
Isn't this inside the Rose Wall? Why are there giants?

In an instant, a huge question mark appeared in Lin Quan's mind!

He had no idea what was going on. Their training place was inside the wall, and as long as the wall was not destroyed, it was basically impossible for giants to appear here!

However, this was no longer a question of how the giant came from!

The first thing they had to consider was how to kill this giant!

"Ah! It's a giant, how could a giant be here!"

"We are done!"

"The giant is so can we possibly be his opponent!"

The people here are basically recruits. Many of them are seeing giants for the first time. Although they have learned about giants in books before, sitting in the classroom without any worries and learning about giants without any life-threatening situation is completely different from encountering giants in the wild!

In the textbooks, they only know some cold data. There are three-meter-level, four-meter-level, eight-meter-level, 12-meter-level, 15-meter-level, 50-meter-level... and so on. When they saw these data, they did not have an intuitive impression in their hearts. Even if they had an intuitive impression, it would not have caused much impact on them!

After seeing the giant in person, the impact was very shocking!

The height of this giant is about 12 meters, which is a relatively large giant!

Its appearance is very ugly, basically the same as the giant described in the book!

After he suddenly discovered a large group of people here, he instantly showed a happy expression, and grabbed several recruits who were unable to dodge or were already scared silly!


The giants' eating instinct made them immediately stuff the captured prey into their mouths!

"Ah, I don't want to die, save me!"

Those humans who were sent into the giant's mouth like wooden chickens, who felt severe pain because of the giant's chewing at this time, let out a series of shrill screams!

And the people who were already scared silly, seeing their companions being eaten by the other party like this, their faces turned pale in an instant. Some people who had just mustered up some courage and were ready to use the knowledge learned from textbooks to fight against the giants, the courage in their hearts disappeared without a trace at this time!

Many people were even so scared that their legs were weak, and they couldn't control the three-dimensional mobile device well, and fell from the air, and were seriously injured or even killed!

And more people reacted, panicked and shouted and began to run away!

They understood that they were not the opponent of this giant, and they didn't have the courage to rush up to fight. Even if they had such courage, they would only die in vain!

So, running away became their only choice!

In the final analysis, even the veterans of the garrison corps would feel scared and even want to run away when facing the giants, not to mention that they were a group of people who had not completed their training. The new recruits!

It's normal for them to want to escape!

Morale collapsed in an instant, and almost no one chose to rush towards the giant!

Even Allen, who had wanted to disperse the giants countless times in his dreams because of the scene of his mother being eaten by the giants, was stunned at this time.

The gap between reality and dreams was too big.

In front of the real giants, he found it difficult to even muster the courage to fight.

His hands and feet became weak involuntarily, and his whole body was even trembling because of fear, especially when he saw his companions being cruelly eaten by the giants, and the giants grabbed more companions who were struggling desperately in their hands, he didn't think about saving them, but wanted to escape!

Allen trembled slightly, trying hard to suppress the fear in his heart. He told himself over and over again in his heart!

These are the giants you want to disperse. You want to join the Survey Corps just to kill them, and now they appear in front of you. This is a great opportunity for you to kill them!

But he still couldn't muster up the courage to go up and fight the giants!

""Aren, it's dangerous here, let's go quickly, let the instructors deal with the Titans! Anyway, let's retreat to a safe place first!"

Mikasa was worried that Aren would go berserk at first, but she didn't expect Aren to hesitate when facing the Titan. But it's okay this way, at least Aren won't die!

""Christa, is your 3D maneuvering device still usable? It's not safe here, let's leave first!"

Lin Quan looked back at the giant. The giant had successfully captured several prey and was eating very attentively at this time, so they were not in great danger at this time. They just had to leave the giant's sight quickly!

""Well, I'm fine!"

Krista stood up with great effort, but her legs seemed to be injured, and she felt unstable when she exerted a little force!

""Let me get you out!"

Lin Quan took a look and felt a little worried. In the little angel's current condition, it would be terrible if she fell down while flying in the air!

So he picked up the little angel and took her away from here quickly!

The little angel blushed so much. Because they had to use the three-dimensional maneuvering device, Lin Quan held her with one hand. In this way, the two of them were very close to each other, so close that she could clearly feel each other's breathing and heartbeat!

She had never been so close to someone, especially a person of the opposite sex, so her heart was pounding like a deer!

""What's wrong? Are you okay?"

Lin Quan noticed her abnormality and asked with his head down!

"Ah,'s okay!"

The little angel didn't expect that Lin Quan noticed her embarrassment, so she became even more flustered, her face flushed, and she looked very embarrassed!

Lin Quan looked at her strangely, and then quickly took her to a safe place!

"Allen, Mikasa, Krista is injured. I'm going to hold the giant back, you help me take care of her!"

After seeing Mikasa and the others, Lin Quan immediately entrusted Krista to them, and turned back to the battlefield!

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