After hearing what he said, everyone became alert.

Lin Quan also looked up at the surrounding rooftops, but he didn't see any members of the Military Police on the rooftops.

He breathed a sigh of relief. If no one was found, it would be good news. If they really found the other party on the rooftop, it would prove that the other party was really on guard against them to the extreme, and even wanted to get rid of them as soon as possible!

"No, there is no one on the roof!"

The others also checked and subconsciously moved closer to the captain and the commander.

The commander is the core and soul of the entire corps. Without him, the Survey Corps can't even be called the Survey Corps!

Seeing the actions of his subordinates, the commander smiled and said to everyone:"Don't be nervous, it's okay, the Military Police won't do anything to us here, because we haven't posed a threat to them yet!"

The current situation is still unclear. As the kingdom's strongest anti-Titan combat force, the Survey Corps is unlikely to become a victim of politics. What's more, although the royal family has become more and more mysterious, it has not yet reached the point of madness and loss of control. Therefore, the Military Police is still within the controllable range and will not take such risks!

Moreover, Captain Erwin and the commander of the Military Police are acquaintances. He knows each other's personality and characteristics very well. Such a thing is not something the other party can do!

"Keep moving forward and ignore the people around you!"

Captain Erwin didn't care about the people around them who were watching them. This was the territory of the Military Police Corps. It was normal for them to be watched after the Survey Corps came in!

The most difficult one this time was not the Military Police Corps, but the royal family!

There are many camps in Attack on Titan. The big ones are the Marleyan camp and the Eldian camp.

To be more specific, there are also many camps in the Eldian world inside the wall. Needless to say, the three major corps, in addition to the three major corps, there are also power institutions such as the Reis family and the Supreme Command of Humanity!

The royal family is the actual ruler of the kingdom, but it seems that more than three years ago, before the Maria city wall was breached, the royal family was greatly affected, and many of the previous royal family members disappeared. Currently, only one Rod Reis is known to exist. , this person is Krista’s father, and he is now the real ruler of the world inside the wall!

The president of the country, Darius Zachary, is nominally the president, but he is only responsible for military affairs, which is equivalent to the commander-in-chief of the three armed forces. He is not responsible for domestic administrative affairs!

The contradiction is mainly concentrated between the three armed forces headquarters and the royal family!

When the Eldians were defeated on the mainland and were forced to flee to this island, in order to cut off their subjects’ thoughts of returning to the mainland, the royal family used the power of the Founding Titan to forcibly clear the memories of all their subjects, and listed all previous books as banned books, so that the people inside the wall completely lost their knowledge of the world outside the wall!

The lie woven by the royal family that the world outside the wall is full of giants and is very dangerous is believed by people because of the appearance of giants.

More than a hundred years have passed. The lie is still going on, but there is more and more evidence that makes people doubt the royal family's lies, and the Survey Corps is undoubtedly the most difficult existence among them!

The existence of the Survey Corps is an outside investigation agency that the royal family reluctantly agreed to set up in order to block the curiosity of the people inside the wall about the world outside the wall. According to their original idea, as long as the Survey Corps suffers a major setback and heavy losses outside the wall, people will completely give up on the world outside the wall and will no longer want to explore the world outside the wall.

And it is also out of fear of the world outside the wall, fearing that people know too much, so they strictly limit the size of the Survey Corps and don't want the Survey Corps to grow! In order to prevent the Survey Corps from really figuring out the situation outside after it grows stronger, which may pose a great threat to their rule!

So they suppressed the Survey Corps and discredited the Survey Corps, using various propaganda methods to discredit the Survey Corps!

This method has worked.

Over the past 100 years, people's curiosity about the world outside the wall has gradually decreased.

The Survey Corps has only conducted 27 surveys outside the wall in more than 100 years, and the losses in the 27th survey were also very serious.

People's curiosity about the world outside the wall has basically been exhausted.

Not only that, the Survey Corps wasted a lot of manpower, material resources and financial resources, but almost nothing was gained.

After being constantly propagated and rumored by propaganda agencies, people generally believed that the actions of the Survey Corps were meaningless.

Not only did they not gain anything, but they were also delivering bait to the giants, which was simply feeding their traitors.

Therefore, the call to cancel the Survey Corps was also raised!

This point appeared in the first episode of the anime. When the Survey Corps came back from outside the wall, the morale of the entire corps was low, and the people complained about them and were very unfriendly. Only children like Allen would support the Survey Corps.

The royal family felt that the time was almost up and was ready to take action against the Survey Corps thoroughly. This was why the Survey Corps felt uneasy, because they had almost faced such a situation a few years ago, so it was not surprising that they were wary of such dangerous behavior!

However, no one expected that just when the royal family was about to use the boiling public resentment to deal with the Survey Corps, the Colossal Titan suddenly appeared. His appearance killed more than 250,000 people within the walls of Maria, but saved more than 1,000 members of the Survey Corps!

Feeling that their lives and property were under great threat, people's attitude towards the Survey Corps immediately changed 180 degrees, from indifference and even suspicion and disgust to love and support, and hoped that they could expel the Titans and protect themselves!

So, the royal family had no way to do it!

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