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"You have been hiding in the basement to avoid the pursuit of the giants. Ymir, you are very smart. You must have been hungry for a long time. Come and eat something."

As if she had found a ray of light in the endless darkness, Petra showed her gentle instinct to Ymir.

This made the latter feel overwhelmed.

However, this reserved look with a hint of desire made Petra feel more distressed and treated her more gently.

Seeing such a friendly scene, the three Elders all showed aunt-like smiles.

It was at this moment that Oro, who was the first to come to his senses, noticed that Ronan's expression was strange and asked in a low voice:

"Rookie, what's wrong with that girl?"

"This is a big problem~

Of course, Ronan did not say this, but responded calmly:"It's hard to tell for now, you should pay more attention to her later.~"

"I know~" Oou whispered.

Ymir, originally a beggar living in Marley, didn’t even know her own name. Later, she was used by some people with ulterior motives and named Ymir. She was believed by some Eldians in Marley and became their spiritual pillar.

This organization was soon discovered by the Marley government. In order to protect everyone, this kind woman shouted her own Ymir, and was immediately captured. Then she was injected with giant spinal fluid and turned into a pure giant. She was released to Paradis Island and has been cruising aimlessly.

Until she accidentally ate the Jaw Titan Beliku and became the new Jaw Titan, and became a human again.

"Jaw Titan......We have reached Wall Maria so quickly. I wonder if Reiner and the others have already infiltrated Wall Rose. It seems very likely.......No, it's very big."

He did not expose Ymir's idea. In Ronan's mind, this was undoubtedly a holder of the power of the Titan who could be won over, because Ymir was not a soldier brainwashed by Marley, she was an ordinary Eldian who was deeply persecuted by the Marley government and used by an unknown organization.

Moreover, in the plot, Ymir could have gone on her own, but in the end, because of Christa, she chose to fight, and even chose to sacrifice her life, and took the initiative to follow Reiner and Hoover back to Marley. Needless to say, what happened afterwards.

Her fate is undoubtedly tragic.

It is precisely because of the understanding of Ymir's character and experience that Ronan has always positioned her as a holder of the power of the Titan who can be won over.

At this time, looking at Ymir immersed in the"gentlemanly land" of Petra, Ronan thought strangely:"Now she must not have seen Christa, Ymir is not in love with someone else, right?....."Oh no, this can't be considered as transferring one's affection to someone else."

Looking at this man who obviously has a woman's body but likes women, Ronan's expression froze for a moment, then relaxed. If Petra could really make Ymir open her heart and stand by them, this would undoubtedly be an exciting thing.

In the following time, under the leadership of Petra, Ymir got to know everyone and officially joined the team.

Of course, as a survivor.

During the subsequent mission, she will follow Ronan and others to the east and join the Survey Corps team that set out from the Karanis district.

With the addition of Ymir, the atmosphere in the team has obviously improved.

The first survivor has appeared, so how far will the second one be?

Regarding the prospects of this mission, Petra and others are no longer desperate, but instead express their expectations.

"If you knew that this seemingly harmless girl next to you was actually a giant, what kind of expression would you have?"

Looking at the people who got along well with Ymir, Ronan thought with some evil taste.

At the same time, Ymir, who was relieved because she had gained the trust of Petra and the others, couldn't help but look at Ronan, the youngest of all the people present, but the leader of this team without a doubt, with a hint of curiosity in her eyes.

And for some reason, every time she met Ronan's eyes, Ymir always had a feeling that she had no way to hide and was completely seen through, which made her very uncomfortable, so she didn't dare to have too much contact with Ronan in the past two days.

But the curiosity in her heart was getting stronger and stronger.

"Sister Petra, what kind of person is Captain Ronan?"

Although she has been wandering aimlessly outside the wall as an innocent Titan for sixty years, after regaining her human form, Ymir still looks as young as when she was injected with the Titan's spinal fluid, and her mentality has not changed much. After all, she was not conscious for the previous sixty years.

This makes it easy for Ymir to play the role of an ignorant girl without much awkwardness.

Her young appearance has become her biggest umbrella of protection.

Without any doubt, while checking the surrounding situation, Petra responded:"Ronan is strong, no, very strong, and his talent is even more terrifying than that of the Captain. It won't be long before he can surpass the Captain and become the strongest human being!"

As she spoke, Petra's eyes revealed an undisguised look of admiration.

"The strongest human being?!"Ymir was shocked.

She really couldn't associate a boy who was younger than her and not as strong as her with those four words.

"There is no doubt that during the first mission outside the wall, Ronan was able to kill nearly twenty giants independently. This level of combat power and adaptability cannot be achieved on the first mission outside the wall~"

Petra's face became softer and her heart was extremely stable as she stared at Ronan's back as he walked in front of her.

That back, which was not particularly broad, gave her a great sense of security.

Ymir's expression froze. For some reason, her perception of Ronan suddenly became worse.

One thing became clearer in her mind, that is, to try to have as little contact with Ronan as possible.

This man is too dangerous!

What does it mean to kill twenty giants alone? Ymir felt so insecure, and even regretted it in her heart. It seemed that she should not show up.

However, she did not have the opportunity to think about it. At the entrance of the Shiganshina area in front, a large number of giants appeared, which attracted her attention.

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