After successfully clearing all the giants within three kilometers, the Survey Corps chose a tree that was more than 80 meters tall and could be hugged by ten people. They set up a platform on its trunk and built a supply base.

In addition to the construction personnel, other members of the Survey Corps were scattered in the area, especially in the marginal areas, to eliminate all possible hidden dangers.

As the proposer of this giant circle killing plan, he risked his life during implementation and solved the nine-headed giant, second only to Captain Levi who killed thirteen heads. It can be said that he made great contributions and naturally received warm praise from the command team headed by Captain Keith. He is also known and recognized by all the senior executives and management teams in the Corps, and is considered famous.

However, because he is outside the wall and the Corps is now relatively fixed, Ronan’s qualifications are indeed insufficient and he cannot be granted a substantial position for the time being. In order to make up for it, Captain Keith did not issue a task to Ronan this time, which was considered to be a day off for him.

This made Ronan very amused.

What is particularly helpless is that he seems to have been targeted by Hanji, a mad scientist in the Corps.

Just like now!

"Ronan, how did you do it?!"

Hanji looked Ronan up and down with a look of desire in her eyes:"You are only fourteen years old, but your physical values are far beyond those of ordinary adults. Now it seems that Levi is the only one in the legion who can suppress you physically!"

At this point, as if she thought of something, Hanji said bluntly:"No, Levi can no longer suppress you in terms of height. At his age, he has already passed the growth period, but you are only fourteen years old and there is still a lot of room for improvement."

Looking at Ronan, who was shorter than her, Hanji nodded seriously.

""Captain Hanji, are you free?"

Ronan did not stop wiping the blade while speaking.

The black-gold bamboo sword is very sharp, and what is more valuable is that it is not only strong, but also flexible.

But Ronan knows that compared to the pure giants, the nine intelligent giants have special abilities, and the black-gold bamboo sword alone cannot cope with all situations. Even as strong as Levi, he cannot rely on this weapon to cut through the hardened defense of the giant.

This is enough to explain the problem.

Even if Ronan surpasses Levi in strength, he does not think he can cut off the hardened neck of the giant with the black-gold bamboo sword in his hand.

"I have nothing to do here. Actually, I didn't need to come here......."Hanji looked as if it was natural.

Seeing this, Ronan couldn't help but ask,"Why are you here again?"

He really had no idea what to do with this persistent and nagging scientist. He kept nagging like Tang Seng, making people want to knock him out.

But Hanji didn't realize this at all, and instead seemed very excited.......

"Of course, it's to study giants. Don't you think they are very strange and interesting? It's like knocking open their heads to see their internal structure. Unfortunately, every time they are killed, they are directly vaporized, leaving no body, and cannot be studied."

At this point, Hanji's eyes, which were originally full of excitement, showed obvious disappointment.

"I don't find them interesting, and I don't think they want your brains opened......."

The corner of his mouth twitched, and Ronan didn't raise his head at all. He just lowered his head and stared at the black gold bamboo sword in his hand. He thought about the strengthening plan in his mind, and subconsciously replied:"But if you really want to study the giants, the method is actually very simple.~"

"Very simple? ~" Hanji's eyes lit up

"That's right, why don't we just capture a three or four meter tall giant and bring it back alive? As long as we fix it, you can study it however you want."

The speaker didn't mean it, but the listener took it seriously, and Hanji became alert:"Yeah, why haven't I thought of this before? Why do we have to stick to the giant's corpse? Can't we just capture the head alive? With the strength of the Corps, a three or four meter tall giant can be captured easily."

Having said that, he could no longer hold back his excitement, and stood up immediately, with an inexplicable excitement on his face:"Ronan, thank you, I will propose this matter to the captain right away, I won't take credit for it, I'll just say it was the result of our discussion together!"

Without waiting for Ronan to respond, he quickly ran to the area where the captain's tent was located.

"Huh? ~"

Looking up, Ronan looked at Hanji's rapidly retreating back, his eyes somewhat puzzled:"What a weirdo!"......"

Somehow, I always felt uneasy, but after thinking about it, it seemed that it might not have anything to do with me, so I ignored it and continued to study the black gold bamboo sword in my hand, thinking about how to improve its sharpness without damaging its hardness or increasing its weight.......

Due to the limited conditions, Ronan was ultimately unable to come up with any solution. After all, he had not yet reached the level of a master forger.

However, as soon as he stood up and left for a while, Hanji rushed over with several members of the corps and said excitedly:

"Ronan, the leader has agreed to let us capture the living giant!"

Ronan:"Huh?! ~"

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