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"Is it that strange creature?"

Lin Quan and others almost witnessed the entire process of the explosion. The attacking titan drilled out of the strange creature's body and completely destroyed it!

"Yes, that one.……"

Armin was very shocked at this moment. Although he didn't know what was going on, a very ferocious-looking giant was actually born from the belly of the previous anomaly. Is this the principle of the birth of giants?

"Be careful, he's coming!"

Reiner and others also witnessed this process at this time. They were very shocked. They knew very well what such an explosion and transformation meant!

This is an intelligent giant!

However, among the nine intelligent giants, seven are on their side. The remaining two, except for the Attack Titan, are the Founding Titan!

This is obviously not the Founding Titan, so this should be the Attack Titan!

They actually found the Attack Titan here, which is really surprising. If they can't take the Founding Titan back, it might be a good idea to take this Attack Titan back. At least they won't blame them!

Reiner quickly exchanged glances with Bertolt. Obviously, both of them had such plans in mind!

"Why would he help us?"

Armin looked at this tall and powerful giant who was actually helping him deal with other giants and beating them up. He was happy and curious, and didn't understand what was going on.

"Who knows, maybe he saw that you look like a girl, fell in love with you, and didn't want you to die so easily!"

Lin Quan smiled and patted Armin on the shoulder and made a joke with him.

Before Lin Quan came, the atmosphere here was very tense. Everyone seemed to be waiting for the judgment of death, and they didn't know whether they could get out alive. But after Lin Quan came, the atmosphere here suddenly eased a lot. Everyone seemed to have found a backbone, and they felt hope in their hearts and were not so panicked.

Lin Quan himself may not know that his appearance brought great courage to everyone, allowing them to maintain their morale at this time. If he appeared a little later, when Armin, Mikasa and others were eaten, I'm afraid everyone here would go crazy!

"Are you kidding? I'm not a girl.……"

Armin blushed. The reason why the gangsters liked to bully him since he was a child was because he really looked like a girl!

This matter has always bothered him, but he just looks like this, and Armin can't do anything about it!

"Haha, it's just a joke, don't take it seriously!"

Lin Quan smiled and patted him on the shoulder.

"I'll go check on Mikasa. You guys get ready, we're going to the basement!"

Lin Quan didn't look worried at all. Allen was not an enemy. If there was an Attack Titan outside to help them share the pressure, they could just free up their hands to get rid of all the giants in the basement. In that way, everyone could replenish gas and use the three-dimensional mobile device to leave here! However

, Mikasa's situation made Lin Quan a little worried.

She looked seriously injured.

Later, someone would definitely take her away.

When using the three-dimensional mobile device, there was an extra person's weight on her body, which was very inconvenient.

It required extremely high requirements for the operator.

Lin Quan himself had no problem, but others would have some problems.

Once they were disturbed by the outside world, they might subconsciously drop the person they were holding, which would be a big problem!

Allen was eaten by the giant before because Armin didn't hold him tightly. Fortunately, it was Allen who fell down. It didn't matter if he was eaten, because he could transform anyway. If Mikasa fell down, it would be very bad. Mikasa didn't have Allen's ability, and she would be completely gone if she was eaten!

"Mikasa, how do you feel? Hey, wake up, I'm Lin Quan, I'm here to save you!"

Lin Quan hugged Mikasa's shoulders and shook her to wake her up.

"Lin, Allen, I didn't protect Allen.……"

When Mikasa saw Lin Quan, tears welled up in her eyes. She looked like a child who had been wronged outside. After seeing her parents, she couldn't stop feeling wronged.

"Well, I know everything. It's not your fault. Besides, Alan is not dead.……"

Lin Quan quickly tore off a long strip of cloth from his cloak and helped Mikasa fix her injured leg.

There were some bone fragments in the injured knee. If these things were not treated, they would cause secondary damage to the knee. Her entire meniscus was broken, and it would be a problem whether she could walk in the future. If it was not fixed at this time, a slight pull would cause severe pain. That kind of pain was not something you could just endure!

"Really? Is Eren not dead? Really?"

Mikasa got excited after hearing what Lin Quan said, and suddenly hugged Lin Quan, which made Lin Quan stunned and froze there, with his hands inappropriate anywhere! Everyone around looked at Lin Quan, and the expressions in their eyes became strange.

Lin Quan was embarrassed to explain, and quickly used his eyes to signal to everyone, trying to prove his innocence, but everyone seemed to have completely misunderstood what he wanted to express. Instead, they looked at him with an expression of"I understand", which made Lin Quan very embarrassed!

"Well, it's true. If we guessed wrong, the giant outside who is helping us fight other giants is Allen!"

Lin Quan quickly fixed Mikasa's injured leg. Although it doesn't look very good, it can at least hold on for a while._Feilu reminds you: Three things to do when reading - collection

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