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"Listen, you scum, useless idiots, this training is conducted with the Garrison Corps! The seniors of the Garrison Corps are next to you. You must not miss this great opportunity. Open your eyes and watch carefully. This time we are going to conduct a city attack and defense drill! This drill is based on the tactics that the Garrison Corps envisioned for the city recapture operation after the walls of Maria were breached three years ago and the giants entered the city.……"

Instructor Keith still looked at the students as usual, yelling at them, not treating them as human beings at all.

However, this exercise was somewhat similar to an actual combat exercise, so the students looked very motivated.

The exercise was held in the Trost region, where the Assistant Corps had drawn a force of about 200 people to exercise with them.

The people in the training corps were divided into several squads, and they fought in squads. Each of them had its own garrison area, and after receiving the commander's order, they would be mobilized and transferred to support the vanguard squad in front and the garrison squad in the back, assist in garrisoning important places, or protect the residents in the city to retreat! After more than three years of continuous improvement and experimentation, this tactic is now relatively perfect!

Considering that most of the people in the training corps will join the garrison corps, General Pixis also attaches great importance to this group of recruits who may become his subordinates in the future, and personally came to supervise the battle. In fact, he came to focus on two people!

"Commander, that's Mikasa Ackerman!"

A soldier found Mikasa in the distance with a telescope and pointed out her location.

"Well, I saw that person called Lin Quan, find him for me too!"

Most of the members of the training corps are already in his pocket, but there is nothing to be happy about. The number of people in the garrison corps is not small. The 40,000-man army is more than ten times the total of the other two corps in the empire, so people are nothing to them. What Pixis really cares about is talent. To put it bluntly, he cares about Lin Quan!

Lin Quan is probably the soldier whose name he has heard the most in recent times. In the past, he always envied the Survey Corps for not only having a lot of outstanding soldiers, but also having a killer like Levi. Even without Levi, there are also powerful subordinates like Sanmao (Milk).

The size of their garrison corps is 40 of the Survey Corps. They can't find so many outstanding soldiers. His... The army just looks big, and there is nothing else outstanding about it!

This makes Commander Pixis very worried!

And now he has a great opportunity to find a super strong soldier, and that is Lin Quan!

Lin Quan is the soldier with the best qualifications, the strongest ability, and the most plastic appearance in the past ten years, and he has not graduated from the training corps yet, which means that he has not yet determined his final destination.

This is of course very good news for their garrison corps.

As long as they observe him and make sure that Lin Quan is really capable and meets the requirements of their garrison corps, then Commander Pixis will definitely try his best to bring him under his command!

Speaking of which, his age is already a bit old, and he will probably retire after fighting for a few more years. , and before retiring, it is very important to help the Corps find a suitable successor. The leaders of the other two major Corps, whether it is the Survey Corps or the Military Police Corps, are very young. The advantage of being young is that they can boldly formulate a series of reform measures to help the Corps improve its strength.

Tactics like the rotation training tactics and long-distance search formations implemented by Erwin after entering the Survey Corps have made considerable progress in talent training and reducing casualties in the Survey Corps. Their strength has begun to become stronger and stronger. Although there are only more than 1,000 people, they can have a lot of combat troops. Even the garrison Corps with 40,000 people cannot be compared with it!

Pixis, of course He also wanted to reform his garrison corps. Since the battle to break the city three years ago, the garrison corps has exposed too many problems. Because this corps is too large and has too many jurisdictions, it requires a lot of energy to manage. This is a big burden for him. If he were younger, he would definitely have the time and energy to make changes little by little.

But now he is already past his prime, and if he wants to make reforms, his physical energy can no longer keep up.

So he needs a young successor to take over. Looking at the entire garrison corps, there are too few qualified people like this. He simply hasn't found a suitable candidate, so he simply gave up looking from within and wanted to find someone who could take up the responsibility directly from the outside!

And it seems that Lin Quan is a very suitable candidate, very young, but very capable.

He wants to find a younger head of the regiment, so that he can bring fresh vitality, but a young head of the regiment will bring problems of insufficient qualifications and prestige, so he needs to have strong strength himself.

"Send them a signal, don't let them leave their own area. After the giant's target is found, they should cooperate with each other and don't rush to attack. This is just an exercise, but if it is a real battlefield, they will be courting death by doing so!"

Pixis's command team began to issue orders based on various situations on the field. Because it was the first time for the soldiers of the training corps to participate in joint training, it was normal for various problems to arise. This was expected a long time ago._Please download the novel without underline

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