On the way back, there were no obstacles.

Before dark, Ronan and his team returned to the camp smoothly and found that in just a few hours, most of the platform on the tree trunk had been built. It would probably not take long to complete the work.

At that time, everyone can move to the platform to carry out related work, and safety will be greatly improved. The successful establishment of the base is a major step forward for the Survey Corps' external exploration.

In the future, the scope of external exploration will be further expanded, and it is very likely that they will reach the seaside in advance and discover related actions of Marley.

But at this point, the support of the royal government inside the wall will become very important.

After all, it involves a lot of human and material resources, which require the nod of the royal government.

Ronan is not particularly hopeful about this.

Based on his understanding of the current royal government, the other party will definitely not agree, and will even block it in order to maintain the current ruling status.

Such a government is really hard to like.

""Ronan, what's wrong? You're so silent right after you came back." Petra was as gentle as ever.

Her concern was evident in her words, which made Oruo, who was standing by, feel jealous:"Petra, why do you care about that rookie? He's a supernova in the corps now. Who knows, he might go out and set up his own team one day."

"Olu...How can you say that? Even if Ronan really sets up his own team in the future, he will leave our team. We all belong to the Survey Corps and are still partners!" Petra pouted with dissatisfaction.

Seeing this, Oruo had to raise his hand to apologize and stopped talking, just looking at Ronan speechlessly.

As for Elder and Gunda, they were watching the fun from the sidelines. They had long been accustomed to Oruo's foul mouth and didn't care.

Ronan naturally didn't care about this. He stopped thinking about Dana Fritz, raised his head, smiled at Petra and said:

"I'm fine, I'm just wondering, besides us, are there other human beings in this world? What are their living conditions like?"

"Other humans......"Several people fell silent.

The education they had received inside the wall had taught them that there should be no humans in the outside world, but humans' desire to explore was unlimited. Especially after walking out of the wall, their curiosity was further aroused. While they were looking forward to encountering something, they were also panicking.

They were afraid of things that they could not control, and that their long-held beliefs would be broken.

Feeling the silence, Ronan did not say anything more on this topic. Instead, he picked up the bowl and drank a sip of the hot soup made by Petra. He felt warm all over, and a sense of happiness arose spontaneously.

It is really an enjoyable thing to be able to drink warm soup outside the wall.

"Petra, whoever marries you in the future will be very happy."Ronan admired sincerely.

She is beautiful, gentle, and a good cook. After getting on a horse, she is also an excellent warrior. Who would not like such a woman?

"Drink your soup, and stop talking about useless things~"

Petra poured another spoonful of soup into Ronan's bowl, then turned around and stared at the steaming soup in her bowl. Her face flushed slightly, and a hint of expectation and hesitation flashed in her eyes.~~~

As a member of the Survey Corps, she has given everything to the cause of exploring human freedom. Can she really get married? Can she really have her own children?!

That night, Petra was destined to be sleepless.

Elder and the other two had complicated expressions. They saw what Petra was thinking, and in their hearts they were thinking about their own future.......

Oh no......They often have to go out of the wall to carry out missions and fight against giants.....Is there still a future?!

The reality is cruel!

Nothing was said that night~ The Corps adopted a two-shift rule, and carried out the construction of the base and patrol and clearing tasks all day without rest.

The next day, Ronan inevitably joined the patrol team, and together with Elder and the other four, he was responsible for the inspection and removal of giants in the northern area of the base.

As for Hanji's team, they did not sleep all night, and had been conducting various experiments on living giants, collecting a lot of confidence that had never been known before. For the Survey Corps, every new discovery is crucial.

For this reason, Hanji and others had no idea of resting, and devoted themselves to scientific research with enthusiasm.

Back to Ronan~

Came to the place where the giant was captured yesterday again, and did not find the figure of Dana Fritz. Ronan couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief, staring at the north, which is the direction of the Shiganshina District, and whispered in a voice that only he could hear:

"I wonder where Reiner and Hoover are now?"

If he met them now, Ronan would definitely join forces with other members of the Survey Corps to take them down directly. This would undoubtedly save a lot of trouble. Unfortunately, he didn't notice them.......

The patrol work was very boring, but no one dared to slack off.

A day passed quickly, and after killing a few passing giants, the shift change arrived, and Ronan, Oluo and others returned to the camp.

As soon as they arrived at the camp, they heard Hanji's loud voice.......

"Ronan, you are finally back! I have been waiting for you for a long time!"

Ronan:"I suddenly want to go home!"

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