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TảStart time: 0.040s Scan: 0.032sLooking in the direction of Gunda's finger......

At the southernmost end of the Shiganshina District, around the huge hole that was kicked by the Colossal Titan, the Titans who were wandering aimlessly on the street seemed to sense something and rushed to the direction of the hole.

"The giant's behavior must have been caused by seeing humans!"Elder came to the conclusion immediately.

Everyone agreed with this.

"Human......Is it Reiner and the others?......"

Without giving Ronan a chance to think, three figures rushed straight into the Shiganshina District from the hole. Looking at the giants rushing in front of them, the three of them directly used three-dimensional mobile equipment to climb onto the city wall and escaped this disaster.

"That is......"Captain Sanmao and his team!" Gunda said excitedly.

Elder and the other two, who also recognized the identity of the people, were very excited at this moment.

Everyone in the Survey Corps was extremely concerned about the Miko Squad, which was the combat team led by Captain Sanmao, who was guarding the Giant Forest alone. They felt unfair.

Captain Sanmao and his team, who sacrificed themselves for humanity and guarded an area surrounded by giants, were openly abandoned by the royal government. The Survey Corps was not allowed to organize a team to go for supplies, and then there was an incident of a giant breaking through the wall, making it even more impossible to go for support.

In this case, these heroes were tantamount to being abandoned.

Without supplies, the people far away in the Giant Forest would certainly not be able to hold on for a long time. They thought they would never see Captain Sanmao and his team again, but now they actually met them, and everyone was excited.

""You all must be very sad now, after trying so hard to come back here, only to see this scene~" Ronan thought.

He expressed his admiration for Captain Sanmao and his men.

At the same time, he was a little confused, because according to his estimation, the supplies they left in the store when they left could support at least four months of consumption. Without receiving orders, the other party could not have returned early.

However, now Captain Sanmao has returned here, and his movements seem to be very embarrassed. Ronan thinks that things should not be simple. The base far away in the Giant Forest is probably no longer in existence.

""Ronan, shall we go pick up Captain Sanmao and his men?" Elder said anxiously.

He also called Ronan back to his senses. Looking at the three men, Sanmao and his companions, who were standing on the city wall in the distance and confronting the giants without noticing them, he shook his head slightly.

"Send out signal flares to let them come over from the city wall~"

Now there are many giants in the area where Sanmao and others are. Without the equipment and supplies, they would be sending themselves to death if they rush over. It would be safer to let Sanmao and others go around the city wall.

Ronan’s idea must be the best choice at the moment. After a little thought, Elder and others figured it out. They did not insist and directly sent out signal flares.

Soon, the three captains of Sanmao who saw the signal flares did not rush over in confusion, but turned around to where Ronan and others were.

Because the horses were left under the city wall and there was no way to transport them up, the three could only run over on foot. It took more than three hours to successfully reunite.

"Captain, why are you back?~?"Elder said bluntly. Ronan was helpless. Didn't he see that the other party was breathing heavily and looked speechless? He immediately signaled Petra and Ymir to bring some water and food.

The two women didn't hesitate and immediately took out bread and water and handed them over.

Following behind Petra, Ymir didn't show the indifference or sharp tongue in the plot. She always seemed very obedient. Basically, she would do whatever Ronan asked her to do.~~~

There is no way. In Ymir's eyes, Ronan is completely equal to the devil.

"Gulp! Gulp!~~~~

After getting the water and food, Squad Leader Sanmao didn't hesitate to wolf them down. It was obvious that he hadn't eaten for a long time.

"Don't be in a hurry, eat slowly!" Ronan couldn't help but remind them. After not eating for a long time, the stomach would definitely not be able to bear such a meal.

As if to confirm his idea, the three of them choked quickly, slapped their chests violently, and finally recovered, all of them looked frightened.~

""It would be too shameful if I didn't get killed by the giants but choked to death while eating." Ronan thought.

He didn't say anything to disturb the others from eating. Petra and the others did the same, waiting quietly for Sanmao and the others to recover.

After about five minutes, Captain Sanmao, who had finally recovered his strength and had eaten and drunk enough, breathed a sigh of relief and looked over with gratitude:

"Ronan, it's a good thing we met you, otherwise we would have starved to death even if we weren't killed by the giants."

The other two were also very grateful.

Seeing that the three people were in a situation not much better than beggars, Ronan couldn't help asking:"Is the base gone?"

Hearing this, Sanmao was silent for a while, or recalled something terrifying, took a deep breath, and nodded:

"It has been breached by a giant, a giant that has never been seen before!"

"Never seen it before?" Ronan couldn't help but think of the Armored Titan, the Colossal Titan, and the Female Titan. He finally fixed his gaze on the Female Titan.

Sanmao's words rang in his ears again at the right time:"That is a very.....Sexy female giant!"

Sanmao's nose twitched a few times, and he continued,"The smell on her body is unheard of. Originally, our platform was set on a 45-meter-high tree trunk, so there shouldn't be any problems, but the female giant climbed onto the platform easily......"

"Didn't you attack it?!" Oruo couldn't help asking.

"Of course it attacked.

Sanmao frowned and said with lingering fear:"But there is a crystal-like protective layer on its back neck. Our knives have no effect on it."

"crystallization~~~~"Everyone frowned, feeling incredible

"That's right, it's the crystal. My sword couldn't break it even if I cut it in half, let alone kill the opponent!"

Taking a deep breath and exhaling slowly, Sanmao recalled the despair and powerlessness. His eyes suddenly became sharp and he said seriously:

"The most incredible thing is......I think that female giant is conscious!!!"

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