Putting his hand to his mouth, he whistled, calling back the horses that had not yet escaped. Lin Quan immediately jumped on the horse and galloped.

Although he killed the two strange survey species, there were still more than 20 ordinary giants behind him. Staying here at this time was simply courting death, because no matter how powerful he was, he had little chance of winning against 20 giants alone, not to mention that the terrain here was still very unfavorable, and there was not much gas left on his body, so the best strategy was to run away, and it was the safest to retreat quickly!

The speed of ordinary giants was still much slower than that of the strange species. Although they were also chasing after them, the speed between them and Lin Quan did not get closer, but became farther away!

The height of the Survey Corps' horses was not very high, generally about 1.3 to 1.4 meters, very similar to the Mongolian horses of later generations. This kind of warhorse had good endurance, was relatively docile, and was easy to tame, and could carry heavy things forward!

However, their shortcomings are quite obvious, that is, they lack explosive power and are not fast enough. Speed is very important when facing giants. If you can't outrun the giants on horseback, then you have no chance of survival. Therefore, the horses of the Survey Corps have been improved. They retain the advantages of gentle temperament and good endurance, while also improving some advantages of explosive power, and their size has become slightly larger!

The breeding of this kind of horse has lasted for decades. Today, the various conditions of this kind of warhorse are very suitable for the Corps!

Except for the extremely fast strange species, ordinary giants cannot compare with these warhorses if they simply compete in speed!

So seeing that the speed of the warhorse has reached its peak, and the giants have not caught up yet, everyone breathed a sigh of relief. It seems that Lin Quan should be out of danger!

But at this time, Lin Quan on the horseback couldn't be happy!

Because he had just walked through the gates of hell. If these strange species were ordinary strange species, then the previous battle should have been very simple. At that time, the battle just now was not simple at all. Instead, it was particularly difficult, and almost made Lin Quan capsize. The reason why it was so difficult was because of the command of the Beast Titan!

Although Lin Quan guessed that the other party was the Beast Titan, because he did not really find the location of the Beast Titan, these were just his guesses!

At this time, Lin Quan, who was on the warhorse, looked around and searched carefully, as if he wanted to find the mastermind who was hiding in the dark and remotely commanding these giants, but he found nothing. The

Beast Titan had left, because Lin Quan's appearance made him feel that his plan this time was probably unsuccessful. The other party was not far away from the city, there were not many giants around, and there was no human existence for him to directly turn the Eldians into giants, so the number of giants participating in the siege was not enough, and there was no way to kill all these people unless he did it himself!

However, if he personally took action, it might disrupt the plan that had been made long ago, which would not be worth the loss. Therefore, he decided to retreat first and wait for a better opportunity. After all, there was still more than a year before the agreed time. During this time, he could investigate humans and find some of their weaknesses.

"Survey Corps, prepare for battle!"

Captain Erwin saw that Lin Quan was close to the giant's strength, and the left and right wings and the vanguard squad had successfully retreated into the giant forest, so he immediately issued a combat order.

If the giant directly broke into the forest, the Survey Corps would fight freely in groups.

The terrain of the giant forest limited the speed and activity space of the giant, but it was very conducive to the use of their three-dimensional maneuvering device, so fighting in this place would be very beneficial for them!


The soldiers of the Survey Corps responded loudly, because Lin Quan's successful battle to kill the two-day anomaly just now brought great encouragement to the soldiers, so the morale of the soldiers was very high at this time!


Lin Quan whipped his horse hard, drove it into the huge forest, and immediately used the three-dimensional maneuvering device to fly up into the forest.

"New recruit Lin Quan, the battle is over, and I am applying to return to the team!"

The sergeant glanced at him calmly and said,"Return to the team!"


Lin Quan stood straight and came to the middle of Mikasa and Sister Pei. Although the two of them also stood straight and prepared to fight, they still secretly looked at him when they saw him coming back. Sister Pei gave him a thumbs up. Mikasa's eyes were red, as if she had cried. Although she didn't speak at this time, her eyes seemed to be able to speak, as if saying: It's great to be back safely...

Without the command of the Beast Titan, this group of giants suddenly became chaotic, and no longer implemented any siege tactics, but rushed into the huge forest in a swarm!

Although this place is very conducive to the battle of the Survey Corps, the number of these giants is not small. There are about 70 in the four directions. Except for the fewer and smaller giants in the back, there are more giants in other directions!

"Levi's squad, follow me, attack on the left wing!"

The captain drew his weapon and said in a tone without any emotion.

The six people responded with a bang, and flew towards the giant that rushed into the woods one by one!

This battle lasted for more than seven hours, from the afternoon until dark!

Almost all the giants were killed, except for one that was captured by Hanji...

The huge forest at dusk seemed very chaotic, with rising steam everywhere. After the giant was killed, the corpse quickly began to decay, emitting disgusting steam. The

Survey Corps itself also suffered considerable casualties in the battle!

PS: Thank you Uchiha Popa for the 2100 VIP points, thank you Rain丶念往往 for the 1000 points, thank you the gods for the 2000 points, thank you everyone, although the subscription of this book is still very bleak, still less than 100, but thank you very much for your perseverance, I will continue to work hard!

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