He didn't expect that his delay in expressing his attitude was the most painful thing for Mikasa. It was a very uncomfortable feeling to like someone whose attitude towards you was unclear!

"Allen, don't you like Mikasa?"

Lin Quan was just joking with him, trying to bring him and Mikasa together. Anyone with a discerning eye could see the relationship between them, but Allen was slow to react, which was very unfair to Mikasa!


Lin Quan's question was too direct, so Allen had no idea how to answer.

Could he say he didn't like her? Of course not, he definitely had Mikasa in his heart, but he couldn't just say he liked Mikasa because they were still relatively young, and he had always had an obsession in his heart, he wanted to expel all the Titans, and before that he didn't want to talk about love affairs!

"Hesitation proves that you have this idea in your heart, otherwise with your personality you would reject it cleanly and neatly!"

Lin Quan smiled,���It would be too difficult to find flaws in Eren, so why not just focus on Mikasa!

"Mikasa, you regard Eren as a family member, right?"

Mikasa nodded. Ever since her parents were killed and Eren rescued her from the human traffickers, she has regarded Eren as her own relative or even the closest person!

Lin Quan saw Mikasa nodded, then continued to ask with a smile:"To be precise, you not only regard him as a relative, but also as the pillar of your life and as your lover, right?"

Mikasa was shocked and looked at Lin Quan in surprise. She was surprised by his statement!

""Krista, let's go to the other side to eat. Let's leave this space for the two of them to have some quiet time!"

Lin Quan smiled and helped Krista leave. Of course, he said those words on purpose. After he said those words, Lin Quan couldn't control what kind of reaction Mikasa and Eren would have!

The help that outsiders can provide is limited. Lin Quan has basically done the most. The next thing depends on them. If Eren doesn't dare to take that step, he can only wait quietly! The little angel's injury is not too serious. Under Lin Quan's careful care, her injury recovered in about a week!

This made Lin Quan very happy, but just after he took care of the little angel's injury, he found that he was suddenly out of touch with the training of other students in the next training!

It's not that he slowed down, but that his training progress was advanced!

"Instructor, why don't you let me train with other students?"

The training corps has almost assigned someone to conduct one-on-one training for Lin Quan, including fighting, field training, three-dimensional mobile training, and attack drills against giants, etc.!

After more than a month of training, Lin Quan feels that he has made great progress. His current strength is completely different from when he fought the giant before!

But in the past month, his time was fully arranged, and his schedule with other students was completely out of touch!

Except for seeing them when he returned to the dormitory to sleep every day, Lin Quan basically didn't see them for a whole month!

This can't go on!

Lin Quan was very worried. He finally caught up with the little angel. If he lost the little angel for this reason, it would be too unlucky!

And Lin Quan couldn't understand why these instructors took him out for special training alone?

Even if they took a fancy to him and thought he was a good seedling among this batch of students, there was no need to go through so much trouble!

"It's Lin Quan, sit down!"

Instructor Keith seemed to be reviewing the next stage of training plan. When he saw Lin Quan knocking on the door and coming in, he asked Lin Quan to sit down! It was completely different from the scene when Lin Quan first came to the training ground. Instructor Keith was very fierce at the time. He scolded the recruits as beasts and trash. He wanted to hit the self-esteem of every recruit before he would give up!

But at this time, Instructor Keith was not fierce at all. His attitude towards Lin Quan was very peaceful, even a little polite!

This made Lin Quan a little strange. No matter how outstanding he was, he was just a recruit in the training corps. As an instructor, the other party was much higher than him in status. Why was he so polite to him?

"Instructor, I want to go back to our training team!"

Although he didn't know why, Lin Quan didn't want to wait any longer at this time. He didn't beat around the bush with Instructor Keith and directly explained his purpose!

Instructor Keith seemed to have noticed Lin Quan's intention a long time ago. He stopped writing and looked at him after hearing what he said.

After looking at him for a while, he asked,"Lin, are you willing to go to the front line to kill the enemy and make contributions to mankind, or are you willing to go behind the Sina Wall to protect a more important person and make greater contributions to mankind?""

Ah? What the hell? Go to the Sina Wall?

Protect people? Who to protect?

Lin Quan didn't expect the other party to say such a thing at all, and was stunned for a moment!

Instructor Keith smiled and said,"Although there is a shortage of soldiers on the front line, especially after the counterattack against the giants begins, more soldiers will inevitably be needed to arrive at the front line, and our training corps has been doing such things, but although there is a gap in such soldiers, they are not as scarce as on another front. Do you understand?"

Instructor Keith did not explain what the other front referred to, but because the enemy was a giant, they did not need to conduct infiltration and sabotage, and there were no spies. Therefore, Lin Quan understood that the other front was probably to protect a high-level leader!

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