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"Is this a giant? Can we really defeat such an enemy?"

The soldiers in the team began to talk in low voices, their voices were suppressed so much, as if they had lost the courage to speak loudly, as if they were afraid that the giant would hear them and eat them!

How they wished that these were just dreams, these were just illusions, these were not real, then they would not have to face such a brutal and terrifying enemy!

However, such a thing has already happened, no matter how they think about it, they cannot change the fact!

And the only thing left is a life-and-death choice!

"Everyone, do you remember the purpose of joining the training corps? That's right, it is to drive out the giants, restore our land, and protect our people. Now, the giants are slaughtering the people of Trost District. Those are unarmed civilians. Do you hear their cries and shouts? They need our protection.���We will fulfill the oath we took when we joined the training corps and dedicate our hearts to expel the Titans. Everyone, please lend me a hand!"

Alan was actually a little afraid, but when he thought of the scene three years ago when his hometown was captured and his mother died tragically in front of him, he was very angry. He always remembered his ambition when he joined the training corps. He wanted to expel all the Titans, all of them without leaving a single one behind!

At this time, such an opportunity was in front of him, and Alan would never let it go!

"Armin, you will support me, right?"

Allen loudly encouraged everyone, wanting to awaken everyone's fighting spirit. Everyone felt very scared. Although the giants had not yet impacted their area, they were very scared when they saw the wanton killing and destruction of the giants in the distance.


Armin was also very scared at this time, but seeing Eren's firm eyes, he nodded.

Since Armin nodded, the others had to express their opinions at this time.

Thomas, Mina and others also successively expressed that they would support Eren. After all, they were now under the control of the garrison corps. The garrison corps' orders were to let them stick to their jurisdiction and be ready to fight at any time. If they retreated without orders, they would be subject to military law!

Therefore, it was no longer a question of whether they wanted to stay here or not, but that they had to stay here to fight the giants!

The appearance of the Colossal Titan attracted many pure giants.

At this time, after the Colossal Titan disappeared, the pure giants rushed into the breach area of the city gate.

The large cave provided them with a good passage, so groups of giants began to rush into the Trost District!

The number of residents in the Trost District was about , and at this time, the giants rushed into the city and quickly found many delicacies.

Those were the people who were affected by the stones that splashed down and smashed their houses when the city gate was kicked down before!

At this time, they were trapped by collapsed houses or rocks and had no way to escape. When facing the giants, they had no choice but to wait for death.

""Please, don't eat me, I don't want to die, I don't want to die!"

A man whose lower body was hit by a collapsed wall and who had lost his ability to move was picked up from the rubble by the giant and put directly into his mouth. He struggled and shouted desperately, trying to break free from the giant's hands, but all this was in vain. The giant's power was too great, and he had no way to escape from the giant's hands!


With a crisp sound, the giant bit his body to pieces, and the sounds of broken bones and crushed chest were heard from afar, and bright red blood splashed out. The same scene was also being played out on this side of the Trost district near the city gate!

"Damn it, there are more and more giants, the vanguard squad can't hold them back!"

Through the telescope, the soldiers standing on the city wall can clearly see what is happening below, but even if they see it, they can't do anything. No one can help those people, and they can't even save their own soldiers!

"Two 15-meter-level giants are approaching from the east, and three 12-meter-level giants are approaching from the west, and there are some strange species among them."Squad leader, we can't hold on any longer!"

The squad leader gritted his teeth. The number of soldiers under his command was getting smaller and smaller. At the beginning, there were not many giants pouring in, and there were a large number of wounded people on the streets for them to eat as food, which slowed down their speed, so the vanguard squad could still resist.

But as the number of giants entering the city increased, after they ate up the wounded, they began to move forward continuously, which made the vanguard squad face more and more pressure, and the giants they had to face were no longer just in front of them, but from all directions. As long as they found them, the giants would pounce on them from all directions, which made their casualties soar rapidly!

It was not just their squad that was in this situation. The situation of other squads in the entire vanguard squad's jurisdiction was exactly the same. Everyone had suffered more than half of their casualties. If they continued to resist, they would definitely be wiped out!

The squad leader no longer hesitated, gritted his teeth and said,"Retreat, send a green signal to notify the command squad, and take the wounded with you to retreat!"

After saying that, he grabbed a wounded man and began to retreat using the three-dimensional maneuvering device!

"Where are the soldiers from the training corps? Take them with you and retreat together!"

During the retreat, he finally remembered the group of new recruits who followed him. He hadn't noticed them for a long time and didn't know what their situation was now!

"Squad leader, they were destroyed by the giants long ago, and all the new recruits have suffered casualties!"

"Damn, these brainless giants, damn!"

The squad leader has seen the broken arms and limbs all over the ground. From the logo on their armbands, he can recognize that these people who were eaten are the new recruits of the training corps.

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