I thought these things were unpalatable, so the little angel wouldn't insist too much, and after trying them, she would eat her beef jerky obediently!

But Lin Quan still underestimated the little angel's determination and will!

She would still do her best to do and complete the things she decided to do!

Although the taste of this thing is really bad, in the eyes of the little angel, Lin Quan can insist on eating this kind of thing in order to eat delicious beef jerky, so what can't she insist on?

Maybe she is really not as good as Lin Quan in other aspects, but in terms of enduring hardships, she can definitely persist!

So, in Lin Quan's exclamation, the little angel ate the half-portion of compressed biscuits abruptly! Then, at Lin Quan's request, she reluctantly shared the half bag of beef jerky with Lin Quan, and she insisted on eating as much as Lin Quan ate, and she refused to take advantage at all!

This silly girl's persistence is really helpless. It's all prepared for you, but in the end you don't want it anymore.���But it's really a headache!

After eating and drinking, the two of them rested enough, and the temperature of their bodies dropped a little. At this time, they didn't feel too hot, just in time to hit the road!

The two continued to move forward, and they finally saw people along the way!

And when they saw people at this time, it meant that they were not far away from the main force!

These people were the ones hanging at the end, and most of the eliminated people might be from among them.

But Lin Quan couldn't do anything about it. They could help one or two of them, but they couldn't help so many people!

But the little angel obviously didn't think so!

"Everybody follow closely, don't fall behind, we can definitely get out of here!"

The little angel didn't want to give up on anyone, she began to gather these people together!

Lin Quan frowned, but he was actually prepared for such a thing!

The little angel had originally saved someone during this snow mountain training. The person at that time was unconscious. If it weren't for her help, that person would have basically been frozen to death!

"Here, eat something. It will be better if you replenish your energy!"

The little angel took out the food and water that Lin Quan had prepared for her and distributed them to the students, so that they would have the energy to keep up with them after eating.

In fact, their speed was not fast, so it was very easy for these people to keep up with them!

"No, thank you Krista, we have food on us!"

Everyone declined her kindness. After all, they had just set out not long ago, and most of them had food on them. It was impossible to finish it in such a short time!

So everyone didn't want her food!

"In short, everyone must try their best to keep up, and never fall behind. The instructors are right behind you. If you fall behind, you will be judged as a failure! In that case, you will be kicked out of the training corps!"

The little angel kept cheering everyone up, and Lin Quan led everyone in front and moved forward steadily along the roads that had been opened up by the people in front!

The morale of their team began to gradually recover. After seeing Lin Quan, everyone felt confident. Usually they trusted and admired Lin Quan very much. At this time, seeing that it was Lin Quan who was leading them, they had a kind of confidence in their hearts, a trust in Lin Quan!

And because of the encouragement of the little angel on the side, everyone's morale recovered faster. Although their speed was not fast, everyone was very determined in their hearts and believed that they would definitely reach the finish line!

In this way, Lin Quan and the little angel gathered more and more along the way. From the beginning, there were only a dozen people following him, and now there are more than a hundred people following him. At first, they were just hanging at the end of the team, but now they have become the leaders of half of the people!

Lin Quan led everyone over mountains and ridges. After walking for five hours, it was completely dark.

"Okay, this is the resting point ahead, let's go and rest! If you have rested well, we will continue on our journey tomorrow, and we should be there by tomorrow afternoon!"

After Lin Quan announced this to everyone, he disbanded the team.

"Brother Lin Quan, why can we get there tomorrow? Didn't the instructors say that it would take at least two or three days this time?"

Although it's only 11 kilometers, it's very difficult to walk along the way because we are marching on the snowy mountains, the roads are very rugged, and the environment is very bad, so it takes a lot of time. The time standard given by the instructors is based on the historical data of previous years.

""Haha, because we walk slowly!"

Lin Quan said with a smile. If it were just him and the little angel, then they would travel along the way like a tour, and it might take two or three days. But when they brought so many people, the speed naturally could not be maintained so slowly, and the speed must be accelerated! However, their speed would not be too fast, just a little faster than the original plan. Compared with the normal speed, it can only be regarded as slower!

That's why Lin Quan said that they walked slowly!

But this explanation made the little angel feel very puzzled!

"How can we arrive early even if we walk slowly?"

Lin Quan had expected the little angel to ask this question, because normal people would have such doubts, and it was not surprising at all.

"This section of the journey was not very far to begin with.

The reason why they needed two to three days was mainly because the team was very long along the way and they could not help each other.

Therefore, many people fell behind, and their presence lowered the overall performance.

Those who arrived in front could arrive in a day and a half.

We are now more concentrated, and because of you, they are all very united.

In this way, although our speed will not be very fast, the speed can be maintained, and no one will fall behind, so the performance is naturally better than the average!


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