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"Today, I called everyone here mainly because we encountered a very troublesome thing before!"

Reiner looked around vigilantly, and after finding that no one noticed him, he continued to speak.

"We don't have much time left. We have been trained together for more than ten years since 10 years ago. If what the people above say is right, then we don't have much time left!"

Reiner's words silenced the other two.

Intelligent Titans put a lot of pressure on the body. The life span of humans who inherit this power is only 13 years old. Moreover, Titans require a lot of physical strength from the user. It is difficult for people who are too old to inherit the power of Titans, because their bodies may not be able to bear the huge burden after becoming Titans!

According to previous research, the life span of Titans is only 13 years old!

Therefore, they must complete the task assigned to them by the people above before their lifespan runs out!

That is to take back the power of the Founding Titan and completely destroy the civilization of the Eldians within this wall!

Their original plan was to lurk here for a while, understand and find out the intelligence, and then implement their plan bit by bit based on the intelligence, but now, I'm afraid it's no longer possible!

The thieves caught them before. The incident gave the three of them a lot of psychological pressure. The other party was just a group of ordinary thieves, and they were easily captured!

And if the other party had killed them at the beginning, then not only would they not be able to complete their mission, they would not even be able to bring back the power of the giant they possessed and find new successors!

This is just like their previous companions. When they were heading to the world inside the wall, they were attacked by a giant, and their companions were eaten without any preparation!

This incident has always left a psychological shadow in their hearts!

And this time the thieves attacked them with mysterious weapons, making the shadow in their hearts even more serious!

It turned out that they were never safe, and they always had the possibility of being eliminated, but their mission did not allow them to fail. They must complete their tasks, even if it was not for themselves.……

"When we broke through the Maria wall three years ago, the humans in the world inside the wall didn't seem to make any moves, and the power of the Founding Titan wasn't activated. This is a very strange thing!"

Reiner's words caused everyone to think, and everyone became curious.

The lifespans of the seven intelligent Titans are different. The older they are, the shorter their lifespans are. Of course, the Marleyans would not tell them this when they were training them, otherwise their promise would become empty talk!

However, they did tell these people the fact that the lifespan of a Titan is only thirteen years at most, to facilitate their combat!

In fact, the lifespan of the Attack Titan is seven years, and the Armored Titan is not even thirteen years.

"Could it be that the power of the Founding Titan was not used because there was no suitable successor in the royal family?

In fact, the lifespan of each Titan is uncertain. The longest may be 13 years, but the others may not be that long. The Founding Titan is special. Its owner must be a person with the royal blood of the Eldians. Only such a person can activate the power of the coordinates. The power of the coordinates is for tens of thousands of Titans inside the three walls. As long as they are released, even the Marleyans will suffer a great loss and will suffer huge losses!

This is why they dare not fight head-on and must send a special team to seize the power of the Founding Titan!

Only the Eldians can become Titans, and the place where the Eldians are located is just an island, so just destroy it!

In that case, the Marleyans can go to fight the Desert Alliance Army in the south with confidence!

Those guys are obviously more difficult than those hiding on the island!

"Well, that's possible, otherwise after we destroyed the city wall, they should have killed the giants inside the city wall immediately!"

Bertolt still remembers the scene when he transformed into a Colossal Titan and destroyed the gate of Maria's city wall.

Those giants will not only attack ordinary humans, but also attack them, so after they completed the fatal blow to the city gate, they actually need to escape quickly like everyone else, otherwise they will be besieged by other giants! The influx of a large number of giants completely eliminated the protective function of the city wall, and the world inside the wall completely turned into a region, and Maria's city wall also fell!

In this process, the power of the Founding Titan was not used, and the power of the coordinates was not sensed at all. The royal government inside the wall seemed to watch its people being killed one by one without taking any measures!

This has confused them for several years. What happened? Why didn't the Founding Titan use his power?

"If that's the case, would the original Titan have already been there?"

Ani watched their discussion without saying a word, just listening quietly.

"Well, it's possible. After all, the Reis family hasn't shown up for a long time. I guess there's a problem within the royal family, which prevents them from using the coordinate power of the Founding Titan! In this case, it's good news for us!"

"That's right, although the role of these pure giants is not as good as our intelligent giants, their number is larger.

As long as the number is large, it will be very difficult to deal with them.

What's more, the royal family may not be able to use the power of coordinates.

I think we can experiment and further verify the situation of the ancestor giant.

If things are in line with our speculation, then our plan can be accelerated!

"The fact that they were almost killed by a group of bandits made the three of them feel scared.

It's better not to happen again in the future!

"Well, I agree, what do you think, Ani?"_Feilu reminds you: Three things to do when reading - collection

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