison it, we can build it into a relay station to further expand the scope of exploration.~"

"It's very feasible!" Elder agreed.

Petra, who had not spoken much due to fatigue, analyzed calmly:"It is indeed an excellent place to establish a base, but we have seen a lot of giants along the way, and they are very far away from the city wall. Material supply is a big problem"

"Daily food can be obtained through hunting, and drinking water can be stored as long as there is precipitation. The only problem may be the transportation and maintenance of equipment. Our Survey Corps does not seem to have personnel in this area~" Ronan echoed.

After the initial excitement, he calmed down at this time. After some thinking, he felt that these expeditions of Captain Keith seemed a little too risky, but they were not without merit. Ronan continued:

"Large-scale construction is certainly impractical, but if we just build a small base and arrange a small number of people to garrison there, then the problem is not that big. We can also explore and investigate far away from time to time, which will help us better understand the outside world."

Ronan is not particularly clear about the geographical location of this world. He just came to Paradis Island. How far this forest full of huge trees is from the sea is still unknown. It needs to be explored in person to know.

But Ronan, who knows Marley's policy on the island, knows that a certain wall on the edge of the island is the area where Marley has deployed the Unsullied Titans. If one comes to that area without paying attention, he will most likely be besieged by many Titans.

At that time, unless Ronan already has the ability to tear the Titans apart with his hands, it will definitely be dangerous.

Thinking of this, Ronan temporarily suppressed the idea of rushing through the giant forest.

Hearing Ronan's analysis, several people nodded in agreement.

After this period of getting along and experiencing it personally, Elder and others, and even The team members were all very impressed at the moment. He was only fourteen years old and already so talented. How much would Ronan grow up to be in a few years?

Everyone was looking forward to it!

The pace of progress never stopped. The giants along the way had obviously been cleared out and were no longer attacked. The team that Ronan and his companions were in successfully met up with the headquarters where Keith and Erwin were. What came into view was a scene full of injuries and illnesses.

Even the air was filled with a strong smell of blood. The number of teams that had joined from different directions in front had been reduced by nearly half compared to when they went out of the wall, which really made people feel helpless.

Keith was relieved to see Ronan and his companions, as well as the team they were guarding, arrive safely, but now was not the time to reminisce and chat. Although they had arrived at the destination of this trip, there was still a big problem in front of them.......

PS: The fourth update will be later, around 4 or 5 o'clock, and there will be one more update! Thanks to [shamzz0071] for the monthly ticket

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