After hearing Lin Quan's arrangement, the man immediately went down to assign people to deal with the matter.

A black bear weighs more than 800 kilograms, which is very surprising to Lin Quan!

He knew that black bears were very strong, but he didn't expect that black bears were so strong. This is probably because they have the habit of storing a lot of fat before wintering!

Animals like black bears usually hibernate in winter and stay in their caves for a long time without going out!

During this period of time, although they have reduced their energy consumption due to hibernation, it does not mean that they will not consume energy!

A lot of energy is still needed to maintain normal metabolic needs, and this energy is provided by the fat stored before the winter solstice.

So the black bears at this time have not entered the cave yet, but they are fat and strong, with a lot of fat, plus they are huge in size, so it is not surprising that they have such a weight.

After a group of people skinned and fleshed the black bear, removed the internal organs and bones, there was still a weight of nearly 400 kilograms. This���If divided, each soldier can get at least two kilograms of meat, and the bear bones can be used to cook bone soup. If you add a little meat and seasoning, it tastes very good, and it can also warm everyone's stomach.

Soon, the pot in front of the camp was set up.

This group of people is really talented. In a team of more than 100 people, more than a dozen people brought pots with them. They are simply scapegoats!

However, these pots came in handy at this time. If there were not so many pots, they would not be able to eat this meal of bear meat!

"Lord Lin Quan, this is the meat you requested. We will also bring you the bone soup later!"

This team was originally led by Lin Quan. In addition, he just killed this very ferocious black bear easily, so his prestige has risen to a very high level at this time. The people in the team have reached the peak of their respect for him, so they are very respectful to Lin Quan, and each of them has the awareness of being a subordinate.

This feels very good. After all, he has done so much for them, and it is normal to accept some preferential treatment.

"Well, OK, you've worked hard, go and do your own thing!"

Lin Quan patted the other person on the shoulder to show encouragement!

It was just a casual gesture, but he didn't expect the other person to be so moved! He immediately stood up straight and saluted, which was a very standard military salute of giving one's heart!

"Yes, Lord Lin Quan!"

The soldier looked particularly excited. It seemed that in his opinion, there was nothing more pleasing than being affirmed by Lin Quan!

Lin Quan touched his head. He really didn't expect such a thing! He actually had such a fanatical fan.

""Let's not eat dry food tonight, let's eat something fresh!"

Lin Quan said to the little angel with a smile, and then quickly sharpened a few sticks with his knife, and then began to string the meat together next to the fire and grill it.

The skill of grilling is absolutely an indispensable skill for foodies!

With this skill, you can get richer and more delicious food in the wild!

""Yeah, okay!"

The little angel didn't like to eat dry food anymore, especially the marching biscuits that she insisted on sharing with Lin Quan. After trying the taste of that thing once, she didn't want to try it a second time!

Having barbecue at this time is definitely a better treatment than in the training camp. At least in the camp, they rarely have the opportunity to eat meat!

Lin Quan saw the little angel's expectant expression and smiled slightly.

At this time, the entire camp was basically distributed with meat. For everyone, this was really a big event that was no different from the Chinese New Year!

Even if it was the New Year, they might not be able to eat such fresh and large amounts of meat!

Everyone was allocated two and a half kilograms of bear meat, good meat without any bones. Such treatment is not available every day.

At this time, the water in more than a dozen pots had boiled. After the bones were put in, the fragrant smell began to spread!

Everyone's appetite was also aroused, and many People started drooling!

Lin Quanzhun laid out a lot of seasonings, such as cumin, pepper and other things, and built a fire with stones underneath, so that the fire can be controlled to avoid burning the food.

He didn't have an iron grill, so he could only erect support pillars on both sides and put a wooden grill on it. In this way, the grilling time would be a little longer, but there are also some advantages over a longer time. For example, under such a not-so-big fire, the taste of the meat will be more tender, and it will not be roasted by a big fire all at once, which would make the taste much worse!

The bear meat is indeed very plump and has a lot of fat on it. During the grilling process, the fat kept dripping from it and dripping into the middle of the fire, making a constant puffing sound. Opposite the jumping flames, the little angel sat with his knees hugged, watching this scene with anticipation and curiosity.

"Is it fragrant?"

Lin Quan skillfully sprinkled cumin and pepper evenly on a skewer of meat that was almost done roasting. The fragrant smell instantly filled his nose, stronger than before.


The little angel nodded seriously. Although she usually had a lot of good food because of Lin Quan's supply, she rarely encountered such delicious food. In addition, this time she was in the wilderness, so this thing seemed even more precious.

"Hehe, it will be ready in a moment!"

After Lin Quan coated the barbecue with cumin and pepper, he did not give it to the little angel immediately.

Of course, he did not eat it himself.

Instead, he continued to roast it on the fire.

In this way, the fire raised the temperature of the barbecue again.

The oil in the tender barbecue began to overflow, and then after being fully mixed with the cumin and pepper coated on the outside, the flavor of the spices began to invade the barbecue, and the rich fragrance was all absorbed by the barbecue.

"Okay, here, you can eat it now!"

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