Since Lin Quan and Mikasa left, the atmosphere in the training corps has changed a lot!

The two people who were drawn were the best soldiers among them, but they were sent to the most dangerous battlefield-following the Survey Corps to conduct an investigation outside the wall!

Everyone knows that the casualty rate of the Survey Corps is very high, so many people will not consider the Survey Corps when choosing a corps!

Everyone wants to join the Military Police Corps, which is safe, comfortable, and has a high status. If you can't join the Military Police Corps, at least you have to join a relatively safe garrison corps! The reason why the Military Police Corps stipulates that only the top ten can enter the Military Police Corps is because there are too many people who want to enter the Military Police Corps!

In the past, everyone worked hard to train and wanted to squeeze into the top ten, just to be selected for the Military Police Corps and stay away from the threat of the giants.

But this time the transfer made everyone see a situation!

That is, if you perform too well, you will be selected by the above and then transferred directly to the Survey Corps!

This is nothing less than a bolt from the blue for them, and many people began to doubt in their hearts!

If they performed too well, would they be drafted by the Survey Corps before they even joined the Military Police, and then die on the battlefield?

As a result, something unexpected happened to the training corps instructors. The soldiers began to slack off in their training. Not only that, they all seemed to be very depressed, as if they had lost their fighting spirit and spiritual support.

This confused the instructors. How should such a thing be solved?

The instructors had no choice but to hold a meeting to discuss it!

"It seems that the rule that was made before is still correct!"

An instructor said, and everyone knew what the rule he was talking about was!

The rule is that if you want to join the Military Police Regiment, you must train hard and diligently.

Only after you reach the top ten, you are eligible to enter the Military Police Regiment.

Because the Military Police Regiment is the safest corps, there are many people who want to enter the Military Police Regiment.

In this case, the competition will be very fierce.

In such a competition, even if the top ten all enter the Military Police Regiment, the quality of other soldiers will not be too bad.

After all, they have all been trained seriously.

Such people are useful whether they join the Survey Corps or the Garrison Corps!

The main reason for the current negative attitude of the soldiers is that they thought that they could join the Military Police Regiment by training hard and striving to be in the top ten. The idea was impacted, because this time the Survey Corps directly transferred the top two people, so everyone found that ranking too high did not seem safe.……

"Well, that's true, but this time is a special case. The Survey Corps will not recruit people from us next time, so if we just spread the word, the problem should be solved!"

Another instructor seemed quite optimistic. Although the impact of this incident seemed to be very large, it would not cause any serious damage to them, so there was no need to care too much!

"However, that being said, what if the Survey Corps really come to ask for someone again in the future? What should we do then?"

Another person expressed his concern. They were very cautious about this matter, fearing that a mistake on their part would lead to irreversible consequences.

"Instructor Keith, here is your letter!"

At this moment, a soldier outside reported loudly

""Well, bring it here!"

Instructor Keith nodded at him, and the soldier immediately sent the letter back.

The letter was sent from the Supreme Command, and it seemed to be a letter of commendation, commending their training corps for their outstanding performance in this combat operation, and encouraging them to keep up the good work!

"Hmm? These two guys seem to have made us proud! Take a look, take a look!"

Instructor Keith was delighted and passed the letter to others to take a look.

Everyone read it curiously, and after reading it, they all had happy expressions!

"This is really good news. I told you these two guys won’t die so easily!"

"That’s right, not only did they not die, but they also achieved such great results. What about us, right?"

"That's right, we must give them a grand welcome back. We can't let this opportunity slip away easily!"

Instructor Keith and the other instructors thought the same thing, so soon, the training corps took action!


"Allen, do you know what the instructor wants us to do with these things?"

The training was suddenly terminated, and then the instructor gathered them together to build a platform on the training ground. The recruits felt a little puzzled. At this time, they were whispering, trying to figure out what was going on. However, it seemed that there were not many people who knew about it, so at this time, most of them were just guessing!

"I don't know, but it looks like some great person is coming back!"

Allen put down the flower pot in his hand and said to Armin. He really didn't know what was going on. Under normal circumstances, few people would come to their training corps.

"If an important person comes, does that mean that there will be extra food in the cafeteria at noon? Will it, will it?"

After hearing what Alan said, Sasha immediately drooled and became excited!

In her opinion, nothing is more important than eating!

"Haha, that's hard to say. The cafeteria hasn't received much food recently. If we make a sumptuous meal to entertain those big shots, they will probably be the only ones who can eat the delicious food!"

Krista put down the food in her hands, wiped the sweat from her head, and said to Sasha with a smile.

"If you guys want to eat good food, why don't you just go hunting?" Ymir asked puzzledly. Before this, Lin Quan had done this before, and Sasha herself is a hunter, shouldn't she be very skilled in hunting?

PS: If you think it's not good enough, you can support the old book"Fate: The Strongest Master System", which has a similar style, but it's in the Type-Moon world, so friends who like Type-Moon can give it a try...

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