After the bridge was built, the rest of the work became much easier. There wasn’t much snow ahead, and the five people completed the road signs smoothly!

"Okay, everyone can come over, but come one by one. Everyone must pay attention to the road signs on the ground carefully. Don't go outside the road signs to avoid danger!"

The avalanche in this place has delayed them for more than two hours. Lin Quan's previously scheduled time will probably be postponed for more than two hours!

But it doesn't matter. According to his plan, they can still reach the camp before dark!

Everyone began to cross the bridge carefully, and Lin Quan returned to the little angel.

""Well, I didn't lie to you, didn't I? I came back safely, didn't I?"

Lin Quan said to her with a smile, but the tears on the little angel's face kept falling.

Lin Quan hugged her with some heartache, gently stroked her beautiful back, and comforted her:"Little fool, I'm fine, why are you still crying, stop crying quickly, if you cry again, it will become���No one wants a yellow-faced woman anymore!"

"Humph, you are the one who has become a yellow-faced woman, no one wants you! You are so quick to dislike others, are you interested in Sasha?"

The little angel pushed him away angrily, put her hands on her hips, and stared at him with her big watery eyes.

"Haha, you are such a joker. I can’t afford to support Sasha. I’m afraid she will eat me into poverty. Our little angel is better. She’s like a little pig and very easy to raise. Of course I like our little angel!"

"You are the pig!"

The little angel raised his fist as if to hit him, but seeing that his body was covered with leaves and snow when he was building the bridge and paving the road, he felt sorry for him and finally stopped his fist.


"These guys actually built a bridge here. Now, maybe we don’t need to use the 3D maneuvering device to get across!"

Instructor Keith put away the binoculars in his hand and said to the people around him. They saw Lin Quan building the bridge from a distance, so many people were still shocked at this time! The scene of

Lin Quan lifting a tree trunk with one hand just now surprised them a lot. This guy's strength is really scary!

"He is smart, courageous, has excellent leadership, excellent teamwork ability, strong sense of responsibility, and outstanding personal strength. I am afraid that such a guy has never appeared in the history of the entire training corps!"Instructor

Keith took out his little notebook again and added such a sentence in Lin Quan's record column!

He didn't notice that Lin Quan's record column was already so densely written that he could hardly write any more, and there were almost no words behind the notes column of other academies. Except for a few key objects that he paid attention to, the notes of ordinary students were basically blank! It was getting dark, and Reiner, Mikasa, Eren and others who had arrived at the camp first sat together, discussing other people's affairs.

"So, they probably won't be able to get through today. If there is no road, I don't know if they will take a detour!"

When Reiner and his team passed through the Cliff Ridge before, the road was not easy to walk on, and when Eren and his team passed by, an avalanche occurred directly, and Armin almost fell down before, which shows that this road is indeed very difficult to walk on.

However, their luck is still good.

At least when they passed by, the road was not damaged.

The group of people behind them did not have such good luck, because after Eren and his team passed by, the road was completely covered by the avalanche!

In this case, it is basically impossible for others to pass through here. The road covered by the avalanche requires great effort to explore the way. This requires great courage and great risks. Moreover, one person cannot do it. Everyone must work together to do this, and in this case, a strong leader is needed!

He doesn't think that anyone behind him will have the courage to stand up and do this!

"It's too late to take a detour now, right? The distance is too far!"

Allen said worriedly. If we take a detour from somewhere else, the distance will be greatly increased, and the time consumed will also increase exponentially!

"Well, even if someone comes, they will probably have to wait until tomorrow!"

Several people drank hot water and chatted while having their own plans.

However, at this moment, there was a neat sound of footsteps outside.

Everyone came out in surprise, only to find that the people behind them who they were discussing not coming today had all arrived at this time!

"Master Lin Quan, thank you so much for your leadership. Without your leadership, we would definitely not be able to overcome this difficulty this time!"

The captains in the team were very grateful to Lin Quan at this time. In fact, not only they were grateful to Lin Quan. If it weren't for Lin Quan, they might not know where to struggle at this time!

"Haha, it's okay. We have been walking for a day and we are all tired. Let's rest early!"

Lin Quan smiled and dismissed everyone.

He walked into the camp with the little angel.

"Lin, did you bring those people here?"

Allen and others who witnessed the whole incident showed an expression of disbelief on their faces!

Lin Quan smiled and said,"In fact, they followed me on their own. I just brought them out by the way. It can't be all attributed to us!"

After that, he took the little angel to sit next to the fire, took off his wet boots, and put them aside to roast.

"Krista, your scarf seems to be wet too. Take it down and dry it. You will need to wear it tomorrow!"


The little angel took off his towel happily.

When the others saw this scene, they complained in their hearts. This guy started to abuse the dog again!

However, they were even more shocked by Lin Quan's understated description just now!

This guy was really calm!

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