"Listen carefully, you bunch of giants' bait, useless gluttons, you have been in the training corps for more than a year!

Even if you are a pig, you should have mastered certain combat skills by now, so we are now going to conduct the next assessment on you, which is the assessment of willpower.

Everyone must pass this snow mountain, and only those who successfully cross the snow mountain and arrive at the camp on the opposite side of the snow mountain can prove that you are people with strong willpower.

In that case, even if you are sent to the battlefield in the future, you will not really be just bait without any effect when facing giants!


Unlike before, this time Instructor Keith started to belittle them crazily again!

Hearing Instructor Keith's hoarse admonition, Lin Quan couldn't help but think of the feeling when he first came to the camp!

In the blink of an eye, more than a year has passed. This year has passed really quickly, but they have also experienced a lot of things, made a lot of friends, and successfully passed the most difficult first year for recruits. The next time may pass even faster!

However, at this time, if they can't overcome the snow mountain in front of them, then they can't be considered successful, and they can't even be considered to stay. If they can't cross it, they may be eliminated! No one wants to be eliminated, so almost everyone is ready at this time!

After Instructor Keith scolded them loudly, the starting gun sounded, and the soldiers began to march forward in neat steps!

"Humph, you guys can only show off some fancy stuff! Do you think there is enough space on this snowy mountain for you to put on such a useless display?"

Instructor Keith snorted coldly, disdaining the soldiers' display, but there was one more thing he didn't say, which was that this display was equally useless when facing a ferocious giant!

A team of more than 200 people quickly passed in front of him, but he didn't see the person he had been paying attention to!

"This kid, is he running so fast? Why didn't I see him?"

The person that Instructor Keith was looking for was obviously Lin Quan. Lin Quan was the most outstanding, most potential, and strongest student in this class, no doubt about it!

And because of Lin Quan's outstanding performance, the officers of the gendarmerie who were responsible for the training corps at this time noticed him. Before, the people above wanted to take Lin Quan away and take him to the gendarmerie, but Lin Quan rejected the other party's proposal, which made them a little disappointed, but they still did not give up and chose to continue observing Lin Quan. The work of observation was handed over to Instructor Keith!

Instructor Keith was very interested in Lin Quan. He almost saw Lin Quan's step-by-step growth. Every day he could see this guy practicing on the training ground. When others had finished practicing, he was still there. When others didn't come, , he is also here!

Lin Quan’s attitude towards hard training made him very happy. If every soldier had the same awareness as Lin Quan, then they humans would really have hope!

And they would not have never defeated a giant, not even once, in the history of more than 100 years!

How hard is Lin Quan’s training?

The rate of destruction of his three-dimensional mobile device is the highest among all the students. So far, five devices have been broken, and there are already five boxes of blades cut by him. There are at least dozens of blades in a box, which means that Lin Quan breaks a knife every three days on average!

This is not a trick he deliberately did to destroy, but the normal consumption during his training. There are more than 30 giant training models that have been chopped and written off by him, because the number of scrapped ones is too large. , the speed even exceeded the speed of new additions, so the training corps had to stop him and stop him from using these things!

Otherwise, all these training equipment would be consumed because of him, leaving other trainees with nothing to use!

Okay! Although the instructors asked for this, Lin Quan didn’t need it if he didn’t want to. It didn’t matter, he had other goals! If you can’t do chopping training, then step up the training of the three-dimensional mobile device. If there is no target, then chop down the trees in the jungle!

As a result, the consumption of Lin Quan’s three-dimensional mobile device increased greatly, and the consumption of gas was astonishingly high. A large can of gas would be consumed in the morning, which was equivalent to the consumption of ten soldiers in half a day!

His consumption was probably only... Only those from the Survey Corps can compare with him in combat!

Therefore, Instructor Keith was actually looking forward to seeing how Lin Quan would perform on the battlefield!

Everyone said that Levi from the Survey Corps was the strongest soldier of mankind so far!

Instructor Keith was once convinced of this, and he also thought so, but at this time, Instructor Keith no longer thought so in his heart. He felt that the strength of the soldier under his command was no worse than Levi, and in a sense, his soldier was even more powerful, because he was still very young, only fourteen years old this year. If he was given time to grow up, it would definitely be possible for him to surpass Levi!

So, at this time, he felt a little regretful for not discovering Lin Quan's whereabouts!

However, just when he was about to retract his gaze and return to his office, he saw Lin Quan!

"What is this?"

Instructor Keith felt very strange. In his sight, two guys in strange clothes were following the team slowly and leisurely. They looked very leisurely and not in a hurry at all!

If they were ordinary people, he would just take a second look and ignore them. After all, they were ordinary students and it was not worth his time and energy to care about them!

But what made Instructor Keith feel very strange was that these two people were none other than Lin Quan, whom he was looking for, and the person next to Lin Quan must be Krista!

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