Ronan was forced to stay in the Shiganshina District, and his life became regular again.

There was no more hardship of traveling all night, no more crisis of being on guard against giant attacks, no more confusion after killing, only a fulfilling and warm life every day.

Eren, Armin, and Mikasa became frequent visitors to Ronan's home. The three of them were more or less extremely curious about the outside world, and they kept asking about the scenery outside the wall.

They heard that the outside world had far richer animal and plant resources than inside the wall, there were large mountains, and forests formed by trees taller than the city walls........All three of them were fascinated by the sight of so many new and strange sights.

Armin immediately showed a sense of timidity and retreat when he thought of the giants outside the wall who instinctively wanted to chase and eat humans. Eren, on the other hand, wanted to explore and discover as always!

As for Mikasa, she showed no reaction. It was obvious that this girl didn't care about the giants, she only cared about the people close to her.���

In addition to communicating with the three children, Ronan would go to Uncle Harry and Alan's homes every day, eating and drinking with them.

Aunt Martha and Aunt Karal, who have always regarded Ronan as their own family, would naturally have no objection.

Of course, Ronan is not so ignorant, and would bring some daily necessities and food from time to time.

In the two families, Ronan tasted the warmth of home, which made people intoxicated.

But the reality warned him not to stop, and there was only one choice, that is, to keep moving forward!


Early in the morning, the sound of iron lifting could be heard in the forging room of the Corps.

The guards who were dozing off were all shocked and lost all their sleepiness. Their faces were full of helplessness.

"It's started again~~~This has been going on for a month, right?"

"Who says it's not true? I really admire Ronan for starting so early every day. If it were me, I would probably not be able to bear it in less than two days."

"Yes, in this kind of weather, it is most comfortable to sleep on the field~"

"Of course, after I change shifts, I will definitely take a nap. I won’t get up until the afternoon."




At this time, Ronan was in the blacksmith shop, shirtless, hammering the red-hot iron blank with a hammer in his hand. He looked extremely focused. The iron blank, which was originally nearly thirty centimeters long and wide, was reduced to the size of a fist because the impurities were not hammered out.

This process took Ronan an hour and a half. After such a long time of lifting iron, even he, who had an excellent physique, was very tired at the moment.

Fortunately, Uncle Harry, as usual, came here on time with a group of blacksmith friends.

Looking at Ronan, who was already sweating all over, and the iron blank that had been hammered and almost all impurities removed, everyone was filled with emotion.

"Ronan is still as hardworking as ever."

"Alas, if I had this persistence and diligence when I was young, I would have been a master blacksmith by now, and I wouldn't have to argue with Harry every day.~"

"Big Beard, do you want to get beaten?"

"You're making it sound like you can beat me for sure, Harry, our record has always been 50-50, okay?~"



Ronan had no interest in listening to their chats. After wiping the sweat off his forehead, he said seriously,"Everyone, let's get started.~"

"Now that Ronan has spoken, I won't argue with you today."

"I should be the one saying this~"

Harry and the bearded blacksmith refused to give in to each other, and everyone around them laughed. The two had been arguing for a lifetime, and now they were almost forty years old, but they were still like children, which was really funny.

As the two of them stopped arguing, the blacksmith shop immediately returned to its usual busy atmosphere.

Looking at the iron blank that was hammered by Ronan with impurities, Harry and others looked at each other, and their eyes were full of amazement.

They clearly remembered that a month ago, Ronan's craftsmanship had not reached the current level, and even a Not even halfway through, but now, a month later, when it comes to hammering the iron blank to remove impurities, everyone present has to say they are convinced.

Because Ronan has done it to the extreme!

The next work needs to be done by them.

After all, they are all blacksmiths with decades of experience, and they are all recognized by Charlie, a senior blacksmith. Everyone present has superb skills, much better than Ronan anyway.

Looking at everyone who methodically repeats the actions that they have repeated countless times in the past, but has improved in the details, Ronan can't help but sigh:

"In comparison, I am still far behind~"

Without thinking too much about this, Ronan focused on observing the movements and details of everyone, helping out from time to time, and trying his best to participate in the forging process to avoid the situation where the knife is formed and the quality is sufficient, but he is not able to complete the task due to insufficient participation. To perfectly fuse metal and black gold bamboo, there must be no mistakes in all aspects.

Over the past month, the details and processes have been continuously improved, and with continuous optimization, everyone has a feeling in their hearts today that it seems to be successful.

This is the intuition of being an excellent blacksmith.

Forging After it was formed and quenched, everyone was very excited when they saw the upgraded black gold bamboo sword with a black body and a silver-white blade. It had not been sharpened yet, but the blade already emitted a cold light.

It was finally going to succeed!

Only the last step was left!

Without stopping, the bearded man who had the best grinding skills among the blacksmiths took the lead and began to grind the knife.

He was extremely careful, fearing that because of a small mistake of his own, everyone's efforts would go to waste.

The whole process lasted for about forty minutes before it ended.

Almost at the same time, Ronan heard the delightful system sound in his ears.......

PS: This is the last free chapter. It will be released at 12:00 today. I hope you will support me!

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