Winter mornings are always very nostalgic for the warm bed, and they can’t get up.

Unfortunately, the reality is so cruel.


A series of ear-shattering bells suddenly came to mind, followed by a sharp whistle, which directly woke the sleeping recruits from their sleep.

All of them looked confused, but quickly reacted.

They are no longer civilians, they are now recruits to the training corps, servicemen!

“Livington, don’t sleep, you’ll be late for sleep!” Ellis shook his friend vigorously.

His eyes were full of anxiety.

Last night, before going to bed, the words of the dormitory leader were still ringing in his ears, and those who were late in the morning gathered had to run around the square five times.

One thousand meters in a circle, a total of five kilometers!

It’s really fatal!

Everyone else in the dormitory also knew about this, and they were all wearing people’s clothes in a hurry, which seemed very chaotic.

The person in charge who saw the door couldn’t help but shake his head.

This is the worst class of recruits he has ever taken….

Of course, one person has to be expelled.

Looking at the empty bed next to Livington where the cups and pillows had been neatly placed, the eyes of the person in charge were full of amazement.

It was the first time he had seen such a self-disciplined recruit, who had already dressed up an hour before the assembly, walked from the dormitory, and after eating some breakfast, he went to the square to run laps by himself, and he should still be running.

The physical fitness is really terrifying, the key is the kind of desperate eyes, which makes people extremely moving.

I really don’t know why a fourteen-year-old boy fights so hard!

This is peacetime!

At the same time, inside the square~

“Whew… Phew…”

Running for a long time in cold weather is not only a test of a person’s endurance, but also a test of willpower.

Every breath of air inhaled seems to carry a thorn, scraping the respiratory tract.

At this time, Ronan no longer knew how many laps he had run, even with his current physical reserves, he was already very tired, the whole person was steaming, sweat had already soaked his clothes, and it was still dripping.

With a hard stride, Ronan completed the final lap.

As I paced to regain my strength, a comforting system sound sounded in my ears:

“Drip, complete the 13002.356-meter winter run, willpower +1, endurance +1!”

Many times, people are not afraid of hard work, afraid of paying, but afraid of not gaining after paying.

If you were told that as long as you give, you will be rewarded, I think most people will not refuse.

There are any lazy people in this world who just know that it is useless to do it, or know that they do not have the ability to accomplish what they want to accomplish.

At this time, feeling the changes in his body, the corners of Ronan’s mouth smiled, and he was intoxicated by this way of getting immediate rewards after sweating.

This scene fell in the eyes of the other recruits who felt the gathering of the venue, and it further intensified their fear of Ronan.

This guy is a pervert at all!

Self-abuse is so happy, running in the big winter is really fatal.

Ignoring this, Ronan walked to the side of Ellis, and after a simple hello, stood in line, waiting for the arrival of the instructor.

Erwin did not appear again, and what came here was a middle-aged man in an instructor’s uniform.

“I’m Klaus Ladner, your direct instructor, and I’ll be in charge of your training for a long time to come.”

As he spoke, Klaus looked around at the trainees present, his eyes sharp, especially the recruits who were late and standing on the side, and they were met with his undisguised disgust in his gaze…

“After seeing you guys today, I was disappointed, so many people were late for the first assembly, the training camp has the rules of the training camp, five laps per person, go to run immediately, only after the run can you eat breakfast, the others disperse on the spot, and start training after breakfast!”

With that, Klaas turned and left.

Ronan found that the other party’s gaze wandered on him for a few seconds, and his eyes had a deep meaning.

“It seems that Erwin has mentioned something…”

Looking at the other party’s back, Ronan’s gaze naturally converged on the back of his bare head, touched his lush hair, and was very glad that he had the reality of hair.

In the end, those who arrived late still did not eat breakfast, so they could only endure hunger and start the day’s training.

As the source of troops for the other three corps, the role of the training corps is undoubtedly very important, and the practice items are very complicated, but they are all extremely useful content.

Specifically, it includes logistics marching (physical training), equestrian practice, lectures on the art of war, technical skills (equipment assembly), knife chopping, fighters, and most importantly, three-dimensional machine training.

The basis for learning to use a stereoscopic machine is to have excellent physical coordination and be able to maintain balance under the pull of two ropes.

This is the first training after joining the bootcamp, and it is also the most basic and critical exercise.

Students who cannot use the stereoscopic machine are not eligible to continue to stay in the training camp.

Because whether it is joining the survey corps or the garrison regiment later, it is doubtful that it is a gendarmerie regiment, and the three-dimensional machine will be the basic equipment, and if even this cannot be used, there is indeed no need to continue training.

The recruits who know this are undoubtedly very nervous, and if they can’t pass, all their previous efforts will be in vain.

In this atmosphere, Ronan was the first to play


PS: The third change today, and one more around five o’clock in the afternoon.

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