"Reis is the royal family's surname, and my true identity is the illegitimate daughter of the current king... an abandoned member of the royal family.……"

The little angel used up all his strength and finally told out all the secrets hidden deep in his heart!

""Hmm? Royal family members?"

Lin Quan got up from the ground, hugged her from behind, and said to her with a smile:"It doesn’t matter if she is a royal family member, unless you look down on me, a country bumpkin!"

Lin Quan knew what Krista was worried about. She was worried that her identity would implicate those who were too close to her, because her father had sent assassins to kill her mother personally. If the assassin had not shown mercy because she was just a child, Krista would have been killed with her mother! Although she saved her life from the assassin, that scene was deeply imprinted in her mind and became an indelible nightmare in her heart!

During the years she escaped from the royal city, she had been worried that she would be caught up and killed by the assassins, and that she would implicate other people, so She hid her real name and joined the training corps, hoping to live out her life in a low-key manner.

However, the appearance of Lin Quan at this time completely disrupted her plan. If she didn't tell Lin Quan, she was worried that Lin Quan would be implicated. If she told Lin Quan, she was afraid that Lin Quan would not be able to accept it, and she would lose this love!

So, between speaking and not speaking, Krista was conflicted for a long time, and finally decided to speak up!

But after she finished speaking, she began to get scared again, afraid that Lin Quan would be afraid of the pressure from the royal family and then lose this relationship!

However, Lin Quan was not as she worried, he was still very calm at this time, and even joked with her.

"Lin, you, you are not worried?"

Krista was moved, her eyes were red, and tears began to well up.

"What are you worried about? Are you worried that the royal family will stop us?"

Lin Quan smiled, took out a handkerchief to help her wipe her tears, and said with a smile:"Don't cry, our little angel is a real angel when she smiles, she doesn't look good at all when she cries!"

"But you don't know how terrible the royal family is!"

Krista recounted all her experiences over the years.

She was born out of wedlock, so she was considered illegal and could not recognize her father.

This also made her mother dislike her, because her mother wanted to be closer to Rod Reis and even wanted to have her own status, but the existence of an illegitimate daughter destroyed her plan, and Rod Reis began to alienate her and her daughter, leaving them in the countryside without taking care of them.

Krista grew up in a manor owned and managed by the Reis family, and her grandparents were responsible for supervising her.

Because she was an illegitimate daughter, her movements were strictly restricted and she was under severe surveillance. Krista was not allowed to leave the manor. , and there were no other friends in the manor. When she wanted to make friends with the children outside, those people took a very aggressive approach to her. They would throw stones at her, insult her and even threaten her!

Krista felt like a child abandoned by God. The whole world was very lonely and lonely, just like a blank sheet of paper with nothing. This also made her a little withdrawn when she was a child.

In this process, the only thing that could accompany her was reading. Fortunately, the manor had a rich collection of books, which gave Krista a lot of fun.

In this process, because she found out that she liked reading, her sister Frida Reis liked this sister very much, so she would quietly run over to play with her and teach her. Frieda taught her how to read and use the knowledge in the books to enrich herself. Frieda hoped that she could become a kind girl that everyone loves, instead of being like now. She would scold Historia for her unladylike behavior and help Krista grow and improve little by little!

Frieda's existence gave Krista a lot of fun in her childhood, but her memory of this person felt very floating. When she deliberately wanted to recall it, she could never remember it. But when she was asleep, she seemed to be able to recall what happened in the past.

So, Frieda's real and illusory existence accompanied her for several years.

Until one day, when the killer sent by her father killed her mother, Krista's peaceful life was completely broken!

As the most powerful killer in the hands of the royal family, After killing the people on the farm, Kenny Ackerman did not choose to kill Krista, because he had some small calculations in his mind. He also wanted to take back the power of the ancestor titan, so he planned to bet on Krista!

This decision saved Krista, but because the farm was destroyed and she lost her hiding place, she had to leave the royal city, leave the Sina Wall, and come to the Rose Wall.

At this time, the Maria Wall had just been breached, and a large number of refugees pouring in from behind the Maria Wall filled the various urban areas of the Rose Wall.

So the government mobilized people to form a reclamation group to let people reclaim wasteland and produce more food.

During this period, Krista, who had lost her support, was inevitably classified as a refugee!

So she was forced to join the reclamation group and participated in this period of labor. Later, the food production was still not enough, so the government launched a battle to recapture the Maria Wall and took the initiative to give up more than 200,000 people, which made the food supply situation tend to ease.

In the same year, the Training Corps began to recruit the 104th batch of new recruits, and Krista, like everyone else, was selected to join the Training Corps!

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