"These guys, why don't they take me with them? I'm a very experienced hunter!"

Sasha couldn't figure it out. Just because she was a girl, Lin Quan and the others didn't take her with them?

If that was the case, then this guy's thinking was too narrow!

What's wrong with girls? I'm also very capable, okay!

Sasha complained in her heart and glanced at the serious Allen. Lin Quan left Allen to take charge of the rest of the people, which made her feel a little tricky. If it was anyone else, Sasha felt that she could definitely convince the other party to let her go with the temptation of delicious meat!

But if this person was Allen, the possibility was really too low!

Allen was a very stubborn person. Once he made up his mind about something, he would never give up easily!

We had to think of a way! Otherwise, it wouldn't work to count on Lin Quan and the others to hunt!

Even if they really hunted something, if these dozens of people were to share one, there might not be much left in her hands!

So Sasha quietly took advantage of Allen's inattention and began to move to the edge of the crowd.……


"Lin, there seems to be some movement over there!"

The five people pricked up their ears and shuttled through the jungle. Suddenly, Armin stopped, looked into the distance, and said to Lin Quan

"Well, a rabbit, about 35 cm long, weighing about 3 kg, an adult hare!"

Lin Quan also sensed the presence of this little guy, and he was more sensitive than Armin and the others, and he even reported the other party's height and weight!

"Amazing! Can you feel it? How come I didn’t even know where it is?"

Marco felt incredible. He and the other two hadn’t found anything yet, but Lin Quan seemed to have seen the rabbit and could even estimate its weight!

"What's the big deal? If you train as hard as Lin, you will reach his level sooner or later!"

Thomas said nonchalantly, but he found that everyone looked at him strangely!

Lin Quan's level can't be achieved by training, right? This idiot, can't he see it?

"Hehe, wait a moment, Armin, give me all the daggers and knives you just collected!"

When hunting in the jungle, speed is very important, but it does not necessarily have to be that fast, because the road surface in the jungle is uneven, and the ground is full of weeds and vines, plus the dense woods, it is impossible for people to use their speed at all!

Therefore, when hunting in the jungle, you must choose a good location, ambush in advance, set some traps or something, so that you can save a lot of effort!

Of course, if you have a very handy long-range weapon, it will be much simpler!

Because guns are controlled weapons, except for the three major legions, other people basically have little chance. It is available for purchase, so bows and arrows have become the hunters’ weapon of choice!

However, when Lin Quan and his team raided this time, they did not prepare bows and arrows at all. If they were to make them temporarily, they would lack high-quality bowstring materials like tendons, and the bow itself also requires very good wood. Ordinary branches are obviously not enough!

In this case, it would be impossible for them to make bows and arrows in a short period of time. That’s why Lin Quan opposed Sasha and the others to go out hunting. Judging from their strength and the tools they had in their hands, Lin Quan felt that unless they were lucky, they would basically not be able to get anything..

But he is different. Lin Quan has a unique skill that he has never used!

This is his Xiao Li Fei Dao!

This skill is specially trained by Lin Quan, so that he can deal with the strange giants or intelligent giants in the future!

The perception of giants is relatively poor, so as long as their eyes are blinded, they basically lose more than half of their attack power!

This can be seen in the battle between Captain Levi and those in Levi's class with the female giant. The masters must first destroy the opponent's perception, so as to increase their own attack threats, and by doing so, they can also greatly reduce the degree of danger on their side. After all, the strength of the intelligent giant is too strong!

Lin Quan's Xiao Li Fei Dao has been practicing for a long time, and his strength is actually very good. However, he has not yet gone to the battlefield to test the effect. Lin Quan doesn't want to expose his strength so early, at least not all of his strength. For example, Xiao Li Fei Dao and Dian Hun, the seedling knife, he has kept them and not used them at this time!

But if it is used for hunting at ordinary times, there is no problem. These guys don't have a particularly good relationship with the giant group, and it is unlikely that this information will be leaked!

"Here, they are all here!"

Armin handed the five daggers he had collected to Lin Quan!

"OK, wait a moment, I'll be back soon!"

Lin Quan said awkwardly, and then he disappeared in a flash!

Everyone looked up and found that Lin Quan flew up a tree along the trunk, and then flexibly jumped on the treetops!

"Why didn't he just walk on the ground? If he moves on the tree like this, it would consume a lot of energy, right?"

Although I think Lin Quan's movements are very cool and I want to learn from him, I still expressed my doubts at this time. Did Lin Quan do this on purpose to show off? That's a bit too deliberate, right?

"No, he wants to get as close to him as possible!"

Armin quickly judged the distance, stared at Lin Quan's every move and said to everyone:"There are a lot of���If he approaches from the ground, the prey will definitely sense the danger from his footsteps, and may be frightened and run away before he can take any action!

However, if he jumps from the treetops, he can minimize unnecessary noise, thus avoiding being discovered by the prey early and getting as close to the prey as possible.

In this way, the success rate will be greatly increased when he attacks!


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