The Miao Dao is a weapon similar to the samurai sword, but in terms of power, the Miao Dao is better, because they generally have additional attributes!

For example, when Lin Quan took this Miao Dao in his hand, he felt the power of thunder and lightning flowing on the blade!

He took a look at the handle, and there were two small seal characters engraved below: Electric Soul.

The type of this knife should be a Miao Dao, but the name should be called Electric Soul. If you put it together, it should be something like Miao Dao Electric Soul!

Well, why does it feel similar to the knife used by Meiyi sister? It seems that Yaezakura sister has also used it?

Lin Quan curled his lips and didn't care about the name.

Holding this knife in his hand, it seems to contain infinite power. Lin Quan's eyes lit up!

This weapon feels so strong!

He took it in his hand and tried it. The weight of this knife is not heavy. There is a blood groove on the blade. The back is slightly wider and thicker, and the front is as thin as a piece of paper. This makes Lin Quan a little doubtful. Will this thing collapse?

It's so thin, if it hits something hard, will it make a big gap?

If it's a blade, it doesn't matter if it has a gap or breaks, just throw it away, no one will care, but this knife is not the same, if this knife is thrown away, then Lin Quan will waste a weapon that cannot be replenished, so he started to worry!

"System, this knife won't be damaged, right?"

Lin Quan took the Miao knife, looked at it carefully, and stroked it carefully with his hand. The blue electric current on the Miao knife jumped from his fingertips. Lin Quan felt his fingers numb, but it was not uncomfortable at all. It seemed that the knife would recognize its owner and was communicating and getting familiar with its new owner carefully.……

"It is possible to be chopped off, but this is not easy!"

In response to Lin Quan's suspicion, the system directly gave a series of data about the Miao Dao and asked Lin Quan to see it for himself. Instead of explaining it to him bit by bit, it would be better to let him see it with his own eyes!

"Hardness 9, flexibility 8, destructive power 9!"

Does this hardness refer to the strength of this weapon?

"That’s right, these are the only three main performance indicators of a weapon, except for artifacts!"

"Hardness represents strength.

If a weapon with low hardness collides with a weapon with high hardness, the weapon with low hardness will be damaged first.

Of course, this also requires strength.

If the user's strength attribute is very strong, then even if the hardness of the weapon is not as good as the opponent's, it will not necessarily break his own weapon!

If neither hardness nor strength prevails, then the weapon with high hardness will win and the weapon with low hardness will be destroyed!


"Flexibility refers to the extensibility of the weapon.

The stronger the flexibility, the greater the range of extensibility of the weapon.

For example, if you pull this Miao Dao hard, it is possible to bend it, but it can also recover within a period of time.

Of course, flexibility has other functions.

If a weapon is to fight under different conditions and environments, it must be very flexible, such as fighting in the snow, in the desert, in the tropics, in humid swamps, or even directly in the ocean.

If the flexibility is not enough, no matter how strong the weapon is, it cannot play its due role!


"The last point is destructive power, which is also attack power, but has a wider range than attack power. For example, when using the Miao Dao, there is a certain probability that it will paralyze the opponent. This is because of the lightning attribute attached to it!"

The system said a lot in one breath, and Lin Quan nodded repeatedly after listening. So, this weapon has two 9s and one 8 among the three attributes. Isn't it a very powerful weapon?

However, the system seemed to have mentioned a magic weapon before. What is that?

"Artifacts are more advanced weapons with one more feature than traditional weapons. This type of weapon is very rare, so to know what the additional feature is, all we can say is that each artifact is different!"

"Well, do you have a magic weapon here?"

Lin Quan weighed the Miao Dao in his hand. Although he thought the Miao Dao was already very good, who could resist the attraction of a magic weapon?

When he heard the name of the magic weapon, Lin Quan felt it was very high-end and wanted it very much!

"Yes, but it cannot be revealed to you, the host, at the moment, because your strength is far from enough to control a divine weapon!"

"Really? Then let me try it first? Don't jump to conclusions so easily!"

Lin Quan was still a little unconvinced. He was looked down upon by the system, which still made him a little unhappy!

The system was silent for a while, and then said:"The host's level is too low to try, otherwise there is a risk of backlash or even destruction!"

After the system finished speaking, it disappeared by itself, and Lin Quan was forcibly cleared out by the system.

He touched his head, probably because this guy felt that he had leaked too much and didn't want to be pestered by him, so he cleared himself out!

But, forget it, there is no point in asking so many questions, anyway, it's just like what the system said, now his strength is not enough to control the artifact, even if he gets it, he may not be able to use it!

At this time, the voices of Hanji and others came from outside, and Lin Quan stood up.

He had heard footsteps coming towards his room.

It seemed that Mikasa came to return the wallet to him.

There was actually not much money in Lin Quan's wallet.

Most of the more than 30 gold coins robbed before had been used, and some of the remaining ones were sent to the little angel.

He only had about four or five coins left with him.

Even if they were all used up by Mikasa and the others, it didn't matter.

""Knock, knock, knock!"

There was a knock on the door outside:"Lin, are you in there?"

Mikasa's voice followed closely and came in. Lin Quan was holding the Miao Dao and didn't know where to hide, so he could only lift the quilt and get into the bed.

"Well, I'm here, please come in!"

Lin Quan hid his things and walked over to open the door. Mikasa outside the door seemed to raise her hand to knock on the door, but when Lin Quan suddenly opened the door, her hand almost knocked on Lin Quan.

PS: I updated 6 chapters yesterday but lost 28 subscriptions. I'm a little skeptical about life...

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