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Tải ảnh: 0.029s Scan: 0.134sTime flies, and several months have passed quickly.

The first batch of potatoes planted have matured, and the fields are full of harvest.

Everyone has an excited smile on his face.

Seeing this scene, Ronan is pleased and feels very accomplished.

As the direct person in charge of this large reclamation, Ronan's personal efforts and his commitment to his words, coupled with the fact that he was born in the Shiganshina District, have made his reputation among the refugees increasingly high.

To a certain extent, he has become their leader.

Of course, the refugees are limited to the Trost District. The land reclaimed this time is limited. Even if the harvest is rich, it can only meet the self-sufficiency of the Elmiha District itself. Other areas have to rely on themselves.

There is no way around it. After all, Ronan's influence and energy, as well as the manpower and material resources that the Survey Corps can mobilize, can only radiate to the Elmiha District.

The inland where the king, ministers, nobles, and wealthy businessmen live is under the jurisdiction of the gendarmerie. As conservatives within the wall, they are in opposition to the Survey Corps to a certain extent.

This makes all actions of the Survey Corps constrained by them, and they cannot carry out their work freely.

In order to do things conveniently, the Survey Corps even moved its headquarters, which should have been set up in the core area of the inland, to the Elmiha District. While gaining more independent power, it is also far away from the core of power and the king. It can be said that there are gains and losses.

Back to Ronan, at this time, the potato planting and optimization plan has been put on the right track. From now on, he only needs to leave the relevant personnel here to supervise. He knows that it is almost time for him to leave.

"Hanji, I'll leave this to you for now." Ronan said to Hanji beside him.

Hearing this, Hanji looked helpless:"You kid only know how to order me around. My position is obviously higher than yours."

"Don't worry about these details~"

Waving his hand, Ronan smiled and said:"The more capable, the more work. Besides, I can see that compared to going out to perform dangerous tasks frequently, you prefer to stay in one place to conduct experiments that interest you. This is undoubtedly the most suitable place for you."

During the past few months, except for the initial reclamation and planting, and the final harvest stage, there was a long period of time in between, which was a window period. It was free time and there was no need to perform tasks. Hanji could completely implement the experiments he wanted to do.

Hearing this, Hanji had already been moved, but she didn't want to let Ronan go just like that. After glancing around and not seeing those little tails, she asked mysteriously in a low voice:"Ronan, why do you care so much about Xiao Mi?"

"Did you see it?" Ronan looked surprised.

Then he asked,"Did anyone else see it?"

"It seems that I guessed right~

Hanji smiled and said,"Don't worry, no one else noticed it. It's just that I have a strong observation ability, so I felt it. I was not sure at first, but your reaction just now says it all.""

"Still not deep enough~

Ronan whispered to himself with a warning in his heart,"I can't tell you the specific reason, but after I leave, you help me keep an eye on her, this is very important~"

"Leave it to me~" Han's eyes were excited.

Seeing this, Ronan couldn't help but stroke his forehead and mourn for Ymir's future. Being targeted by such a science fanatic was not a happy thing.

After that, after a few simple chats and promising that if he encountered a giant under four meters when he was out on a mission, he would catch a living one for research if conditions permitted, Ronan officially handed the task here to Hanji.

As expected, not long after, Elder, Gunda and Oro came here and conveyed Erwin's appointment and related missions.

When Captain Levi was too busy to take care of the team, Ronan once again made a contribution Seeing Ronan's performance, Erwin directly proposed to promote him to the captain of the team.

Originally, this application was only tentatively passed to the royal government. Who knew that things went so smoothly and were directly approved. Even Darius Zachary, the president, signed his consent in person.

This is a bit intriguing.

It is not known whether Ronan has hidden connections in the mainland, or whether the royal government is preparing to alienate their Survey Corps, or for other reasons. In the absence of an accurate conclusion, Erwin chose not to think too much. Anyway, as long as the development of things can help achieve the goal, it will be fine.

Erwin, who only focuses on human freedom rather than fighting for power, showed his broad mind at this moment.

""Ronan, your promotion speed is really extraordinary. You are at the same level as me so quickly. The next level up is Levi's level." Hanji sighed with emotion.

But she didn't care much. She has always been very optimistic about Ronan.

As for the other people around, they all gave their best wishes. Eren was especially excited, which made Hanji and others laugh.

Only Ymir said in a low voice with a cold face,"Little brat with ADHD", and then followed Petra closely.

If Eren, Armin and Mikasa are Ronan's little tails, then Ymir is Petra's little tail. They almost want to sleep together.

After a long time, even the gentle Petra can't stand it.

Ronan was quite happy about his promotion. The next step is deputy captain, and then... The next step is the captain of the army, and then the commander of the regiment. He is only fourteen years old, but in less than a year, he has reached a height that others can only reach in several years or even ten years.

The key is that others can't say anything, after all, Ronan's achievements are real.

In addition, from now on, the work that Grisha is doing should be relatively smooth. Ronan has entered the sight of the powerful people in the mainland, and even President Darius Zachary already knows him. He has become familiar with the face, and then it depends on Ronan's own ability.

In such troubled times, as long as you have the ability and means, it is not difficult to achieve success.

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