With only Mikasa, Lin Quan would be much more relaxed!

He scanned the battlefield. Apart from himself and Mikasa, only Ymir could still stand at this time!

And the others had basically fallen down and couldn't get up at this time!

Lin Quan's attack was very swift and fierce, and he knocked everyone down almost in a flash!

This speed even exceeded their reaction speed. Many people didn't even react at all, and they were knocked to the ground by Lin Quan!

Fortunately, Lin Quan was more careful about the degree of his attack, and only made them lose their combat effectiveness in a short time, and did not let them suffer serious injuries! Lin Quan looked at Ymir who was still standing on the field, smiled at her, and the next second he almost instantly moved to Ymir's side and knocked her unconscious with a punch!

The force of this punch was a little heavy. I don't know if this guy will be concussed, but it shouldn't matter. She is a giant anyway, even if she chops her hands and stomps her feet, she shouldn't have much of a problem!

After solving Ymir, only Mikasa was left!

Mikasa hadn't recovered from the fight just now. Lin Quan's attack just now made her feel very daunted!

That unprecedented attack speed, that huge pressure, these were all feelings that Mikasa had never experienced before!

She knew Lin Quan's strength, but until this time when she fought with Lin Quan in person, Mikasa realized that she had always underestimated Lin Quan. Lin Quan was more difficult to deal with than she imagined!

"Mikasa, your strengths are power and speed. I plan to use what you are good at to defeat you!"

In fact, it might be more appropriate to use Ani's skills to deal with Mikasa. After all, Mikasa almost fell into Ani's hands because of this, which proves that Mikasa is still very susceptible to this!

But Lin Quan did not choose to do so!


Mikasa slightly bent her knees and prepared herself in advance, so that if Lin Quan launched a surprise attack like he did just now, she would have more time to escape from Lin Quan's attack range and resolve the passive situation!

"Because you have reached a bottleneck now, haven't you?"

Lin Quan smiled and said to Mikasa.

Mikasa was slightly shocked and looked at him with an unbelievable expression.

She couldn't believe it in her heart. How did Lin Quan know that she was facing a bottleneck now?

"Speed and strength are very important factors in combat, so there is nothing wrong with relying on these abilities! As the saying goes, strength can defeat skill, and this makes sense! But your strength is now stuck in a bottleneck, and you can't break through it in a short period of time. This bottleneck will mess up your mentality and make it impossible for you to concentrate on training and improve your strength. Am I right, Mikasa?"

Some people say that it takes three Mikasa to be as good as one Corporal. This kind of comparison that has not been officially recognized is not very meaningful, but there is one thing that everyone admits, that is, Corporal is stronger than Mikasa!

This strength is reflected in Corporal's experience, Corporal's skills, Corporal's mind, and so on!

However, everyone may have overlooked an important fact. Although these things are also very important, they are difficult to play a role if they are not supported by actual strength!

In terms of brains, Corporal is definitely not as good as Captain Erwin. In terms of technology, the powerful player Sanmao's technology is not bad, but why didn't they achieve the same high achievements and honors as Corporal?

Because their combat effectiveness is not as good as Corporal, and this combat effectiveness refers to strength!

Mikasa's strength is very strong, much stronger than ordinary people, but this is not the best state. Her strength still has room for improvement, at least it can be improved to the level of Corporal!

And the key lies in her training methods and mentality!

"I'm going to show you how terrifying real power is!"

After Lin Quan said that, his figure disappeared from the spot, leaving behind a fleeting shadow!

Mikasa's heart trembled, is it coming again? This move!

She heard a slight sound of wind in the air, and quickly punched the empty space on the left!

With a bang, the fist that came out of the void collided with her arm!

The opponent's attack was blocked by her!

"Well, that's right. Using the sound of the wind to determine the enemy's position is a very good experience. However, sometimes the sound of the wind cannot match the speed of a person!"

Lin Quan's voice came from the air, but Mikasa couldn't see him clearly at all!

Lin Quan's speed was so fast that Mikasa couldn't see where he was at all at this time. She could only see a lot of afterimages!

No, the sound of the wind was too close. She had completely lost the ability to distinguish the enemy's position from the sound of the wind in the air!

"Sometimes, sensing the breath of the enemy, locking them, you will have a new understanding of your enemy!"

Lin Quan punched again, this time although Mikasa also reacted, her reaction was a beat slower!

Lin Quan hit her, but Lin Quan hardly used any strength in this punch!

He didn't want to defeat Mikasa, but wanted to teach Mikasa a lesson, and by the way, to restore some favorability in Mikasa's heart. Originally, Mikasa's favorability towards him was not bad, at least 70 points, but because of what happened yesterday, Mikasa's favorability towards him has dropped a lot, which is a big problem!

So Lin Quan needs to save his favorability in Mikasa's heart!


Mikasa finally spoke, even though her expression was still as cold as ice and she didn't look good to Lin Quan, but she was finally interested in what Lin Quan said and couldn't help but spoke!

"Everyone exudes a unique aura, and as long as you sense the aura of this person and remember it, you will be able to easily know what the other person is going to do in the future, and you can easily resolve the attack the moment the other person launches an attack!"

The concept of aura appeared in Dragon Ball, and this thing is not illusory, but really exists. Lin Quan has now mastered part of it, so he dares to say it out!

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