""Armin, give me your hand, we'll pull you up!"

Eren lay on the edge of the cliff, stretched out his hand, cheered for Armin who was stuck on the side, and wanted to pull him up!

However, the slope was still very difficult for them to move, and the wind was strong at the mouth of the ridge, so the three of them failed several times!

"It's no use, don't worry about me, just go ahead!"

Armin tried again, but he still couldn't reach that position, he was about to give up!

"No, I will never abandon my companions again!"

Thinking of the time when the giant attacked and he failed to rescue his mother, which led to his mother being eaten by the giant, Allen felt very regretful in his heart. At this time, no matter how difficult it is, he will not give up Armin!

In fact, Allen's obsession with his companions did kill him!

In the first combat operation of the 104th Training Corps, he was eaten by the giant in order to save Armin from the giant's mouth.

Of course, Allen did not die. He had the power of the Attack Titan, so he came back to life.

However, from a very early time, the idea of not giving up on his companions and insisting on fighting at all costs has been firmly established in Allen's heart.

"Allen, we can't stay here for long. There's going to be an avalanche. It's dangerous to stay here any longer!"

Mikasa saw something was wrong with the snow mountain on their side. Snow balls kept falling from the mountain, and it looked like an avalanche was about to happen.

"No, we can't abandon Armin!"

Allen was still very persistent!

Armin was moving forward with them just now, but he didn't pay attention to the road under his feet, and then he stepped on empty air and fell under the cliff. Fortunately, there was a protrusion below, so Armin didn't fall directly, but landed on this protrusion!

However, there was a considerable distance between him and Allen and the others. Allen and the others wanted to help Armin but they had no way to reach him!

At this time, they tried many times, but it didn't work. If what Mikasa said was true, then if there was an avalanche later, if Armin hadn't been rescued, he would definitely be drowned to death!

""Eren, take off your belt, let's try again!"

Seeing that Eren was unwilling to leave, Armin thought of a way. If this method still didn't work, he would jump off the cliff directly and would not give Eren and the others hope anymore. Since they couldn't save themselves, Eren and the others would probably give up and leave!

So, this was his last chance for Eren, and also his last chance for himself!

"Okay, I understand!"

Allen immediately understood what Armin meant. The reason why they couldn't reach each other was because the distance was a little different. If he used the length of the belt to let Armin grab the belt and then pull him up, this might be a feasible solution!

Allen quickly took off his belt, wrapped the other end around his arm, and then pulled Mikasa's arm, trying to lean his body down as much as possible, so that the distance could be shortened even more!

But in this way, almost all the burden would be concentrated on Mikasa. If Allen successfully reached Armin, Mikasa would need to pull them both up!

This is not an easy task!

"Almost there, just a little more!"

Dense beads of sweat appeared on Allen's head, and he carefully leaned down. Armin below also tried hard to find a protrusion on the rock wall, and leaned up a distance. Finally, he reached the belt that Allen had sent down!

"Mikasa, please!"

Alan was delighted and immediately sent a signal to Mikasa!


Mikasa shouted loudly, using all her strength to pull them all up in one go!

When Eren saw Armin coming up, he cried with joy and hugged him!

At this moment, there were bursts of shattering sounds coming from above his head!

"Oh no, it's an avalanche, we have to leave here!"

Mikasa's face changed, and she immediately pulled the two of them forward quickly, wanting to take them away from the ridge before the avalanche fell.

The three of them ran as fast as they could, and finally got away from here before the avalanche came. After escaping death, the three of them lay exhausted on the snow. Allen looked back with some fear. The road they had passed before was now completely blocked, and the people behind didn't know how to get through here!

"Let's go, we'll reach the campsite after we get down the mountain!"

Mikasa looked back. Because she was at a relatively high position, she could see a large team of people at the bottom of the snowy mountain ridge. However, the avalanche had blocked the entire road, so they were afraid it would be difficult to pass.


""Master Lin Quan, there is no road ahead, what should we do?"

The team stopped in front. Lin Quan had just heard the loud noise coming from the front. He had basically guessed what was going on. It was not surprising to hear the report at this time.

But this thing came at a really bad time. Just when they arrived here, an avalanche occurred, blocking their way. How were these two hundred people supposed to get through?

"Let's go, I'll take a look!"

Lin Quan frowned slightly. The avalanche covered the previous road, and this place was a ridge. There was a snow mountain on the left and a deep abyss on the right. Many of the areas covered by the avalanche were hollow. If you go the wrong way, you may fall into the abyss easily, which is fatal!

So if you want the large army to pass through here smoothly, you must send a team of volunteers to explore the way, and these volunteers need to risk their lives to explore the road bit by bit!

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