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"Just use it like this, is it okay? Mikasa, cover your nose first, don't let yourself get suffocated again later!"

After Lin Quan knocked the thief leader unconscious and tied him up, he took out his bottle and took Mikasa to an upwind position. At this time, he was just about to try it out to see if this thing was useful!

Mikasa's physical fitness was much better than that of ordinary people. At this time, her body had gradually recovered from the previous soreness and weakness, so Lin Quan simply took her to help.

However, other people couldn't move at this time, so Lin Quan felt that it didn't seem to be a big problem to ask them this thing again and let them be poisoned again.

Anyway, they couldn't move now, as long as they could knock down these thieves!

Lin Quan had forced the thief leader before, and knew that there was no antidote for this thing, so he had to be very careful when using it, so as not to knock down the thieves instead of himself, so Lin Quan specially found an upwind position, and then prepared to hold his breath to release the poison, and then run away and hide far away Let’s see the situation here before deciding to enter!

Seeing Mikasa covering her mouth and nose with great effort, Lin Quan took a deep breath and opened the bottle.

A burst of white smoke began to float out of the bottle. It was quite obvious at first, but it disappeared without a trace when it was blown by the wind!

Lin Quan was shocked. It was just as the thief leader said. This thing was colorless and tasteless. At this time, the color had been confirmed, but as for the taste, Lin Quan still didn’t dare to try it!

Taking Mikasa to hide in the woods upwind, both of them curiously poked their heads out and looked over. The thieves in the thieves’ camp really began to react. These guys didn’t seem to expect that the secret weapon they used to deal with the training corps before would become a tool to deal with them!

And the reaction of this thing was really big. The thieves didn’t realize anything at all. Their legs softened, their heads sank, and their consciousness disappeared in an instant. One by one, they fell to the ground crookedly!

"Hey, this thing really seems to work?"

Lin Quan picked up the bottle that had been used up before and took a look at it with some surprise. He was worried that the dosage was not enough, so he used up the rest of the bottle. Now, these guys will not be able to wake up without him for a day or two!

"Okay, it's almost done, we can get to work!"

Armin and others who were waiting outside saw Lin Quan didn't know what to do.���They didn't know what to do, they knocked down all the thieves in the camp, and they all breathed a sigh of relief. It seemed that they didn't have to fight the enemy head-on. To be honest, when the enemy had muskets, they really didn't know how to respond!

"Action, remember not to rescue the hostages first, control all the thieves first!"

Under Armin's command, the recruits tied up the thieves with ropes and put their weapons aside. Regardless of whether they could do it in a short time, such safety measures had to be implemented to avoid any future troubles!

"Lin, it's all thanks to you. I didn't expect to catch them all so easily!"

Everyone seemed very excited and started calling their companions to wake up, but it didn't seem to work. Everyone seemed to be in a more serious situation than before. No matter how much they shouted, they couldn't wake up.

"What's going on? I saw a few of them moving just now, and Sasha was fine just now, how come she fainted now?"

Everyone was confused. Lin Quan was a little embarrassed. He pointed to the moon on the stage and said to Mikasa,"Mikasa, look, the moon is so round today!……"

Before Mikasa answered him, Lin Quan felt something was wrong. He seemed to see a flash of fire in the distance!

What was this fire?

Subconsciously, the hairs on Lin Quan's body exploded, and he pulled out the Miao Dao hanging from his waist almost instantly!


With a crisp sound, sparks flew in the dark night, and a bullet was chopped away by Lin Quan!

""Enemy attack, lie down!"

Lin Quan's instant reaction saved Mikasa's life again. After splitting the bullet, Lin Quan immediately rushed in the direction of the flash of fire in front of him, and shouted to his companions to lie down immediately. At this time, standing in the brightly lit camp of thieves was equivalent to being a living target for the enemy!

Except for a few people who were stunned for a moment, the others almost lay on the ground in an instant. It was not because of their good tactical qualities, but because they heard gunshots for the first time in actual combat, and their legs were limp in fear. It was not that they wanted to lie down, but that they could not stand at all.……


The fire rang out again, and this time, the sound came too!

"Come again?"

Lin Quan just subconsciously swung his sword, almost instinctively chopped off the enemy's bullets. This result was somewhat beyond his expectations. He seemed to have not thought that the power of this Miao Dao was so great that it could even chop off bullets!

And his subconscious reaction could chop off bullets, which gave Lin Quan great confidence. He believed that he had this strength!

In an instant, Lin Quan closed his eyes, and the world around him seemed to be quiet all of a sudden. The whistling sound of the wind in his ears disappeared.

The speed of the whole world slowed down, and the strange blue electric light of the Miao Dao disappeared in the night. A special star among them.

In the air, a stream of heat rushed towards Lin Quan. Without even looking at it, Lin Quan knew what it was!

It must be a bullet shot by the other party!

After the gunpowder in the gun barrel exploded, the high temperature and high pressure generated was the greatest force that pushed the bullet out. The bullet would be heated in this process, so it has a very high temperature. People who were shot often have burns on their wounds, which were caused by the temperature of the bullet!

In this quiet world, Lin Quan seemed to"see" the bullet! _Please download the novel without underline.

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