The garrison corps actually suffered more casualties than the gendarmerie, but they had more people. For a team of more than 40,000 people, suffering a dozen casualties was actually no big deal. You have to know that in the battle for the Tros region, they lost hundreds of lives and thousands of casualties!

This price was much smaller than that time, but the battle for the Tros region had not yet broken out.……

"Erwin, why is your casualty rate in the Survey Corps 20% while our Military Police Corps' casualty rate is 70%?%?"

Sure enough, Neil Dekker was a little unhappy after seeing the casualty figures of the Military Police!

Regardless of whether he really cares about those people, as the head of the Military Police at this time, he can't ignore the casualties of his men. If he does that, there won't be many people in the entire Military Police who will obey him!

Moreover, the friction between the Military Police and the Survey Corps has been going on for a long time. Not long ago, he received complaints from his subordinates, saying that the people of the Survey Corps were arrogant and obstructed the work of their subordinates.

However, as the supreme commander of the Military Police, Neil himself knew what kind of people under his command were, so he didn't really pursue such a small matter with the Survey Corps, but today's matter cannot be ignored.

"Captain Neil, I am very sorry for what happened, but there is one thing I hope you can understand!"

Captain Erwin did not choose to compromise or give in at this time. He had no good feelings towards the Military Police when his father was captured and killed by the Military Police when he was young!

After so many years, although part of his hatred for the Military Police has been transferred to the royal family, it does not mean that he can forgive the people in the Military Police!

"All soldiers seconded to the Survey Corps were already members of the Survey Corps the moment they entered the Survey Corps, so in this battle, only the Survey Corps suffered casualties, not the Military Police!"

Erwin's words made both Pixis and Neil Decker frown, and the latter slammed the table hard.

""How ridiculous! When did my military police become your Survey Corps' people? According to your logic, the casualties are all from your Survey Corps. Doesn't that mean that the results of this battle are also from your Survey Corps?"

His words immediately pulled Pixis to his side, because in this operation, Pixis's garrison also contributed manpower.

If it weren't for the desperate efforts of the garrison's city gate guards to disperse the Survey Corps every time they left the city, the giants outside the city would have caused heavy casualties to the Survey Corps the moment they left the city!

Not to mention the investigation outside the wall!

Moreover, in this operation, the garrison also provided a full 60 soldiers.

If his Survey Corps took all the credit for it, it would offend a lot of people at once!

Neil Dek's personal relationship with

Erwin can only be said to be good, but it's not to the point where he doesn't care about anything the other party does!

And as the head of the Military Police, everything he does is naturally for the Military Police.

They are motivated by interests, and their heads are determined by their butts.

No matter what position they sit in, they must seek benefits for their own group and themselves.

Although from the perspective of the entire human race, the Survey Corps is of great significance, but from the perspective of the interests of the Military Police, they do not want to see the Survey Corps gradually grow!

Because that would inevitably damage their interests, because there are only so many overall resources, and there are so many people stationed in the Corps, and the things that can be distributed cannot be cut at all.

If the Survey Corps becomes stronger at this time, then the central leadership will definitely allocate some of the resources from their Military Police to the Survey Corps!

This is equivalent to touching their cake.

Therefore, from the perspective of the Military Police, they are actually enemies of the Survey Corps!

The two sides have not had a very good relationship for a long time.

In fact, it is a conflict of interests.


"I never said that this combat operation was all due to our Survey Corps!"

Erwin looked at him with a faint expression, as if he was looking at a poor creature.

Neil felt something was a little wrong in his heart, but Erwin did not give him a chance to speak at this time.

He continued:"The results of this operation are the result of the joint efforts of all mankind, including the Survey Corps Assistant Corps and the Military Police Corps, but Captain Neil seems to only want to snatch the credit from all mankind, as if he has put the Military Police Corps on the opposite side of all mankind?"

Erwin's expression finally changed, with a faint smile on his face, but this smile seemed like a mockery of him in the eyes of Neil Dek, which made him very angry and ugly!

"Okay, stop arguing. Our Supreme Command will naturally make the judgment on the merits and demerits of this battle. You don't need to interfere. Okay, if there is nothing else, let's adjourn the meeting!"

Darius seemed to be a little tired. As the supreme commander, he saw his subordinates arguing in front of him. This made him feel very tired. He really didn't want to see this kind of thing, but he didn't have a good way to completely resolve such a conflict.

Everyone stood up and saluted the president, and then left the room one by one. The huge room suddenly became empty.

Because during the meeting, the Survey Corps and the Military Police were on the verge of a fight, and the atmosphere was not very good, and this was the jurisdiction of the Military Police, so as soon as they left the meeting room, Lin Quan and others immediately vigilantly protected the commander.

"Haha, don't be so nervous. If he dares to take action here, he won't be called Dirk!"

Erwin smiled, and after hearing his words, everyone looked at the captain.

The captain nodded, so everyone withdrew their weapons and followed behind again.

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