"You...will never...leave me...……"

The little angel sobbed and couldn't speak clearly. She spoke a sentence intermittently for a long time. Lin Quan felt very distressed. He helped her wipe away her tears, but it didn't last even half a second before it burst out again. The little angel's tears kept falling like they were free. Lin Quan felt so distressed that he could only hug her tightly and comfort her.

"Okay, okay, I promise you, I won’t cry anymore. My eyes will be swollen if I cry anymore, and it won’t look good. Look, everyone is watching us. Although we usually show our affection and it’s nothing serious, the instructors are also watching us.……"

Even Lin Quan, who was very thick-skinned, felt a little embarrassed at this time. Being watched by others was definitely not a good experience, especially the feeling of being watched by so many people...

After hearing what he said, the little angel stopped crying. Her face turned red, and she quickly broke away from his arms, lowered her head, and seemed not to dare to look at other people's eyes. However, she couldn't help being curious, so she carefully looked up and found that as Lin Quan said, everyone was looking at them. So the little angel was embarrassed again and lowered his head even more!

Fortunately, just when Lin Quan and the little angel felt very embarrassed and were about to go down from the stage, Instructor Keith went up to the stage.

"Ahem, quiet down!"

Everyone heard his words, and the noise finally calmed down a little.

"First of all, let us welcome Lin Quan and Mikasa’s safe return to the team with the warmest applause. They represented our Training Corps and performed outstandingly in this investigation outside the wall. They received unanimous commendation from the Survey Corps and the Supreme Command, so let us give them a round of applause!"

Instructor Keith seemed to be ready to set an example for everyone, so he attached great importance to the return of Lin Quan and Mikasa at this time. Not only did he take great pains to arrange these, he also praised them loudly in front of all the recruits, and announced the commendations from the Survey Corps and the Supreme Command.

The recruits had no experience fighting against giants, so they were often very afraid of them. Lin Quan and Mikasa had been on the battlefield, so if they shared their experience fighting against giants with the soldiers, it would be of great help to the growth of the recruits!

Moreover, the role of role models is huge. After setting an example, maybe Lin Quan can lead the recruits to grow together. With Lin Quan as a reference, the growth potential of this class of students will be very great!

Thunderous applause instantly came from the audience, because Lin Quan had a very good relationship with everyone on weekdays, so at this time everyone was not stingy with their applause, and they all gave their applause to Lin Quan and Mikasa. Obviously, everyone admired them from the bottom of their hearts!

"Moreover, in view of the outstanding performance of Lin Quan and Mikasa in the Survey Corps this term, the Military Police Corps attaches great importance to the 104th term students.

They said that they would expand the number of places, and the top 12 will have the opportunity to join the Military Police Corps.

Soldiers, as long as you train hard, you will realize your dream.

If you want to join the Survey Corps, just like Lin Quan, you killed 22 giants in one battle and received the president's personal commendation and reward!

If you want to join the Military Police Corps, you must also train hard like Lin Quan.

Only when your grades meet the requirements can you go to the safe place of the Military Police Corps!

Do you understand?"

For soldiers, there are two things that are most attractive to them, one is honor, and the other is money!

Honor is the pursuit of true soldiers, and money is the pursuit of ordinary people. With money, women, status and life will follow!

And to obtain these things, Instructor Keith has shown them the way, that is, hard training!

At this moment, after he announced this, the soldiers of the training corps were full of fighting spirit in their eyes. They all further clarified their goals. The previous worries were swept away at this time. Many people even looked forward to it in their hearts. Maybe they could also become famous like Lin Quan and Mikasa.!

After seeing the reactions of the crowd, Instructor Keith finally breathed a sigh of relief!

That's right. The students' worries had already dissipated a lot when Lin Quan and Mikasa came back. Now that they are encouraged by me, I guess their fighting spirit will be ignited!

In this way, maybe there will be many outstanding students in this class!

But no matter what the achievements of others are, at least Lin Quan's achievements will not be low. He can kill 22 giants in one battle. Such an achievement is really outstanding. It reminds him of the guy who chopped the abnormal species into pieces. That person's name seems to be Levi, right?


Lin Quan didn't care what the instructors were planning. He took the little angel's hand and sneaked away while the instructors were not paying attention!

How boring it was to stay here. How could it be better than going out for a walk with the little angel?

"My palms are sweating……"

The little angel was still sniffling. It seemed that she had cried too hard before. It would take some time for her to stop crying.

However, she did not forget to hold Lin Quan's hand. She seemed to be afraid that if she let go, Lin Quan would disappear from her sight again.

"Haha, it would be nice if there was a thermometer stuck in there, I wonder what the temperature between us would be?"

Lin Quan thought with some curiosity. It is said that when a couple holds hands, they can put a thermometer in the palm of their hand. The closer the relationship between the lovers and the stronger the love, the higher the temperature of the thermometer will be.

Although the normal human body temperature is 36.8 degrees, the temperature of some parts of the body can easily exceed this value, such as the palm of the hand. When holding each other's hands, the temperature of the palm of the hand will rise very quickly!

There is no thermometer here, so this idea is just a thought.

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