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"Can he finally take action?" Ronan thought.

His steps did not stop at all. He followed Grisha at a distance of about 70 to 80 meters.

He passed through the busy streets with constant flow of people, entered the alleys with few people passing by, walked through a forest, and came to a sparsely populated country road. The winding road was surrounded by farmland and trees, and the air became much fresher.

Unfortunately, Ronan completely ignored these thoughts at the moment, and followed Grisha who was walking and stopping in front of him with a focused expression.

It can be seen that the other party is very careful, looking back from time to time, or looking around, for fear that someone around would pass by or see him walking over here.

From Grisha's eyes, Ronan could feel his inner anxiety and uneasiness, which also made him more certain of his guess that he was about to take action.

"You must be struggling internally right now. On one side is a happy family, and on the other side is the great cause of the nation. You can only choose one side......"

Sighing, Ronan's mind flashed with the images of Eren, Mikasa, and Karal. He couldn't help but ask himself, if he were Grisha, what would he choose?

I'm afraid he would probably choose the national cause like Grisha.

It's not because of his lofty ambitions or his lack of love for his family, but the moment he gained the power of the Attack Titan, the ending was already determined.

The Attack Titan doesn't have hard armor, amazing endurance, extreme speed, or a huge size, but it represents the most valuable qualities.......That is freedom!

Only the Attack Titan can fight against the royal family and the injustice of time without being controlled by the Founding Titan.

In addition, the inheritor of the Attack Titan can also peek into the future and the truth through the memories of the inheritor, which is undoubtedly an extremely powerful ability.

Therefore, the moment Grisha inherited the power of the Attack Titan, he should have understood or known the path he would go through in the future, the choices he would make, and the responsibilities he would have to bear.

He...Saw the future!

So he...There is no choice!

This is a responsibility, but also a sorrow.

Thinking of this, Ronan looked at Grisha's anxious back with a different look in his eyes:

"I wonder if I am in the future you see?"

After walking for more than an hour, an unattended manor appeared in sight.

"It should be there~"

Things went surprisingly smoothly, which made Luo feel real, but he did not dare to relax in his heart. He kept a suitable distance from Grisha and was ready to stop Grisha after confirming that it was the base of the Reis family.

He did not want Grisha to meet the people of the Reis family like this.......

Because once the two sides meet, things will most likely go in an unmanageable direction. Ronan doesn't think that the members of the Reis family, who are not enterprising and only want to maintain the ruling order within the wall, will allow Grisha, an unstable and uncontrollable factor, to exist within the wall.

Soon, Grisha came to a building in the manor with ease, hesitated for a moment, and pushed the door open to enter.

"There is not even a single guard. Are the Reis family so careless?"Ronan expressed doubt.

Is it just to avoid exposing themselves, or is it that they have been at ease for too long and have become overly confident in their safety?

Thinking of the plot, Grisha killed all the members of the Reis family except Rod Reis by himself, so there shouldn't be any unexpected things.....

"Time is indeed the most tormenting thing. Over a hundred years, not only did the enterprising spirit of ordinary people inside the wall disappear, but the ruling class, the Reis family, also became corrupt and stubborn during these long years.~~"Ronan couldn't help but sigh in his heart.

At the same time, he was surprised at how thoroughly the family brainwashed its members.

For such a long time, no one had any objection to the so-called Twilight Paradise, and no one resisted......

The non-war agreement is indeed deeply rooted, but if they really want to change it, the members of the Reis family who carry the power of the ancestor titan can stand up and fight.

From the results, they did not do so.

So it is destined that these guys are not the same as Ronan. Different paths, different plans!

But it is still possible to use it appropriately.......

Hiding beside the door frame, through the gap between the two doors, watching Grisha lift up the floor of the secret passage leading to the basement, Ronan knew he couldn't wait any longer, so he walked quickly into the room and said,"Uncle, are you sure you want to go in?"


Looking at Ronan who was standing in front of him, Grisha swallowed his saliva, and his voice trembled:"Ronan,...Ronan, you...Why is it here!? ?"

"Of course I followed you......."

Ronan pointed to the stairs leading underground and said,"Uncle, this is where the holder of the power of the Founding Titan and the actual ruler of the wall resides, right?"

"How did you know?!!!"Grisha felt that his brain was not enough.

Ronan did not appear in those future scenes, why did Ronan appear behind him, why did Ronan seem to be very familiar with him, why......

Without giving Grisha a chance to think or hesitate, Ronan stepped forward and knocked him out with a single blow.

"Sorry, this is really not a suitable place for a conversation~"

After closing the secret door to the basement, Ronan picked up Grisha and checked the surroundings. After finding no leftover items or suspicious places, he left the manor directly and found a hidden place in an uninhabited forest nearby and put Grisha down.

While sorting out his words to him, he waited for Grisha to wake up.

Ronan was a little nervous. He knew that this conversation with Grisha was crucial and related to whether all the plans could be implemented.......

Not long after, about ten minutes later, Grisha woke up.......

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