Wild boars are a very common animal in the forest. They like to live in groups and often appear in groups!

They have a violent personality and strong attack power. If you encounter wild boars outside, if you don’t have powerful weapons to defend yourself, it’s best not to provoke them, because their skin is very thick and ordinary weapons may not work. Even if you kill one or two by chance, the remaining wild boars will rush towards you like crazy!

The fangs of wild boars are very powerful. If you are accidentally poked by this thing, it will be very dangerous!

That’s why Lin Quan frowned, because he knew how dangerous this thing was!

"Let's go and take a look!"

After hearing that it was a wild boar, everyone became excited!

Compared with rabbits, a behemoth like a wild boar means that as long as it is successfully captured, it means a lot of meat! Compared with domestic pigs, wild boar meat has more lean meat and tastes better. Although they are training outside at this time and there are not very good conditions for cooking, it is still no problem to set up a fire and have a barbecue!

And if you string the wild boar meat together and roast it on the fire, just thinking of the sizzling sound, everyone feels that they can't swallow the saliva in their mouths!

Lin Quan is also looking forward to it. Judging from the sound, the size of this wild boar should not be small. If... If they could capture it, they wouldn't have to continue hunting!

Several people carefully approached the place where the sound came from, and found several wild boars digging the soil leisurely. Lin Quan sighed in his heart: Sure enough, there are more than one!

Wild boars are quite courageous. Although they will be alert when they hear the sound, they will not run away directly like rabbits and foxes. They are the overlords in the jungle. Any small animal will give way to them when they see them. No creature dares to provoke them!

Oh, yes, it's not completely impossible. For example, the stupid creature called human beings always brings some weapons to hurt them. Those guys called hunters are the ones they hate the most. Although they are big... After seeing them, some experienced hunters would not provoke them under normal circumstances, but there are always some foolish hunters who would do some stupid things, such as using the toy-like bows and arrows in their hands to attack them.

Although such bows and arrows can penetrate their heavy armor - a layer of things that are rubbed in the mud and stick to the skin and bristles after drying, which can form a natural protective layer.

But it will not cause too much harm to them. Occasionally, it will pierce their skin and make them bleed a little, but it will not cause them fatal injuries. If there are hunters who dare to do this, the powerful wild boars will give them a good beating. A bloody lesson!

Just like now, the wild boar leader raised his head vigilantly. He smelled a trace of stupid human breath in the air. He whispered a series of warnings, but did not choose to escape.

After receiving the warning from the leader, the people in the tribe did not take it seriously, and continued to dig their soil to find food.

The leader found a man standing up with a shiny object in his hand. When the sunlight shone on the object through the treetops, the sunlight emitted by the smooth mirror made his eyes feel a little uncomfortable!

But the leader did not retreat at all. It was just a little trick of humans. How could it scare a battle-hardened warrior like him?

""Roar, roar, roar!"

The leader roared a warning, warning those guys who stepped into his territory without permission!

His warning seemed to work, and the stupid humans made a burst of incomprehensible bird language, and they all hesitated!

"What should I do? There are so many, which one should I shoot?"

Jiang held his chin up, his eyes constantly patrolling among the group of wild boars, as if he wanted to pick the most suitable target!

"How about we attack the biggest one? Attacking all of them is definitely unrealistic. There are too many wild boars, and our attack may make them angry. They may attack us actively at that time. We must prepare defensive measures!"After being glared at by the wild boar leader, Marco, who was less courageous, hesitated a little. To be on the safe side, he thought it would be better not to provoke too many wild boars at once!

"Well, there are indeed too many. Even if we catch them all, we can't transport them back!"

Armin also felt a little embarrassed.

Normally, he would be crazy about eating meat, but when he saw so many wild boars at this time, he was actually in trouble.

There were too many wild boars, and it was not realistic to kill them all.

Except for Lin Quan, it was not easy for others to perform well when facing these wild boars.

Although the three-dimensional maneuvering device could provide them with a good speed, the wild boars were relatively small and could not be compared with big targets like giants.

Therefore, it was unlikely that they would attack all the wild boars.

At most, Lin Quan would select one or two, and the rest of them would work together to attack the other one or two.

In this way, the chances would be greater!

"Then we can choose a few, and raise the rest as pigs. Anyway, they are still young and not yet adults, so we can leave them here. This place is not too far from our camp. If we want to eat meat in the future, we can just take a shotgun and ride a horse to find them, and then we can have a feast again!"

Lin Quan did not plan to catch all these wild boars in one go. If he kept a little fire, these wild boars would not become extinct, and they would have a constant supply of meat to eat!

"Okay, it's decided. Lin, which one are you going to attack?"

Armin glanced at everyone and they all nodded. Lin was the captain and the strongest, so everyone would definitely listen to him..

"Of course it’s the biggest one. If you kill this guy, he’ll have twice as much meat as the others!"

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