"It should be less than 15 kilometers. We were pretty fast this morning and have already walked more than 20 kilometers. But the next part will be mountainous, so our speed will slow down!"

Armin thought it would be no problem for them to reach the forest before dark. However, because they had to exchange information with another team and change the route to return to the training base, the next part of the journey would be all unfamiliar routes, and the experience they had accumulated before would not be of much use!

"I don't know where Lin Quan has gone!"

Allen complained, feeling a little unhappy!

As their captain, Lin Quan actually left the team during the operation. If something unexpected happened to the team, I don't know how he would explain it to the instructors.

"He should be back soon, but we'd better replenish our energy quickly. When we get to the woods later, we have to be careful!"

Allen understood what he was talking about, because just now, they found traces of carriages on the ground, and there were some scattered horse hoof prints around!

It seems that these footprints have not been left for a long time, and it is obvious that someone has passed by here before!

However, this area is deserted, who would pass by here?

This made Allen and Armin very strange. From the number of carriages and horse hoof prints, it can be seen that the other party seems to have a lot of people. It seems like a caravan, but the roads in this area are not particularly good. Formal caravans often take convenient water transportation. If they want to go by land, the city There are also wide roads to choose from, so there is no need to go through the mountains!

Ordinary hunting teams are unlikely to bring carriages to such places, because the roads here are not good and carriages can easily overturn if they are not careful. So if they want to hunt, they only need to ride horses, and there is no need to bring carriages! Combining the above two considerations, they speculated that there is only one possibility for the people who appeared here, that is, smugglers! The

Chamber of Commerce within the empire is very powerful, and they are basically businessmen who collude with the parliamentarians above. They monopolize various materials, so the prices of goods everywhere are extremely high, and because the prices are very high, The actual price of the goods is not high, so as long as you can get the supply channel, get the goods, and transport them secretly, you can sell them at a very high price. These are smugglers! Of course

, the place where production can be carried out is not only the royal city, but other places can also produce and then sell them, but this method is hated by the chambers of commerce. They joined forces with the gendarmerie to set up roadblocks everywhere, trying to cut off such smuggling. Therefore, these people have to cross mountains and ridges, avoid some cities, and choose such wilderness to transfer their things.

In addition, there is a black market inside the empire, where you can You can buy a lot of things that you can’t buy on the market, such as rifles, three-dimensional mobile security devices and other military supplies from the military police!

Three-dimensional mobile devices are very valuable things. When Captain Levi was a gangster in the underground streets of the royal city, he got these equipment from the black market, which made them a big threat to the Chamber of Commerce! The soldiers in the team began to stop to eat. They only brought dry food with them. At this time, there was no condition to make a fire and cook in the wild, so they could only eat whatever they could.

After eating, the team continued to move forward. The second half of the journey was indeed very difficult to walk. The road was very rugged, making their movements very difficult!

"I’m so hungry! If only I could have a potato!"

Sasha’s stomach growled with hunger. The little bit of dry food she had at noon was not enough to fill her stomach. As a foodie, such a small amount of food could not satisfy her!

However, there was nothing around at this time. Even if she complained, she couldn’t find food, so she could only complain!

"Just be patient, there might be something to eat in the forest ahead!"

The little angel's voice came from behind. Sasha turned around in surprise and saw Krista.

"Krista, did your Lin Quan do anything to you after he handed you over? Why do you look so red in the face?"

Sasha and the little angel have a very good relationship. This started when she was punished by the instructor and the little angel secretly prepared food for her!

Krista's personality is very kind and helpful, so everyone calls her a goddess. Among the recruits, everyone has a very good relationship with Krista.

"Sasha, you are talking nonsense again. I will ignore you!"

Christa blushed, slowed down her horse, and backed away from her.

Christa came back, and Lin Quan naturally came back too.


After Armin and Eren saw Lin Quan, their reactions were completely different!

Armin seemed very excited to see Lin Quan coming back, but Eren seemed a little resistant to seeing Lin Quan coming back, as if he was not very welcoming!

"Well, how's the situation?"

Lin Quan took a look at Armin's recording board, which recorded their experiences along the way in detail, including what happened, the disputes among the members, and even every word they said!

Of course, Armin is only one person, and it is unlikely that he can write down everything that everyone said. He just wrote down the more important words.

But from this point of view alone, Armin is still very responsible for his work and is a good soldier who is conscientious and responsible!

Speaking of which, he seemed to be more resistant to Lin Quan before, and had a certain degree of vigilance, but now he seems to have a deeper affection for Lin Quan. On the contrary, Eren, who had a good impression of Lin Quan before, now seems to dislike him a little!

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