The system's words made Lin Quan overjoyed! Why didn't you say it earlier!

Wouldn't there be less trouble if you said it earlier?

Lin Quan hurried into the system store and took a look. Sure enough, there were clothes!

These clothes looked quite rich. There were not only ordinary clothes, but also clothes from the three major corps, including the Survey Corps, the Garrison Corps, and the Military Police Corps!

Lin Quan looked at the price. The price was really not cheap. One piece of clothing required five days of supply to buy!

If it were normal, he would definitely disdain it and would definitely not spend money to buy it. Whoever bought it would be an idiot!

But at this time, Lin Quan had no choice. If he had no clothes, he would be trapped inside!

So, he gritted his teeth and bought a set of clothes. After changing into clothes, Lin Quan felt much better! He quietly walked along the lake and took a look. He found that the group of girls were still guarding the bonfire!

He stuck out his tongue. These guys must be very angry. Next time he saw them, he must take a detour!

So he quietly took a detour away from the lake and returned to the dormitory!

"Ah, Lin, are you okay? We were all so worried!"

Armin and Eren were both very nervous, especially Eren. After he came back, Armin told him about the mistake he had made before. He knew that he had done something wrong. At this time, he felt very guilty and wanted to apologize to Lin Quan!

""Forget it, it's not a big deal, I forgive you!"

This guy's attitude of apology was quite sincere. In addition, other people in the dormitory didn't know about this matter at this time, so in order to make things bigger and smaller, he didn't get angry, but he looked at Armin deeply. Allen apologized so actively and apologized on this occasion. It must be Armin who taught him!

He knew that if he apologized to Lin Quan on this occasion, Lin Quan would most likely forgive him!

This time, the matter passed just like that, but Lin Quan's image with the girls was not very good. Although they didn't make it public after they went back that day, it was not something to be proud of after all. It was very embarrassing to tell it out, so they all chose to conceal the matter, but they would glare at him when they saw Lin Quan. Obviously, it was not so easy for them to forgive Lin Quan in their hearts!

Lin Quan could only shrug helplessly, but it didn't matter. He had the little angel anyway, and the little angel would forgive him!

"Brother Lin Quan, are you okay?"

The next morning, after guarding the lakeside all night, the little angel with dark circles under her eyes came to the boys' dormitory worriedly. When she saw Lin Quan appear in front of her intact, she finally put her heart at ease!

"I'm fine, I'm fine, but what's wrong with you? Why do you feel like you haven't slept all night?"

Lin Quan touched the little angel's face with some heartache. What is this guy doing? Why is he staying up late?

"It's okay, Brother Lin Quan, I'm glad you're okay!"

The little angel felt very happy and tired, but smiled happily.

"Are you really okay? Why don't you go back and rest? Today is a rest day, so you don't have to come out for training!"

I had originally planned to take this opportunity to take the little angel into the city for a stroll, but now it seems that we can't go into the city. She looks extremely sleep deprived and has dark circles under her eyes. She looks really pitiful. It would be better to send her back to rest!

"Okay, I know!"

The little angel smiled slightly, a sunny smile blooming on her face.

Lin Quan was stunned for a moment, the little angel is getting more and more beautiful!

""Um, Brother Lin Quan, don't do this again in the future, or they will be angry!"

The little angel said hesitantly,"If you want to see Krista's body, just tell her.……"

At the end of this sentence, her face was so red that her voice gradually became unclear!

But Lin Quan completely understood what she meant. He was very shocked. What did the little angel say?

Did she mean to say...

After saying this, the little angel handed a pile of washed clothes to Lin Quan:"Brother Lin Quan, these are your clothes. You must keep them well. If you lose them again, it won't be so easy to find them back!" After that, he ran away with a red face!

Lin Quan was stunned holding the bag of clothes she handed over, and suddenly he came back to his mind!

The reason why this girl didn't sleep all night was that she was worried that she would soak in the lake all night, so she stayed by the lake all night?

It is very likely that this is the case! This guy is really too stupid!

Lin Quan shook his head, feeling warm and distressed in his heart. Krista was really silly and cute, but such a little fool was so attentive to him, which made him very moved!

Lin Quan secretly vowed to take good care of the little angel and never let her suffer any grievances!

After putting the clothes sent by the little angel into the dormitory, Lin Quan walked towards the training ground!

Although today is a holiday, he has nowhere to go without the little angel to accompany him, and training can gain training experience, which can help him upgrade earlier!

This is still very good.

Lin Quan basically insists on training for about ten hours every day.

Even when others are resting, he is sweating on the training ground.

Although as a traverser, Lin Quan’s own advantages are obvious, that is, he knows more than others, and he has a system that others don’t have, which makes Lin Quan more advantageous than others, but Lin Quan did not slack off because of this!

It’s good to have conditions and advantages that others don’t have, but if your attitude is not correct and you always think about getting something for nothing, it won’t work!

If you want to make yourself stronger, you must have a strong heart!

In this world, strength is too important for a person!

But as soon as he arrived at the training ground, he found that something was wrong. Why do these guys seem to be guarding him?

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